Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:03 PM

Chapter 800: 800

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Liu Wei saw a man in a white coat beckoning to him at the entrance of the hospital.

A closer look at this person is the Director Zhou Ming he was looking for before, and Liu Wei walked towards him with a smile.

Zhou Ming looked at Liu Wei and smiled: "Xiao Wei, people come and go here, let's find a quiet place to talk."

Liu Wei did not care about Zhou Ming's proposal.

Liu Wei followed Zhou Ming to a relatively secluded place in the hospital. He became more panicked as he walked.

But because he was a friend, Liu Wei didn't think too much.

Seeing that there was no one around, Liu Wei was about to speak, but the surrounding area changed the normal and punched Liu Wei in the eyes, making Liu Wei a blue eye.

With a sudden punch, Liu Wei was a little confused.

He didn't know why Zhou Ming wanted to hit him. Just as he was about to ask, he kicked him again.

Of course Liu Wei couldn't just let Zhou Ming fight like this. He didn't react just now. Now that he reacted, he also counterattacked.

The two people fought like this and rolled around on the ground. Fortunately, there was no one around.

If this were seen by others, it would be really embarrassing.

After beating for a while, neither of them had the strength, and lay on the ground panting.

Liu Wei asked angrily: "Zhou Ming, your kid is crazy, why are you hitting me?"

"It's light for me to hit you, I can't wait to kill you now." Zhou Ming said angrily.

Hearing Zhou Ming's words, it seemed that there was a lot of hatred between the two, but Liu Wei thought about it carefully, and it didn't seem that Zhou Ming had been offended.

"Zhou Ming, there is no hatred between us, why do you say that." Liu Wei has been scorned by Zhou Ming, and he doesn't even know the cause of the matter.

"You are so embarrassed to ask me, right? I want to ask you. I am kind to help you but avenge your revenge." Zhou Ming's expression became even more ugly.

Liu Wei was getting more and more confused by what Zhou Ming said. He wondered what exactly this guy was talking about, how could he not understand at all.

I saw that Liu Wei didn't speak, thinking that he was a guilty conscience, and said with a joking expression: "You have pitted me, you won't get any benefits, right."

"What is it that I pitted you? Tell me clearly, don't play dumb riddles with me here." Liu Wei also got angry for a while.

Zhou Ming said in a cold voice: "Okay, I'll tell you, it's because of you and I were expelled from the hospital."

When the voice fell, Liu Wei's eyes widened in surprise and his mouth opened wide.

He didn't know why Zhou Ming was fired, and he just heard Zhou Ming say it was because of him.

"Why is it because of me?" Liu Wei continued to ask.

"You still pretend to be stupid here, right." Zhou Ming looked at Liu Wei with an innocent look in front of him in disgust.

What Zhou Ming is thinking now is that he really regrets agreeing to help Liu Wei.

If he knew that Liu Wei was a person who would avenge his grievances, he would not care about the face and affection to help this guy.

Originally, Zhou Ming was very promising for this promotion, but he was not promoted by Liu Wei, but was expelled instead.

Liu Wei walked up to Zhou Ming and said, "Brother, I'm really sad to hear that you were fired, but I didn't do anything to harm you."

Seeing the sad expression on Liu Wei's face, Zhou Ming felt that this was not like it was from a performance, but was very real.

But think about it carefully, if it wasn't for Liu Wei's secret, then how could President Chen know that he used his power to transfer patients from the General Hospital to Ren'ai Hospital.

Except for him and Liu Wei who knew about this, there was no third person.

Zhou Ming looked at Liu Wei with a puzzled look, and asked, "It's not your secret."

"Information? What kind of information?" Liu Wei looked at Zhou Ming with the same puzzle.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhou Ming said to himself.

Liu Wei suddenly seemed to think of something, patted his head and said: "I know, I just recognized Dean Chen as you at the hospital door, but Dean Chen didn't say anything, just nodded."

"It turns out that this is the case, then it's a match." The anger on Zhou Ming's face dissipated a lot.

Liu Wei looked at Zhou Ming with guilt.


After Liu Wei's family left, Song Jun also changed his attitude towards Ye Chen.

"Xiaochen, the aunt’s attitude towards you was really bad just now. Please forgive me. The main reason is that I’m afraid that Yueyuexiao was deceived. You said that I’m just this daughter. If she is unhappy, I will never be happy. Can't be stable." Song Jun said with a worried expression on his face.

I just saw Song Jun's face, so Ye Chen didn't believe a word of Song Jun's words, but because of Yueyue's face, he didn't reveal it.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, Song Jun continued: "Now that Auntie knows that you are sincere to Yueyue, I can rest assured that Yueyue will be handed over to you."

"Auntie, I think you think too much. Yueyue and I only met in a peaceful water. I thought she was very pitiful, so I helped her. I didn't have any other ideas." Ye Chen said what he was thinking.

After Yueyue heard it, her pretty face turned a little red. She did have feelings for Ye Chen, but now others have said it very clearly.

Song Jun still wanted to say something, but Ye Chen smiled and said, "Auntie, take a good rest. I will let Dean Chen make arrangements at the hospital, so I will leave first."

Ye Chen's attitude was already very clear. Originally Song Jun still thought that Ye Chen, the golden turtle son-in-law, would enable her to live a rich life, but now her dream has awakened.

And Song Jun also regretted chasing Liu Wei away, but now he hasn't got a rich son-in-law.

Song Jun couldn't blame anyone for this matter, mainly because she was too powerful, and she wanted to let her daughter marry a rich man, fulfilling her dream of living a rich life.

After Ye Chen left, Yueyue's face became very ugly: "Mom, what did you say just now? What do you mean by handing me over to Ye Chen?"

"Ye Chen is so rich, and you like him, isn't it good for you two to be together?" Song Jun said self-righteously.

"Let you be disappointed, Brother Ye Chen rejected you." Yueyue said with a sneer.

"How did you kid talk to your mother, I think for your lifelong happiness." Song Jun said against his will.

Yueyue retorted unceremoniously: "You never thought about me from beginning to end. All you want in your heart is money."

In fact, Yueyue is not unfilial, mainly because Song Jun's performance really disappointed her and also very sad.

There is no mother in the world who does not want her children to be happy, but she has a mother who only has money in her eyes, whether she lives or not.

"You boy, I think you want to **** me off, I tell you if you don't take Ye Chen down, you don't come back." Song Jun put down his harsh words.

Yueyue was really disappointed with her mother this time. Ye Chen had already said very well just now, but her mother let her be with Ye Chen.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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