Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:47 PM

Chapter 811: 811

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"Hey, Mr. Ye, don't go, I agree that you can associate with my daughter." Liu Tian's mother returned to her senses and said hurriedly.

Liu Tianqiao blushed and said, "Mom, are you finished yet?"

"Of course it's not over, silly girl, that is the president of the group, he is much better than the man I let you go on a blind date before, maybe he has to work for Mr. Ye." Liu Tian's mother said with a smile.

Then she continued: "I think it's better to be this young man, but you have to take it well."

Liu Tian ignored her mother and walked straight to the entrance of the building.

"Tiantian, I'm talking to you, did you listen to it?" Liu Tian's mother saw her daughter ignore her, Xiaobu said after her daughter.

"Mom, I think you are too idle." Liu Tian did not stop, her expression turned a little helpless.

"How do you kid talk to your mother, I think about you." Mother Liu Tian said: "By the way, didn't you say that this courier boy is your boyfriend before? How far are you two? ."

Liu Tian didn't speak, she thought in her heart that she couldn't tell her mother that she lied to her mother, and that Ye Chen was not her boyfriend at all.

This is not the most important thing, the key is Ye Chen's attitude towards her.

After leaving Huayuan Community, Ye Chen did not go to the courier point, but drove Lycan home directly.

As soon as I entered the house, I smelled the scent of food, and Lin Wanrou was busy in the kitchen.

Ye Chen felt very happy, and the girl never asked him anything, just silently stayed by her side.

"My son, the food is ready, it's all you love, so hurry up and wash your hands to eat." Lin Wanrou said with a smile when Ye Chen came back.

Originally, Ye Chen was afraid that Lin Wanrou would be too busy, so he asked Yueyue to cook.

But because Yueyue needs to be with her parents in the hospital these few days, Ye Chen allowed her to leave.

Ye Chen felt guilty when he thought of the woman in front of him who wanted to help him with the company's business and cooking. He took Lin Wanrou's slender little hand and said, "Wanrou, it's really hard for you."

"My son, you must not say that. It is my honor to be able to do things for my son." Lin Wanrou said with a smile.

Two people came to the restaurant and ate dinner like a young couple.

Today's meal is so appetizing, and soon there will be only empty plates on the table.

Lin Wanrou wanted to get up to clean the table, but Ye Chen stopped her.

He felt that women were used to spoil her, how could she bear the heart to make her so tired.

"You watch TV in the living room obediently, and I'll be fine in a while." Ye Chen pushed Lin Wanrou into the living room and said.

Ye Chen was busy between the dining room and the kitchen, but after a while the table was cleaned up and the dishes and chopsticks were all washed.

He looked at his watch and said, "Wanrou, it's late, let's rest, and I will reward you later."

"My son, you are really bad." Lin Wanrou's pretty face turned blushing after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Thinking about the picture for a while, Lin Wanrou's heart kept beating.

"Where did you want to go, do you want to be crooked?" Ye Chen teased deliberately.

Lin Wanrou's face turned red for a moment, and she thought: "What happened to me, how come I thought of that kind of thing, the son didn't say it, it's really shameful."

She didn't even dare to look directly into Ye Chen's eyes, lowered her head to be silent.

Ye Chen was amused by the appearance of the girl in front of him, making him laugh.

"My son, I ignore you, you laugh at others." Lin Wanrou said, she was about to run towards the bedroom.

Ye Chen hurriedly picked her up and said, "I want to run, no way, let's see how I reward you today."

After he carried Lin Wanrou into the bedroom, he gently put her on the bed, and then there was an indescribable picture.

Suddenly the phone rang, Ye Chen looked helpless, wondering who is not so long-eyed.

Originally he didn't want to answer, but he kept thinking desperately on the phone.

Lin Wanrou, with a blushing face, said: "My son, go and answer the phone. There must be something urgent for you."

Ye Chen answered the phone and said impatiently: "Mr. Chen, what's the matter, I'm calling at night."

Chen Wan on the other end of the phone was also a little nervous when he heard it. Ye Chen had never spoken in this tone before.

It seems that his call must have affected Ye Chen's business.

"Ye Dong, this is the case. The board of directors will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Zhao Dong announced that he has retired. Please be sure to attend the meeting on time." Chen Wan said cautiously, angering Ye Chen again.

Hearing Chen Wan's words, Ye Chen's expression became a lot more relaxed. After all, this was a serious matter for the group, and the call at this point was excusable.

"Okay, President Chen, I know." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Ye Dong, I won't bother you, see you tomorrow." Chen Wan hung up after finishing talking.

Ye Chen felt like crying without tears, and was interrupted by a phone call from Chen Wan just when he was in high spirits.

Now the evil fire in Ye Chen's heart was still burning, and he decided to get rid of the fire.

However, as soon as she entered the house, she was sad to find that Lin Wanrou had disappeared.

Hearing the sound of water in the bathroom, Ye Chen knew that this girl had gone to take a bath.

This really hurt him, Ye Chen was also embarrassed to knock on the door.

He went to another bathroom and took a cold shower. The fire in his heart was extinguished, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen saw that Lin Wanrou was too late to come out, so he fell asleep in bed.

Hearing a slight snoring sound, Lin Wanrou crept up to Ye Chen and covered her with the quilt.

Then he walked gently to another bedroom, closed the door and fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, when the sun shined into the window lattice, Ye Chen suddenly woke up from his dream, and when he looked at it, it appeared to be half past seven.

Ye Chen thought it was okay. If he didn't participate in the board of directors on time, he would be a little unreasonable, not to mention that Zhao Dong announced his retirement today.

If that were the case, it would appear to be too disrespectful to Zhao Dong.

Ye Chen put on his clothes, and after washing up, he went to the restaurant.

At this moment, the table is full of delicious breakfasts.

Lin Wanrou walked towards the restaurant with two cups of milk, and saw Ye Chen said: "My son, you are awake, I want you to sleep more."

"Well, I'm going to open the board of directors today." Ye Chen said with a bite of the bread.

Lin Wanrou put the milk cup on the table and looked up and down Ye Chen and said, "My son, since you are participating in the board of directors, should you change your clothes to look more formal."

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Wanrou was right. Although Ye Chen didn't pay attention to dressing up, he should also be divided into occasions.

"Wan Rou, you're right, I will change after I finish eating in a while, and you should eat it quickly, or it will be cold in a while." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"My son, I'll prepare clothes for you, you eat first." Lin Wanrou said with a smile.

Ye Chen looked at Lin Wanrou's back and was moved in his heart, which was enough for this beautiful woman.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions Rewarded for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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