Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:37 PM

Chapter 816: 816

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He Jia doesn't have time to pay attention to Zhao Yue now, what she thinks now is that since Ye Chen is still single, she has to find a way to chase this outstanding man.

Zhao Yue's mood has become better now, and she thought that she couldn't just make this courier guy so cheap.

She must breathe out, type "You are really not a man, you are not a man, you can't see you if you don't see anything great, grandma still doesn't bother to see you." One line, click send.

The screen displayed "The message has been sent but was rejected by the other party."

After seeing the above, Zhao Yue's lungs were going to explode.

"You, a stinky delivery courier, dare to block your aunt's grandmother. You really think you are a rich second generation." Zhao Yue said viciously into the phone.

There was a sneer on He Jia's face: "Fool, Yueyue, you missed such a rich man because of your self-righteousness. It's a pity to think about it."

"Well, Yueyue, are you still angry with this? It's not worth it to be angry." He Jia pretended to persuade.

"That's right, why should I be angry with this kind of person? I really can't do it." Zhao Yue suddenly wanted to understand a lot.

Even so, she was still angry in her heart.

After all, no one dared to black her out, but this man named Ye Chen did just that.

Zhao Yue's phone rang, and she didn't even look at it because she had just been stunned by Ye Chen.

I directly clicked the connection button, and said angrily: "Hey, who is it?"

A girl’s sweet voice came from the other end of the phone: “Dame Zhao, why is she so angry? Who is it that provoke you?”

Zhao Yue felt that the voice was very familiar. She glanced at the phone number, and it turned out to be her university roommate Liu Ziwei.

"Ziwei, why are you? I haven't contacted for a long time." Zhao Yue said excitedly.

They haven't been in touch for many years since they graduated from university, and today they suddenly called. How can this make Zhao Yue not excited?

"Yueyue, what happened to you, why are you so angry?" Liu Ziwei asked concerned.

After all, when they were in the dormitory before, the relationship between the two of them was relatively good, and naturally they were more concerned about this roommate.

"Hey, don't mention it, you will get angry when you mention it." Zhao Yue felt that his lungs were going to explode when he thought of what had just happened, so he didn't want to say anything more.

Liu Ziwei said wittily, "Well, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask."

"Ziwei, why did you think of calling me today." Zhao Yue said the question in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't told you anything, I'm going to get engaged, so I invite you friends to share my joy." Liu Ziwei said with a happy face.

"I envy you, just a few of us are engaged to you." Zhao Yue said with some envy.

Then she asked: "What does your boyfriend do, he must be very good."

"It's not a big deal for a small manager of the group with an annual salary of one million." Liu Ziwei said proudly.

"Ziwei, you are too modest. An annual salary of one million is the best among men. Why are you so good? If you have such a single man, you must introduce it to me."

Liu Ziwei said straightforwardly: "No problem, if we have such a good relationship, if there is a good man, I will definitely introduce it to you."

"Well, my boyfriend came to see me, so I'll hang up first, and see you at the Marriott Hotel at six tomorrow night." Liu Ziwei hung up after speaking.

Before leaving the coffee shop, Ye Chen called Yueyue

"Yueyue, are you at home?" Ye Chen asked.

Yueyue smiled and said, "Brother Ye Chen, I have cleaned up the house at home, what's the matter?"

"I bought some supplements for my uncle and aunt. I'll send them to you. Let's see you downstairs in the community."

"Brother Ye Chen, thank you for your kindness, so don't run away." Yueyue said politely.

"Okay, that's it. Let's see you downstairs in the community in half an hour." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He came to the supermarket, bought some supplements, and drove towards the Wanda Mansion.

As soon as I drove into the Wanda Mansion, I saw a familiar figure.

The car slowly approached the figure, Chen Qingqing felt a bright light behind him, and suddenly turned around to see a high-end sports car.

She thought to herself: "Who is the driver? I don't even know the owner of this sports car."

At this time, Chen Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Ye Chen stopped the car and walked out of it.

"Hello beauty, we meet again." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Ye Chen, how could it be you?" Chen Qingqing asked with wide eyes.

Ye Chen whitened the girl in front of him, "Are you so surprised?"

In fact, Chen Qingqing can't be blamed, it's mainly Ye Chen's dressing today, plus this luxurious sports car is totally different from that of the day.

Chen Qingqing did not speak, but Ye Chen continued to ask: "Why are you still walking outside at night? Could it be that you have lost your way again?"

"Yeah, I'm a road idiot, it's really a headache." Chen Qingqing said with embarrassment that her pretty face turned red.

"You talk about how good your life is. This is what happened to me. If you meet other men, I might do what to you." Ye Chen changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

Chen Qingqing nodded and asked in a low voice: "Ye Chen, can you send me home?"

After all, she is a girl, and if she is too proactive, it will be easy for people to misunderstand.

"I am honored to be able to send you home." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen and Chen Qingqing walked side by side, and the lights of the community stretched the two figures very long.

Because he had been to Chen Qingqing's house before, Ye Chen was very familiar with the road, and he walked to the building where Chen Qingqing lived in less than two minutes.

"Here." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Ah, why did you arrive so soon?" Chen Qingqing showed a disappointed expression on her face.

But after saying this, she hurriedly covered her pink lips, wondering how to say what was in her heart.

Just walking in the community with Ye Chen, Chen Qingqing hopes that time can stop, but she doesn't know why she enjoys this feeling so much.

Seeing the building in front of him, Chen Qingqing was wailing, why did he arrive so soon.

But sadly, she actually said what she thought in her heart, and now Chen Qingqing felt hot because of her shy and pretty face flushed.

Originally, she wanted to invite Ye Chen to sit at home, but she couldn't wait to run away from Ye Chen, it was really embarrassing.

"Thank you for taking me home, I went upstairs." Chen Qingqing didn't wait for Ye Chen's response, and ran into the building like flying.

Ye Chen looked at the scene in front of him, thinking that I wouldn't eat you again, why am I running so fast?

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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