Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:59 PM

Chapter 802: 802

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Ye Chen had been to this community before in a luxury car.

Men are born to recognize the way better than women, and within three minutes Ye Chen came to the place Chen Qingqing said.

Chen Qingqing did not disappoint Ye Chen. She looked 95 points or more and was definitely a big beauty.

Seeing Ye Chen coming by on a bike, Chen Qingqing was a little startled.

"This little brother is so handsome, is he a movie star?"

If she hadn't seen Ye Chen's outfit, she couldn't believe that the handsome little brother in front of her was actually delivering a courier.

Chen Qingqing blushed and lowered her head embarrassedly: "I just moved in the day before yesterday, so I am not very familiar with this community. I am really embarrassed to delay you for so long."

Ye Chen took out the package and handed it to the girl and said, "It's okay, this is your express, please give me a five-star praise."

After receiving the express delivery, Chen Qingqing hurriedly evaluated.

A pair of mother and son walked from a distance. The woman wore grace and luxury, and the boy was also carrying a schoolbag with a brand name.

"Mom, this little brother is so handsome, and you see how cool he rides the bike." The boy pointed to Ye Chen and said

Ye Chen: "..."

Chen Qingqing: "..."

What are the children's minds nowadays?

The woman looked at the boy and said, "You are handsome, but this broken car is simply incomparable with our Mercedes-Benz."

Then, without waiting for the boy to speak, the woman hurriedly added: "Bobo, if you don't study well, you will have to deliver the courier like him in the future. Not only will you starve, but you won't find a girlfriend."

Ye Chen thought that he didn't provoke that woman, but why the woman used him to show up, the most important thing was that he didn't agree with what the woman said.

What does it mean to send express delivery will starve and find a girlfriend

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for sending out a courier, which won five-star praise and rewards ten sets of Wanda residences]

Ye Chen was overjoyed when he heard the system prompt. Although he sent a lot of couriers, the system hadn't rewarded him for a long time.

Today’s award is too arrogant. One should know that the number of houses in Wanda Mansion is close to 10 million, and that ten units are close to 100 million.

The woman looked at Ye Chen jokingly and said, "Bobo, you know that this little courier can't buy a house like the Wanda Mansion if he earns a lifetime of money."

When Chen Qingqing heard what the woman said, she frowned, thinking that if you have money, you have money. Why do you want to educate your children in this way? And it hurts the self-esteem of the express brother too much.

"This eldest sister, do you speak like that?" Chen Qingqing said with an unhappy expression on her face.

"That's what I said, what does it matter to you?" the woman said arrogantly.

The Wanda Mansion is a gathering place for wealthy people, and women have always been proud of being able to live here.

After all, Chen Qingqing is highly educated, and his family education is also very high. How can he have a general knowledge of such an unqualified woman?

Seeing that Chen Qingqing ignored her, the woman was also a little angry. She looked up and down at the girl in front of her. This girl was indeed very beautiful and temperamental.

The temperament of a woman is nothing more than clothing and jewelry, which is not comparable to Chen Qingqing.

She was jealous of Chen Qingqing, but now she just caught the opportunity.

She looked at Chen Qingqing jokingly and said: "The little girl sees your age as twenty-four-five. It must be a lot of thought to be able to be among the rich at such a young age."

The look in the woman's eyes made Chen Qingqing disgusted, and of course she could hear the extravagance.

Obviously, she is a junior who was raised by others.

Chen Qingqing's pretty face flushed red, and said: "You don't talk nonsense here. I live here but I rely on my own ability and have nothing to do with others."

"Hey, I really don't know what to say about you young girls. In order to be able to live a rich life and live in a mansion, it is really sad to betray yourself." The woman said with regret.

Chen Qingqing guessed that in the woman's heart, she was already taken care of by someone.

But even so, she still has to prove her innocence.

"What evidence do you have to prove that I betrayed myself so I lived here?" Chen Qingqing was so angry that her pretty face became even more flushed.

The woman looked at Chen Qingqing jokingly and said, "As far as I know, the young girls in this community have money except their parents, but they are kept by others, and I have never seen you before."

Seeing that Chen Qingqing's dress is relatively ordinary, we can rule out the possibility of the rich second generation, and then there is only one thing left to be taken care of.

The woman was right. Chen Qingqing moved in only yesterday, so the two have never met.

Chen Qingqing’s family is not very rich, but she lives here is different from others, and she is indeed not supported by others.

"Auntie, you are too irresponsible to speak like this, maybe because of your words can ruin a girl's innocence." Ye Chen, who had not spoken to the side, suddenly said.

Ye Chen knew that the woman was coming to him, but this stupid girl spoke for herself and provokes this shrew.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't bother arguing with women, but when Chen Qingqing was wronged by women, his angry little face flushed, he decided to take action.

"Boy, you just deliver the courier. Is there anything you can say here?" When Ye Chen called her aunt, the woman immediately quit.

You know that what a woman cares most about is age. Ye Chen and the girl seem to be about the same age, but Ye Chen just calls her aunt. How can this make a woman not angry?

"Although I deliver express delivery, I speak more like a human than you." Ye Chen said ruthlessly.

"Boy, you dare to scold me, I want the security to blast you out." The woman shouted.

As the woman said, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "Is it the security room? There is a courier who is making trouble here. You can blast him out."

After seeing the woman's behavior, Chen Qingqing hurriedly persuaded Ye Chen: "Brother Express, you go quickly, and the security will definitely blast you out after a while."

The shout of the woman attracted a lot of onlookers.

She thought that the more people came, the better, and in a while, she would let this little courier brother be blasted out by security guards in front of everyone, and let him face scandal.

"The kid is scared, I just want you to know the arrogance and dominance of the rich." The woman said with a smug look.

Originally, the woman wanted to see the scared expression on Ye Chen's face, but there was no wave on Ye Chen's face.

"Auntie, the child is still around, I advise you to be a good example for the child." Ye Chen said with a smile.

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