Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:54 PM

Chapter 806: 806

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Chen Qingqing suddenly turned pale, and even had difficulty breathing.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Chen also became a little nervous.

The two had a good conversation, what is going on with Chen Qingqing?

"Hurry up and get my medicine out of the bag." Chen Qingqing pointed at the bag on the sofa with trembling fingers.

Ye Chen didn't hesitate, and hurriedly searched for the medicine in the bag.

He took the medicine and came to Chen Qingqing, and at the same time ran to the kitchen, poured a glass of water and handed it to Chen Qingqing.

Seeing Chen Qingqing finished taking the medicine, his face became bloody, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, it was really shocking just now.

"Sorry Ye Chen, did you scare you just now?" Chen Qingqing said embarrassedly.

Ye Chen said blankly, "It's okay, what happened to you just now?"

Chen Qingqing's face eased a little and said, "I have suffered from asthma since I was a child. I have controlled it with medication before, but I don't know what happened today?"

Ye Chen thought that asthma should be cured, and he can't always rely on drugs.

However, thinking that he and Chen Qingqing only met in peace, and they were not very familiar, so they didn't talk much.

"Then you have to pay more attention, and keep the medicine for residence alone by your side." Ye Chen said.

After Ye Chen finished drinking this cup of tea, he said, "I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After all, Chen Qingqing is a single girl. If she is seen by a neighbor, she will definitely make irresponsible remarks and affect her reputation.

Although Ye Chen didn't want to leave, Chen Qingqing couldn't keep the boy because of long-term family education.

For the first time since Chen Qingqing grew up, he met a boy he liked. Ye Chen was different from the boys who pursued her before.

He did not approach her for her beauty.

Ye Chen walked out of Chen Qingqing's house and looked at his ten houses in Wanda Mansion.

Suddenly he remembered that Yueyue had sold her house in order to treat her parents. Now she can only rent a house outside. After all, it is not safe for a girl to rent a house.

Ye Chen called Yueyue's phone: "Yueyue, my house just happens to be vacant, so please move in."

"But, but...I..." Yueyue said vaguely.

Of course Ye Chen knew the girl's concerns, and said with a smile: "This house is for your family. I won't come, and I won't ask you for money."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yueyue let out a sigh, "Brother Ye Chen, thank you then."

She knows that there is no such thing as a pie falling in the sky. If you want something in vain, you must pay a price.

Don't look at Yueyue's appearance being relatively open, but her heart is guarded, she will not betray her happiness in order to get money like her mother.

"I will send you the address. You can just take a taxi. I have already given the keys to the property. You can ask them for it." Ye Chen said and sent the address to Yueyue via WeChat.

Yueyue just ran out of the hospital because she had a fallout with her mother, and she was wandering outside because she had nowhere to go.

Ye Chen helped her like a timely rain.

Yueyue returned to the rented house, packed his things, then drove a car and asked the driver to drive there according to the address.

The car stopped at the door of a high-end community. Yueyue couldn't believe it. She dialed Ye Chen's phone and asked, "Brother Ye Chen, are you talking about Wanda Mansion?"

"Yes, it's there." Ye Chen said lightly.

Yueyue started to hesitate again, she didn't know how to pay this favor.

"But, this is not appropriate." Yueyue said what was in her heart.

She originally thought that the place Ye Chen gave her was an ordinary community, but she didn't expect it to be a high-end community where rich people lived.

She has grown so long, not to mention that she has lived, but she has never seen it. This is the first time.

"I'll let you live, you'll live well, don't chirp here." Ye Chen hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Yueyue won’t be able to fight again. After all, everything has been packed, and the previously rented house has already been retired. Now he can only live here as Ye Chen said.

Yueyue found the property and got the key.

The property manager knew that Ye Chen called the girl, so he was very polite and said: "Miss, Mr. Ye has already ordered it before, please come with me."

Yueyue followed behind the property manager and came to a tall building. Two people got on the elevator to the 20th floor.

Stepping out of the elevator to the door, the property manager handed the card to Yueyue with a smile: "Miss, you can enter by swiping the card."

Yueyue swiped the card and the door opened, and she walked inside with a salute.

This house is more than 200 square meters, and Yueyue stood at the door in surprise. If she hadn't known Ye Chen, she wouldn't have lived in such a high-end residence in her entire life.

Ye Chen continued to deliver the courier and came to a community.

Dial the phone number on the express: "Mr. Liu, there is your express downstairs, I am waiting at the gate of the community."

"Okay, wait a minute," said politely on the other end of the phone.

Ye Chen was bored in idle time, swiping his mobile phone, and saw the above message, "The female star Xiaodi is participating in a happy life, and her popularity has soared."

Seeing the title above, Ye Chen couldn't help but clicked in.

Inside is a promotional poster for a happy life, including the beautiful image of Xiao Di.

Although Ye Chen is not particularly familiar with the stars of the entertainment circle, he still has an impression of beautiful women. At a glance, he can tell that it is Xiao Di, who helped fix the water pipe before.

The number of likes for this news has reached millions, and netizens also posted their own comments, all expressing their expectations for the show and the female star Xiao Di.

For some reason, Ye Chen's heart also raised a glimmer of anticipation, and the idea of ​​going to the scene had even sprouted in his mind.

Just as he was thinking, a big golden retriever suddenly ran from a distance, and Ye Chen looked around to see why Mr. Liu hadn't come down yet.

There was a thought in his mind. Could it be that the dog was here to pick up the courier, but he shook his head to dispel the idea.

He called again: "Mr. Liu, where are you? Why didn't I see you."

"Did you see a big golden retriever?" asked the other end of the phone.

"I saw it." Ye Chen said while looking at the golden retriever at his feet.

"My legs are inconvenient, let him pick up the express for me." Mr. Liu said.

Ye Chen stroked Jin Mao's body and handed the courier to him.

Jin Mao ran towards the community with the courier in his mouth, and suddenly looked back at Ye Chen, as if saying, "Thank you."

Seeing the golden retriever's back, Ye Chen smiled slightly, thinking it was really interesting.

Ye Chen knows that dogs are human friends. What I saw on TV were guide dogs helping blind people cross the road, as well as huskies and Alaskan malamutes pulling sleds.

It was the first time in life that Ye Chen saw a dog who helped his owner get a courier.

The reason why Ye Chen likes to deliver express is not only because he can get system rewards, but also because he can meet all kinds of people and strange things.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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