Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:55 PM

Chapter 805: 805

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Ye Chen's words made the woman sweat, and she had no idea that she would provoke such a big man.

"Should you apologize to this girl?" Ye Chen said, looking at the woman.

The woman thought that she had said before that young people could not have the strength to live in such a high-end community, and she also said that girls were raised by others. Ye Chen in front of her confirmed that what she had just said was wrong.

Ye Chen saw the woman standing there blankly, and said coldly, "Do you need me to remind you."

The woman came to Chen Qingqing with a nervous expression and said, "I'm sorry, I just misunderstood you, please forgive me."

Seeing the woman's attitude so sincere, Chen Qingqing nodded but said nothing.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to this woman, but seeing that she was so satirizing Chen Qingqing, how could Ye Chen bear it.

The plot has a huge reversal, and people look at the woman with mockery.

This is to tell everyone not to underestimate anyone, and not to judge people by their appearance.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, the woman left with the boy dingy.

She really has no face to stay here anymore. The object of her ridicule before turned out to be the biggest owner of the Wanda Mansion.

Even her husband and Ye Chen are not of the same magnitude.

After the woman left, all the onlookers also dispersed.

Only the property manager, the security captain, many security guards and Chen Qingqing are left.

Ren Da looked at the security captain and said, "Did your kid have the courage of the bear heart and leopard? You dare to call someone to beat the biggest owner. If you don't want to do it, don't pull me into the water."

Of course, Ye Chen understood that Ren Da said this to dispense with responsibility and tell Ye Chen that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, you have seen the situation just now. It is really..." The security captain explained with a nervous expression.

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Da interrupted him: "You are here to emphasize the reason, right? It's your fault if you want to hit someone."

Ye Chen knew that these security guards would definitely choose the owner between a courier brother and the owner, not to mention that the woman just now was so strong.

"Forget it, I just pretend that this hasn't happened." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Neither the property manager nor the security captain expected Ye Chen to be so generous. They thought they would be complained about this matter.

Even the many security guards behind him took a sigh of relief. If things are held accountable, the first unlucky ones are their little security guards.

"Thank you Mr. Ye." The property manager and the security guards said in unison.

Their gratitude to Ye Chen was not because of their identity, but their admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Chen waved his hand, and the property manager and security guards all left.

Chen Qingqing looked at Ye Chen in a daze. Ye Chen is not only handsome, but also has a charming personality. Such a man is something you can meet and never get.

"Is there something on my face, why are you looking at me like this?" Ye Chen said with a smile, feeling Chen Qingqing's gaze.

Upon hearing this, Chen Qingqing's face flushed red, and Ye Chen discovered it.

"No, I've been wondering just now that you are so familiar with the community. It turns out that you are the owner of this area." Chen Qingqing made up a random reason and said.

Of course Ye Chen knew that the girl Chen Qingqing was lying, but he didn't expose her. After all, girls love face.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Chen Qingqing asked with some doubts: "You are already so rich, why do you want to deliver the express."

"I'm here to experience life." Ye Chen evaded.

Chen Qingqing nodded thoughtfully.

"Thank you, brother courier, I'm leaving." Chen Qingqing turned and left with the courier.

Ye Chen did not speak, stood still and did not move, silently counting three numbers in his heart.




Sure enough, when he counted to three, Chen Qingqing turned around and smiled and said, "Ye Chen, why are you still here?"

Chen Qingqing originally wanted to try to go home by herself, but when she turned around, she forgot the direction and frowned. She thought Ye Chen had already left, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to stay where she was.

Ye Chen actually wanted to leave, but thinking that Chen Qingqing had the attributes of being a lunatic, she felt that she would definitely not be able to return home on her own.

However, Ye Chen would not take the initiative to ask the girl to go home, fearing that others would have other ideas.

It would be different if the girl asked for it.

"It seems that you want me to go." Ye Chen teased.

"Ye Chen, I really thank you just now. In order to show my gratitude to you, I invite you to go upstairs for a cup of tea." Chen Qingqing pretended to make herself look calmer.

Ye Chen thought that this little girl was really cunning, so he would just say it if he didn't know the Tao, he wouldn't laugh at her either.

Chen Qingqing saw Ye Chen's expression and thought that Ye Chen had misunderstood what she had just said, and thought she was the kind of more casual girl.

"It's the first time I have invited a boy to be a guest at home. I have never had it before." Chen Qingqing said nervously.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Ye Chen said with a smile: "I am so honored to be invited by a beautiful woman."

Chen Qingqing took Ye Chen round and round, her pretty face became more and more red, it's really **** that she even forgot the way home.

"Miss Chen, what building is your home in?" Ye Chen couldn't bear it.

"I live on the 25th floor." Chen Qingqing said.

Ye Chen didn't speak, but just walked forward. This time Chen Qingqing followed Ye Chen obediently.

Soon, I came to the gate of Building 25.

"Yes, right here, Ye Chen, you are too good." Chen Qingqing said excitedly.

Ye Chen was speechless for a while. Is the eldest sister good at knowing the road for you?

But on second thought, Chen Qingqing is a road idiot, and of course he will worship people who know the road.

The two went upstairs in the elevator, Chen Qingqing opened the door, and Ye Chen followed in.

I have to say that although Chen Qingqing's home decoration style is not very luxurious, it gives people a warm feeling.

The decorations in the home are all carefully selected by Chen Qingqing, and she looks like a girl who loves life.

Ye Chen didn't know where to sit, for fear that he might stain the sofa.

Perhaps knowing Ye Chen's concerns, Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "Ye Chen, sit down quickly and have a cup of scented tea that I made by myself."

Ye Chen was not polite and sat on the sofa, picking up the tea cup and savoring it.

Although he drank a lot of expensive tea, it was even more mellow and sweet than the cup of tea made by Chen Qingqing.

"Yes, good tea." Ye Chen exclaimed.

"This is brewed by myself, there are more than ten kinds of materials." Chen Qingqing said with a smile.

Suddenly, her face turned pale, with cold sweat.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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