Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:10 PM

Chapter 794: 794

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Ye Chen didn't pay attention to Liu Tian's feelings. First, he felt that if he wanted to be his woman, he had to be broad-minded; second, there were enough women around him.

Since Liu Tian saw Ye Chen the first time she vowed to take him down, and knowing that this man is so capable, she would never let go.

"Sister Wanrou, this tea is simply delicious." Yueyue praised.

Lin Wanrou smiled and said, "Yueyue, if you like you, eat more."

"Miss Liu, eat more too." Lin Wanrou said.

Liu Tian just gave a faint "um".

I have to admit that Lin Wanrou's craftsmanship is really great, and Liu Tian can't help but feel a little envious and jealous.

They all say that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach.

Liu Tian didn't know how to cook at all, and she felt that she had lost because of this.

Looking at the time it was already 6 o'clock in the evening, Lin Wanrou smiled and said, "My son, Ms. Liu, and Yueyue, I'm going to cook for you. You talk first.

Lin Wanrou was stopped by Ye Chen just as she was about to get up. He looked at the girl and said, "Yueyue, you go do it, just look at your cooking skills."

"My son, this is not so good, how can I let the guests cook." Lin Wanrou said hurriedly.

"Wanrou, I forgot to tell you. Yueyue was the one who called me to help you cook." Ye Chen looked at Lin Wanrou with a distressed look and said, "You have to help me take care of the company, and you have to do it again. Housework, etc., it's really hard work."

I have to say that Ye Chen is a man who loves women very much.

Lin Wanrou was also moved in her heart, "My son, as long as I can be by your side, Wanrou doesn't feel hard to do anything."

Yueyue was moved while looking at her, and even her nose was a little sour.

Liu Tian had always imagined that if she became Ye Chen's woman, she would be very happy.

"Sister Wanrou, listen to what Ye Chen said, let Yueyue do it, and everyone will try my craftsmanship later." Yueyue said with a smile.

Yueyue followed Lin Wanrou to the kitchen. After listening to the introduction of how to use the kitchen utensils, she became busy.

Lin Wanrou laid hands on Yueyue on the sidelines.

Ye Chen and Liu Tian were the only ones left in the living room, and they were very quiet without talking.

"Ye Chen, there must be a bar in your house." Liu Tian said suddenly.

"Well, you can go to the wine cellar and pick whatever you want." Ye Chen said lightly.

Liu Tian saw the man in front of him sitting still, thinking that this is your home and not mine. How do I know where the wine cellar is?

"As the host, shouldn't you show me a tour?" Liu Tian said with a smile.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Just look at this spot."

What he didn't care about Liu Tian was to let her know the consequences of the woman who provoke him.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry I was wrong. I shouldn't be so hostile to Wanrou, but I have a reason." Liu Tian put down his face and said.

"What's your reason?" Ye Chen knew the consultant.

Liu Tian's pretty face suddenly became hot, and said shyly: "I like you, and I don't want to share you with other women, I just want you to belong to me."

"Miss Liu, I think you made a mistake, I don't feel that way with you, and I want to tell you that there is more than Wanrou beside me." Ye Chen smiled and said:

Liu Tian didn't speak any more, her face became very ugly.

Ye Chen also felt that what he said just now hurts her self-esteem a little. After all, a girl who shows love to others will definitely be hit hard by being refused.

"Aren't you going to drink? I'll take you to the wine cellar." Ye Chen changed the subject.

Liu Tian sullenly, followed Ye Chen to the wine cellar.

Seeing the various precious wines inside, she seemed to forget the conversation between the two just now, and her mood became more relaxed.

"Ye Chen, you are so amazing, there are so many world-famous wines." Liu Tian looked at the dazzling array of wines in front of her with her eyes glowing.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It seems that you also know wine?"

"I know it's wine, but I haven't tasted it." A touch of regret appeared on Liu Tian's face.

Suddenly she saw a bottle of red wine she had been thinking about for a long time, and she held it in her hand and loved it.

"If you like it, let's drink this bottle later." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen also felt that what he said just now was a bit too much, after all, Liu Tian is a woman who should save her some face.

"Really? Are you sure?" Liu Tian said excitedly.

"Of course."

Liu Tian walked up to Ye Chen with an excited expression, and was about to kiss Ye Chen on tiptoe.

"It's a bit boring here, let me show you the villa." Ye Chen stepped back when he saw it.

Ye Chen's words eased Liu Tian's embarrassment.

The two walked out of the wine cellar with red wine. Originally, Ye Chen wanted to take Liu Tian for a stroll in the garden, but asked about the food.

Today, both of them didn't eat much. After smelling the fragrance of vegetables, their stomachs groaned.

When I came to the restaurant, I saw the table full of exquisite dishes, and my saliva would flow out.

"Yueyue, you did all this?" Ye Chen asked with a look of disbelief.

A proud expression appeared on Yueyue's face, "Of course, Sister Wanrou can testify for me, how can you be surprised?"

I have to say that the dishes made by Yueyue are really delicious, and the presentation is also very beautiful.

"Don't stand anymore, try my craft as soon as possible." Yueyue said with a smile.

After a few people were seated, Yueyue opened the live broadcast.

"Yueyue, what are you doing? Do you want to broadcast the meal?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled look.

"Brother Ye Chen, Yueyue is happy to meet so many friends today. In this city, Yueyue has no friends at all." Yueyue said tears as she said.

Ye Chen also felt that it was really difficult for a girl to wander alone in a foreign land. He patted her on the shoulder and comforted him: "Yueyue, now you are not alone, you still have our brothers and sisters."

Yueyue wiped her tears and said: "Yueyue is happy today. I am able to meet my brothers and sisters. I want to share this happiness with my fans. For a long time, no one cares about Yueyue’s feelings. Every day, Yueyue can’t make money. I don’t eat the things that make my stomach hurt, but there is no way. Although I don’t like it, I can only do it according to the requirements of the rich, because the money comes faster. Until today I met Ye Chen, and I knew that there was someone. Will really care about me."

The comments in the live broadcast room are all words of blessing.

"Distressed Yueyue, we will always support you."

"Yueyue I wish you happiness forever."

"Little brother, you must treat Yueyue well and give her happiness."

Ye Chen looked at the comment area, and the corners of his mouth twitched, wondering where this is all about.

Liu Tian took out the wine and said, "Yueyue, today we are destined, we will not be drunk or go home."

Seeing the bottle of wine in Liu Tian's hand, the comment area boiled again.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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