Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:11 PM

Chapter 793: 793

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Seeing Ye Chen's car, there was a dead silence in the lively live broadcast room just now.

Hearing Ye Chen's voice, Liu Tian opened the door and saw the girl in a cartoon uniform next to Ye Chen, her eyes were full of hostility.

"Oh, it's not bad to send a courier to get a beautiful woman." Liu Tian said jealously.

The girl stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

"Get in the car, what are you doing here, I still have a courier to deliver, we will go to dinner after delivery." Ye Chen said with a smile, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere.

The girl nodded obediently, opened the door and sat in the back seat obediently.

Liu Tian kept pouting, feeling a little uncomfortable. She could see that the girl was much younger than her, thinking that Ye Chen was eating tender grass in the old cow.

The live broadcast continues.

The live broadcast room was silent for a moment, and it became lively again.

"Damn, this little brother is so proud that he drove Cullinan to deliver express."

"That's tens of millions of cars, no wonder the little brother just spoke so confidently."

"I just saw a beautiful woman in the car. It's so happy to have a beautiful woman in the delivery."

"I want to live this life too."

"Yueyue quickly take down this little brother, so you won't have to worry about money in the future."

The girl felt that pretty face had a hot feeling, and she lowered her head shyly.

Ye Chen is indeed very handsome, and all women will be attracted to him.

After delivering the next express delivery, Ye Chen drove the car into a villa area, and the live broadcast continued.

Someone in the live broadcast room had recognized that this was the Washington Villa area, and the phone instantly swiped the screen.

"Isn't this the legendary rich area?"

"It's not just the rich, it's the residence of the bigwigs from all sides."

"I remember that Papa Ma lives in Washington No. 2, and I heard that the one who lives in No. 1 is a super boss."

When the girl saw the villa area with different architectural styles before her, her eyes were straightened in surprise.

Liu Tian, ​​who was sitting in the co-pilot, was even more astonished. Her mouth opened wide and she could even put an egg into it.

The car passed Washington 2nd, drove another distance, and stopped in front of a building that looked like a palace.

When I saw the four characters "Washington No. 1", the fans in the live broadcast room and the two beauties in the car became a little unstable.

Everything in front of me can only be seen in a dream.

"Brother Courier turned out to be the owner of Villa One in Washington?"

"It turns out that the little brother we've been spraying just now is the legendary super boss."

"Is the boss still missing the pendant?"

"Do you make money by delivering express delivery? The boss will take me. I also want to live in a beautiful mansion with a beautiful car."

The impact of what happened today on Liu Tian was too strong. The director of Marriott Group and the owner of Villa One in Washington, she was even overwhelmed by the reaction.

The girl did not expect that a courier brother would be so rich, which is unscientific.

Seeing the two beauties, big and small, still sitting in the car, Ye Chen said with a smile: "If you can't get off, I can go."

Speaking, Ye Chen got out of the car and walked towards the door.

Liu Tian and the girl recovered from their shock just now.

The two hurriedly got out of the car and followed Ye Chen.

Entering the villa, the interior decoration style is unique, luxurious but not vulgar. The classics reveal publicity, elegant but noble, and its magnificence is indescribable in words.

Lin Wanrou had already waited there. She hadn't seen Ye Chen for so many days, and she missed it very much.

Ye Chen just stepped into the door, before he came to change his slippers, he was held in her arms by Lin Wanrou and said softly: "My son, I miss you so much."

Seeing the scene in front of me, the girl was still young after all and had never experienced such a thing. Qiao blushed like a ripe apple. She hurriedly covered her face with her hands shyly.

Liu Tian saw Lin Wanrou dressed in an ancient fashion, her face turned a little ugly, her angry pink fist clenched tightly.

Just now because of her excitement, Lin Wanrou patronized the two girls who came in after she didn't see Ye Chen.

Only then did she discover that there was a very beautiful girl who was waiting for her with bright and clear eyes fiercely.

Although she didn't know who this person was, she quickly let go of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was immersed in Lin Wanrou's tender embrace for a while, and actually forgot to introduce the girls who came with him.

"My son, who are these two?" Lin Wanrou asked cautiously.

Although Lin Wanrou is Ye Chen's woman, she also knows that she has a low status and is not qualified to control whether there are other women around Ye Chen.

And she also knew that the more capable a man, the more women around her, as long as Ye Chen could come back to see her occasionally, she would be content.

Ye Chen smiled and pointed to Liu Tian and said, "Wanrou, let me introduce you to Liu Tian, ​​Miss Liu."

"Hello, Miss Liu." Lin Wanrou greeted politely.

Liu Tian did not speak, but just nodded, looking very unfriendly.

Before Ye Chen's introduction, the girl smiled and said, "Sister Wanrou, you can call me Yueyue."

Ye Chen was just thinking about how to introduce the girl in front of him, so I can't call her Shui Bingyue, it feels weird.

"Hello, Yueyue." Lin Wanrou said with a smile.

"Don't stand here, go in and sit down." Ye Chen said while looking at the three women standing at the door.

Lin Wanrou said like her master: "Miss Liu, Yueyue, please go to the living room and sit down. I'll give you tea."

Under the leadership of Ye Chen, Liu Tian and Yueyue came to the living room sofa and sat down.

After a while, Lin Wanrou came out carrying the tea and poured it on Ye Chen, Liu Tian and Yueyue respectively, and then she stood aside.

"Wan Rou, sit down too." Ye Chen said.

"No, son, let's talk and I'll get some desserts." Lin Wanrou walked into the kitchen again and was busy.

She remembered that she was a servant from beginning to end, although Ye Chen treated him sincerely, but she had always kept her duty.

If it were Ye Chen and her, Lin Wanrou would relax.

But now there are two guests at home, Lin Wanrou reminds herself all the time.

Lin Wanrou walked out with a plate of exquisite refreshments in her hand and came to the three of them and said, "My son, Miss Liu and Yueyue, I made this by myself. You can taste it quickly."

Liu Tian and Yueyue took a piece and put it in their mouths to savor. They have to say that the taste of this tea is really delicious.

Ye Chen took a piece and stood up and fed it to Lin Wanrou's mouth, and said, "Wanrou, you also have a taste."

"My son, don't be like this. There are still guests at home. It would be a bad idea for the guests to see." Lin Wanrou refused to retreat.

"Wanrou, you are my woman, not my servant." The expression on Ye Chen's face was a bit ugly, obviously unhappy.

Lin Wanrou didn't expect Ye Chen to say such things in front of other women.

At this moment, she felt a warm current in her heart, and tears flowed down her eyes.

However, Liu Tian's face turned ugly to the extreme.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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