Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:00 PM

Chapter 801: 801

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Yueyue ignored her mother, but left the ward angrily. She really didn't want to talk to her mother anymore.

After Ye Chen left the hospital, he drove Cullinan to the courier station. He was so busy these days that he almost delayed the delivery of the courier.

You need to know that you can get rewards if you send the courier according to the system.

When he arrived at the express delivery point, Ye Chen changed to an electric tricycle and put the express package on it.

Ye Chen is going to deliver express delivery to a high-end residential complex called Wanda Mansion. Ye Chen drove a luxury car there before. This residential complex has a very large area, and there is a large garden in the middle of the complex, which is very beautiful.

Ye Chen came to the gate of the community and dialed the phone number on the express: "Ms. Chen Qingqing? Here is one of your express."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go down and look for it."

Ye Chen: "..."

The girl speaks a little cute, and her voice is very pleasant, like a lark singing.

He was very curious about what kind of girl this would be, Ye Chen stood by and waited patiently.

After Chen Qingqing answered the phone, she hurriedly got dressed. She walked out of the room and let out a breath of courage.

If someone sees Chen Qingqing's appearance, they know that they are going to get the courier, but if they don't know, they think it's a difficult task to do.

Chen Qingqing got on the elevator and came upstairs. As soon as she got out of the door, she was a little worried.

Looking to the left and then to the right, she didn't know where to go.

"You can't stand still, forget it, just choose one side."

Chen Qingqing thought in her heart, walking in the right direction she thought, but after walking for a long time, she found that she did not see the gate of the community.

She suddenly remembered one thing more serious than not finding the gate of the community, and that was that she had forgotten the route home.

Chen Qingqing has the attributes of road obsessed since she was a child, and she can even walk in the building when she goes to work.

Fortunately, in my own community, I lost myself.

"Where am I? How am I going to go home?" Chen Qingqing said to herself.

At this time, she saw a woman walking towards her, and she looked older than her.

As if seeing hope, Chen Qingqing smiled and said, "Hello sister, I want to ask you where is my home? Can you tell me?"

But as soon as the words were spoken, Chen Qingqing felt that something was wrong. The woman who was stopped by her looked at her with that strange look, as if she was looking at a fool.

Seeing the woman's expression, Chen Qingqing hurriedly closed her mouth, knowing that if she asks like this, others will treat her as a neurotic.

Even a normal person in the world would not ask others where his home is?

If it were her, it would have been this expression.

Chen Qingqing was already beautiful, and she drew countless eyes when she wandered around the community.

She wanted to find someone to ask again, but when she thought of the way the woman looked at her just now, she immediately dispelled the idea.

Ye Chen had been waiting outside for twenty minutes, but still no figure was seen.

He called Chen Qingqing again: "Miss Chen, are you out?"

"I came out long ago." Chen Qingqing said embarrassedly.

Originally, Ye Chen thought that the girl didn't go downstairs and stayed at home, but when the girl said this, he was a little confused.

Before Ye Chen could speak again, Chen Qingqing whispered: "I'm really sorry, I did come out a long time ago, but I got lost."

Ye Chen: "..."

During the delivery of express delivery, Ye Chen met all kinds of people, but it was the first time he saw someone lost in his own community like Chen Qingqing.

Although he had never seen this girl, Ye Chen didn't doubt what the girl said.

"Miss Chen, couriers are not allowed to enter the community, so please check the number of the building next to you, and then I will tell you how to go." Ye Chen didn't feel angry, but said with a smile.

Chen Qingqing is aware that many high-end communities are not allowed to enter the courier brothers, and are afraid that something will happen easily.

"I see that the building number next to me is 15." Chen Qingqing said hurriedly.

"You go forward three buildings, turn right again, and then turn left when you see the entrance, you can see the gate of the community." Ye Chen said.

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "Okay, you can wait for me for a while."

When she first heard what Ye Chen said, she felt a little confused. Chen Qingqing did not distinguish between southeast, northwest and left and right since she was a child, so of course she didn't know how to follow the route that Ye Chen said.

However, Chen Qingqing was not embarrassed and dialed back again.

After all, people have been waiting for so long, and the courier is not angry but has a good attitude.

Chen Qingqing went around in the community again. When a little girl in the garden saw it, she asked her mother next to her: "What is that sister doing? Is she playing hide and seek?"

The woman smiled and said, "It should be."

She also saw Chen Qingqing coming around from here, she must have been unable to find the way, but she did not tell her daughter the truth.

Because nowadays children are always asking questions, and they have to figure out what they don't understand. Children are a very tiring thing at first, and women really don't want to spend any more effort to answer questions for their daughters.

After another fifteen minutes, Ye Chen still didn't see the girl.

As soon as he was about to take out his cell phone to make a call, he saw the girl's phone call: "Brother Express, I didn't find it when I walked as you said, and I feel that I am going farther and farther."

Chen Qingqing's pretty face turned blushing and said that her idiotic nature is really embarrassing.

Of course Ye Chen heard what she meant, and then repeated: "I want to go in too, but the security guards wouldn't let me in, so I could only wait outside."

"You call the security guard and I will tell him." Chen Qingqing said.

According to Chen Qingqing, Ye Chen handed the phone to the security guard.

"Okay, okay Miss Chen, I will let the courier brother enter." The security guard said respectfully.

After all, the residents who live here are not ordinary people. How can he be offended by a security guard?

The security let him go, and Ye Chen rode an electric tricycle into the community.

He dialed Chen Qingqing's phone and said, "Miss Chen, you tell me where you are now, such as any landmark buildings or building numbers."

Chen Qingqing said, "I'm near the small garden. There is a slide in it."

"Okay, Miss Chen, just stay where you are, and I will find you." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He didn't dare to let Chen Qingqing look for him again. If he continued to look for him like this, maybe the two of them might not be able to see each other tomorrow.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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