Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:06 PM

Chapter 797: 797

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After Yueyue finished saying this, she was about to walk outside the door in anger.

Ye Chen grabbed her and said, "Yueyue, uncles and aunts are still lying here, you can't go."

"Brother Ye Chen, you also heard what my mother said. She is so selfish. Regardless of whether my future life will be happy or not, let me marry someone I don't like." Yueyue cried.

Yueyue knew that her mother loves money, but she didn't expect to ruin her happiness for money.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Zhou Xia smiled and said, "Sister Song Jun, the most important thing now is that your illness will heal soon, and the marriage of the two children is not in a hurry."

Liu Wei also echoed: "Auntie, you can't be angry right now, it's not good for your condition."

Then he looked at Yueyue and said: "Yueyue, auntie is in this situation, you are too naive, and you make her angry."

"You are not as good as Liu Wei as a daughter." Song Jun said dissatisfied.

Yueyue did not speak, and Liu Wei continued: "Auntie, I have already contacted you Ren'ai Hospital, the most famous hospital in the city, where the best treatment for your disease is."

Hearing the name Ren'ai Hospital, Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly, and it seemed that the good show was just behind.

"Ah, I've heard there. The beds in that place are very tight, and rich people can go there." Song Jun sighed and said, "Liu Wei, you also know the situation of our family, in order to treat my illness. They are all sold."

In fact, Song Jun said this deliberately. Of course she knew that Liu Wei wanted to marry Yueyue, so she definitely couldn't let her pay.

Sure enough, Liu Wei hurriedly said, "Auntie, depending on what you said, we are all a family. I must pay for your medical treatment."

"Xiaowei, how am I embarrassed?" Song Jun said falsely.

"Sister Song Jun, if you were so polite with me, I should be angry." Liu Wei's mother Zhou Xia said.

Ye Chen looked at Yueyue with an ugly face and said, "Yueyue, I'll go out and make a call."

"Well, Ye Chen, you go." Yueyue said.

Everyone in the ward heard what Ye Chen said just now.

Looking at Ye Chen's clothes, he was a delivery courier. He went out to call and was nothing more than delivering a courier.

"Hey, I just stick to Yueyue without looking at my identity." After seeing Ye Chen leave, Song Jun said with a mocking expression.

"Auntie, I think this kid is a toad who wants to eat swan meat." Liu Wei said with a smile.

Later, he looked at Yueyue with a look of concern and said: "Yueyue, where did this kid come from, you just call him brother so affectionately."

After Yueyue came in, Liu Wei saw that the girl she liked was so enthusiastic about a delivery courier, but she ignored him. This inevitably made Liu Wei angry.

"It's up to you. At the very least, people treat me well. There is nothing to do, unlike some people who have a purpose." Yueyue said in a cold voice.

But Liu Wei who was choking on this sentence also spoke for a long time.

Yueyue is right. Liu Wei's family is willing to help transfer to the hospital to pay for medical expenses is conditional, that is, Yueyue must marry Liu Wei.

"Silly girl, you are so naive, do you think that kid has nothing to do with you?" Song Jun retorted.

While talking, Ye Chen walked in from outside.

"It's really hard to get rid of." Song Jun said unceremoniously.

Of course Ye Chen heard what Song Jun meant. She looked down on herself from the beginning, but Ye Chen didn't care at all, after all, he wanted to help Yueyue.

Yueyue just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ye Chen.

At this time, the two doctors walked into the ward, looked at Song Jun and said, "I heard that your old couple are going to be transferred to the hospital. When will you tell us, I will prepare the car."

Since the old couple was hospitalized and seeing their clothes, doctors and nurses have ignored them, but today they have such a good attitude.

Song Jun knew that this must be Liu Wei's credit, and couldn't help but like this future son-in-law even more.

Liu Wei also froze for a moment. He hadn't notified the General Hospital of the transfer, but the two doctors had taken the initiative to find it.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face either.

"Okay, we will notify you in advance." Song Jun said while looking at the two doctors.

After the doctor left, Song Jun said with a smile: "Xiaowei, you are so amazing. I'm not afraid that you will make a joke since I was admitted to the hospital with her father. The doctors and nurses here never gave us a good face. Now you come to them. All of his attitudes have changed. It's great to have money."

Liu Wei pretended to be angry and said, "Auntie, there is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Song Jun smiled and said: "It's okay, it's all over, it's all over, no one will dare to bully our old couple in the future with you."

Now Song Jun looks at Liu Wei, but the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she likes it.

"That's for sure, I will depend on my uncles and aunts in the future." Liu Wei said as he looked at Yueyue triumphantly.

Song Jun is so satisfied with him, and Yueyue is his woman sooner or later, and Liu Wei feels happy when he thinks of this.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly, and this time he did not go out to answer the phone.

After Ye Chen answered the phone, he asked, "Can I go now?"

"Okay, thank you." After speaking, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

At this time, the two doctors and a few nurses just walked in.

Seeing so many medical staff coming, Song Jun asked blankly: "What are you doing here?"

"Ms. Song, Ren'ai Hospital just called us and we can transfer now." A doctor with glasses said with a smile.

Afterwards, he looked envious and said, "Do you know that when my mother was sick, as a doctor, I couldn't get my mother to be hospitalized in Ren'ai Hospital for treatment. You are so capable."

"That is, my family Xiaowei is not only rich but also capable, nothing he can't handle." Song Jun said proudly.

The doctor's words made Liu Wei more puzzled. It was obvious that the friend he entrusted to him didn't call him, how could he be transferred now.

Maybe that friend is busy, and there is a possibility that the hospital who directly informs him if he doesn't have time to call.

Liu Wei felt relieved when he thought of this.

He glanced at Ye Chen, who was wearing express clothing beside him, and Ye Chen was expressionless at the moment.

Liu Wei couldn't help shook his head, thinking that it must have nothing to do with this person.

Seeing the medical staff busy in the ward, Liu Wei still had such a trace of doubt in his heart, he stood there blankly.

"Xiaowei, what are you doing here, let's drive together and go to Ren'ai Hospital to make arrangements for your future parents-in-law." Zhou Xia was proud to see her son so capable.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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