Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:45 PM

Chapter 812: 812

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After eating breakfast, Ye Chen put on the neat suit Lin Wanrou had prepared for him, and drove out the Lycan.

Yida Group Building stands tall and magnificent. It is worthy of being one of the top 500 companies.

Ye Chen drove to the door of the building. Although the security did not recognize him, he saw his clothes and the luxury car in front of him, and he immediately stood up and respected him.

The car drove in slowly, and Ye Chen parked the car in the parking lot.

He got out of the car and walked towards the building.

It's working time now, and all the employees hurriedly walked towards the building and rushed to their jobs.

But even so, Ye Chen's handsome appearance still attracts the attention of the people who come and go.

Everyone is guessing who this handsome guy is.

The group must change its development direction and enter the entertainment industry.

Ye Chen is very good in both figure and appearance, and some people even think that Ye Chen is a newly signed male celebrity.

Several girls looked at Ye Chen with peach-hearted eyes.

"This boy is so handsome, I don't know what his name is."

"I'm in love, I have the kind of throbbing feeling when I'm in love."

"A handsome look and a stylish figure are my ideal type."

The female staff member was thinking about Ye Chen coming around, and Ye Chen also showed a sunny smile at the beauties.

"Wow, she actually smiled at me just now. His smile blends with my heart. Could it be that he likes me." A female professional said deliberately.

"Don't come here. Obviously he is smiling at me, so you don't find a mirror to take a picture. How could he like a woman like you who wants nothing." Another female employee retorted.

"You're talking nonsense, see if I won't tear your mouth." The female clerk's face flushed with anger just now.

Just when the two were about to fight, Su Qing appeared. She didn't dare to stop but looked at Ye Chen with a smile and said, "Hello Ye Dong!"

She didn't want to announce Ye Chen's identity so soon, she wanted to let everyone know after the board meeting.

Su Qing understands the situation of the employees. The two women are very good friends. They can be said to be best friends, but they just saw that they were actually making a red face for Ye Dong.

If she doesn't come out again, she'll probably fight indecently.

Thinking about that scene, Su Qing felt cold all over.

It is said that beauty is a disaster, but if a man is too handsome, girls will be jealous for him.

"Su Qing, you are here too." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's identity and seeing the relationship between Su Qing and Ye Chen, the two women stopped quarreling.

They knew that Ye Chen couldn't afford to climb high, and that there was a beautiful Su Qing in front of them, where they would still have their share.

"It turned out to be a director of the company, so it seems like it's out of play."

"Why I fell in love as soon as I fell in love, so sad."

Ye Chen and Su Qing walked side by side, attracting even more attention.

After walking some distance, Su Qing looked at no one around, and sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Chen asked.

Su Qing really took a look at Ye Chen. She had to say that he was really too handsome in this fitted suit today, as dazzling as a star walking out of the TV.

"Ye Dong, you are too fond of women, right now, two female employees almost fought for you." Su Qing said with a white glance.

"Can you blame me? Who told me to be so attractive to women?" Ye Chen said aggrievedly.

"Cut, you won't be stinky here anymore." Su Qing retorted.

I've dealt with Ye Chen before, and Su Qing is also that kind of extroverted girl, so talking to Ye Chen is a bit unscrupulous.

Ye Chen just smiled and did not speak.

Su Qing looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Dong, let me take you to the meeting room."

"No need, I know, you can go by yourself, you can be busy with you, don't tell me."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Qing turned and left. Since Ye Chen contacted her, she really has a lot of work in her hands now.

According to the floor plan, Ye Chen got on the sightseeing elevator to the top floor.

I have to say that the location chosen by the group is very good. Sitting in the sightseeing elevator and enjoying the scenery in front of you, it gives people a comfortable feeling.

"Ding" the elevator stopped, Ye Chen walked out of the elevator, followed the instructions, and came to the meeting room.

At this time, the meeting room was already full of people, but Ye Chen was not late either.

Everyone looked at the young and handsome Ye Chen in a suit and leather shoes, with all doubts on his face, guessing who this young man is?

Because the group has always been taken care of by Zhao Dong, Ye Chen rarely shows up, and it is excusable for everyone not to know him.

Chen Wan stood up from his seat and hurriedly walked to the door and said, "Ye Dong, you are here."

"Mr. Chen, hello." Ye Chen also greeted politely.

"Ye Dong!"

Hearing Chen Wan's address to the young man in front of him, the originally silent meeting room instantly became lively.

Everyone stood up from their seats with a look of surprise, and greeted: "Hello, Ye Dong!"

In their cognition, people who can become group directors must be 40 or 50 years old, but Ye Dong in front of him is too young, he seems to be more than 20 years old, how can this prevent them Surprised?

"Hello everyone." Ye Chen nodded and said, then walked to an empty seat.

Ye Chen didn't sit in the main seat, but randomly found a place to sit down.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, everyone felt that he should be just a minority shareholder, so they chose that corner position.

Chen Wan also followed and said, "Dong Zhao is still on the way, and he will be there in two or three minutes."

Ye Chen nodded, motioning for him to sit next to him.

After all, he doesn't understand the situation of the board of directors, and Chen Wan can tell him at any time with Chen Wan by his side.

In fact, among those present, some were surprised that Ye Chen had become a high-level company at such a young age, and some were jealous of Ye Chen and thought that he was dependent on his parents.

Only Chen Wan knew the real situation, and what Ye Chen had now was relying on his own hard work, not relying on anyone, and couldn't help but admire this young man in his heart.

Quiet again in the conference room.

At this time, a group of people walked in from outside, headed by a middle-aged man.

Needless to say, everyone knows that this is Zhao Dong, with his secretary and staff behind him.

"I'm really sorry, the plane was late and didn't arrive on time." Zhao Dong said apologetically.

Except for Ye Chen, all the positions are lower than him, and of course no one will accuse him.

Zhao Dong looked at the position in the front row, but did not find Ye Chen's figure, and said with a smile: "We will wait for Ye Dong to come to the meeting before meeting."

The voice fell, and a magnetic voice came out from the corner: "Zhao Dong, it's time for a meeting now."

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