Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:58 PM

Chapter 803: 803

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"Boy, your death is imminent, and you're still nosy here." The woman said arrogantly.

She didn't expect that not only did Ye Chen refuse to accept softness, but also arrogantly educate her in front of everyone here.

The people around looked at the little courier in front of them, and then at the talking woman.

Everyone shook their heads, knowing that this woman is a famous shrew in the community.

Relying on her husband for a bit of money, whoever provokes her will definitely not end well.

"Hey, this little courier is also unlucky enough to provoke this one."

"This woman is a famous shrew in the community. It seems that this young man is over today."

There was even an old man with a gray beard said: "Young man, can you just bow your head and admit your mistake? Why are you wasting your time here?"

Of course Ye Chen knew that this old man was kind, but he just wanted to teach this arrogant and domineering woman.

A group of security guards ran over from a distance, and everyone shook their heads when they saw this scene. This courier guy is too young to know the sinister world of this man.

Chen Qingqing's expression also became a little nervous, and if Ye Chen hadn't done it for her, this wouldn't happen.

"Ms. Zhang, what's your order?" The security captain said to the woman with a standard salute.

"The Wanda Residence is a high-end community, how can you allow the courier brother to enter, if something happens, you can take care of it?" The woman looked at the security captain and asked.

The security captain had not seen Ye Chen. He looked at the security guard beside him and said, "Who put this person in."

"I put it in, but it was requested by the owner." A small security guard said tremblingly.

Everyone knows that not only the courier brother, but also the security guard is also involved.

The old man with the gray beard even sighed: "If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of you. It really hurts others and yourself."

Seeing Xiao Bao's face so ugly, Chen Qingqing stood up and said: "Because I don't recognize the way, I haven't been able to find the gate of the community, so I asked the security to let this courier guy in."

The crowd around the audience discussed again.

"Are you a three-year-old child? You don't even know the road. If you do this, just stay at home and don't go out."

"Madam, you can't just let a stranger into the community for your own sake. If something happens, can you afford this responsibility?"

"That is, I heard that a courier came in the community before, and some owners lost things in their homes."

"Brother express is just a low-level hitman, how can a person like this enter such a high-end community?"

"Hey, letting such people in even lowers the grade of the community."

Chen Qingqing's expression became a little ugly. She didn't expect the quality of these wealthy people to be so poor, and she didn't even want to work with them.

"Everyone, there is no distinction between high and low. We don't wear colored glasses to see others, and the work you did before you got rich may not have this courier brother, okay?" Chen Qingqing asked unceremoniously.

As soon as the words came out, he quieted down instantly.

Chen Qingqing is right. The vast majority of people here are struggling to find business opportunities because of the hardships in their previous lives, and when they encounter good opportunities, they become wealthy.

Those who had just satirized Ye Chen even blushed a little, thinking that they were inferior to this little courier.

They shouldn't be ridiculed when they were young, and when they are rich, they will wear colored glasses to see people.

The woman was very proud to see Ye Chen being besieged.

But as soon as the girl's words came out, these people immediately closed their mouths, which made the woman very unhappy.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense here, everyone in this room is rich and identifiable. You are wrong to say that." The woman retorted.

Although she said so, no one said another sarcasm.

Some of the onlookers were even reminiscing about how they were when they were young.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said: "Young man, come on, uncle believes that through your hard work, you can live a prosperous life in the future, and you don't have to be like this."

Ye Chen smiled and nodded, thinking in his heart whether this will be used later, he already has assets of more than 100 million yuan, but he did not say this.

The woman saw that the crowds onlookers were no longer looking at her. After all, the people who lived here were rich people, and she had no choice but to take advantage of these people.

But for these security guards, she always has a way. The woman looked at the security captain and said: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Don't blast this kid out, oh no, call me out."

The woman's words made everyone around her disgusted, and everyone didn't expect this woman to be so vicious.

"Hey, I have never seen such a parent who educates children in this way."

"It is said that the parents are the children's teachers. It seems that this boy will not go well with such a mother in the future."

"This boy is really pitiful, I feel sorry for the boy."

If you know that the child is still around, the woman will show this ugly face, and everyone feels regretful.

When the woman heard everyone’s criticism of her, instead of being ashamed, she looked at her son proudly and said: “Bobo, today mom will tell you that the poor will always be bullied by the rich, and there is no way to fight back. ."

"Then mother, there is a boy in our class who is very poor at home, can I bully him too?" the boy asked with excitement.

"Of course, Bobo."

Hearing the conversation between mother and son, everyone felt that the boy was ruined.

But that is a matter of others after all, and it is not convenient to be too involved as a bystander.

Ye Chen looked at the boy in front of him with a sorrow. The child was the most pure and flawless, just like a piece of white paper.

What parents teach them will become what kind of people they will become when they grow up.

According to this woman's method of educating her children, the boy will not be much better when he grows up.

"Ms. Zhang, it's illegal to hit someone." The security captain said with embarrassment.

Although the owners are their gods, after all, these security guards are adults and have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

The woman said with an arrogant face: "Call me, I will be responsible if something goes wrong."

Then she looked at Ye Chen, who was expressionless on the side: "Boy, be afraid, if you obediently apologize to me, maybe I can change my mind and let you go."

Ye Chen looked at the woman like an idiot and said, "After I wash, you can think carefully, don't do things that you regret."

Seeing Ye Chen's arrogant expression, the woman became even more angry.

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