Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:33 PM

Chapter 819: 819

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Just when the two were singing and making a peace, an electric tricycle drove up from a distance, the speed of which was very slow.

When I got closer, I saw that the person sitting in the car turned out to be Xiaochu.

As the electric cars got closer, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang frowned.

"Fang Er, you are amazing to deliver those express delivery so quickly." Xiao Li said with a smile when he saw Xiao Pang.

Xiaopang ignored him and parked the car aside.

He came to Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, you can rest today. Anyway, I am idle and I am idle, so I will give you all these couriers."

Seeing the scene in front of them, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang widened their eyes in surprise. Is this the stingy chubby they knew?

The sun is really coming out from the west.

"No, you can rest, the weather is so hot, fat people are not suitable for long-term outdoor activities." Ye Chen quipped.

Xiaopang retorted: "Brother Chen, look at you again laughing at others for being fat, isn't I just eating more than you, and I'm a little stronger."

"Hahaha, I think if you continue to do this, I'm afraid you won't be able to wipe your **** in the toilet." Ye Chen laughed haha.

Xiao Chuan didn't speak, his face became a little ugly.

Xiao Wang was listening to the conversation between the two, thinking that Ye Chen was looking for death.

Who didn't know, Xiaopang was the most taboo when others said that he was fat and making such jokes with him, but Ye Chen satirized Xiaopang unscrupulously.

He knew that Xiaopang was going to anger, and he would definitely not pick up Ye Chen's car.

Thinking of Ye Chen's expression when he was rejected, he felt very refreshed.

"Brother Chen, how did you know?" Xiaopang scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Ye Chen: "..."

In fact, Ye Chen just said it casually, but he didn't expect to get it right.

Seeing that Xiaopang's attitude towards Ye Chen did not change in any way, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang were also taken aback.

If it were replaced by someone else, Xiaopang would have turned it over a long time ago, so why would there be the following dialogue.

"Fat, brother suggests that for your health, you should control your mouth and exercise more to reduce your weight." Ye Chen said concerned.

He felt that if Xiao Chuan continued to gain weight in this way, he would become a ball.

Xiaopang smiled and said, "Good brother, I listen to you."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I'm going to deliver the courier." Ye Chen waved his hand at Xiaopang and said.

"Brother, walk slowly." Xiaopang kept watching Ye Chen until the electric car disappeared from his field of vision.

Seeing the two people chatting so harmoniously, the faces of the two who had just been gloating became increasingly ugly.

They wanted to see Ye Chen hit a nail, but they didn't expect it to be such a result. Ye Chen borrowed the car smoothly.

When Ye Chen left, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Pang with surprised expressions.

"What are you looking at? I haven't seen it before." The smile on Xiao Pang's face disappeared, and he said in an angry tone.

Hearing Xiaopang's words, the two of them turned to question marks. This Xiaopang really changed his face faster than flipping a book.

I greeted Ye Chen with a smile just now, but he spoke coldly to them.

In fact, the usual chubby is enthusiastic, but as long as others say that he is fat, he will be very angry.

Although Ye Chen also talked about him today, when he thought of Ye Chen's kindness to him, Xiao Pang suppressed the fire in his heart and didn't let it out.

Now that Ye Chen has left, Xiaopang naturally wants to vent the anger in his heart.

Ye Chen rode an electric car, humming a little song and shuttled on the road.

When he came to a community, Ye Chen stopped the car and took the courier to the door of Room 301 according to the above address.

After rang the doorbell a few times, no one spoke.

Ye Chen felt a little strange. He had already contacted him before he came, but why didn't anyone open the door?

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door, and Ye Chen rang the doorbell again.

There was an impatient voice from a woman: "Who, are you in such a hurry?"

Ye Chen said patiently, "Hello, I am a courier, I have called before."

The door opened, and a woman in her pyjamas stood at the door with a figure of more than 30 people and a very ordinary-looking woman in pajamas.

Seeing the courier in front of her, her heart thumped.

"This little brother is so handsome."

The anger on the woman's face disappeared, and she smiled and said, "Little handsome guy, are you waiting in a hurry?"

Ye Chen did not answer, but said: "Miss Wu, this is your express, please sign for it."

"Little handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?" The woman asked with a smile instead of picking up the courier.

While talking about it, she deliberately pulled down the collar of her pajamas and approached Ye Chen.

Seeing the woman's behavior, Ye Chen retreated.

"Miss Wu, this is your express, please sign for it." Ye Chen repeated again.

An unhappy expression appeared on the woman's face, and the courier brother was unmoved.

But the woman didn't show it. Instead, she covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Little handsome guy, you are shy, so you don't dare to look at me. You must have never had this experience."

Ye Chen thought: "I've seen all kinds of beautiful women. The reason why I didn't look at the woman in front of me was because I didn't dare to look, and I was afraid to scare myself."

Although I thought so in my heart, I couldn't say it on my lips.

"Miss Wu, I have to send the courier, please sign for it." Ye Chen said helplessly.

"Little handsome guy, how much money can I earn by delivering express delivery? Why don't you just follow my sister, how about a delicious and spicy drink?" the woman seduced.

"Damn it, this is the rhythm to cover Xiaobai's face, and I don't know how his boyfriend feels now." Ye Chen felt sorry for the man.

After hearing these words, Ye Chen felt his stomach rush, and even had an urge to vomit.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, the woman smiled again and said, "How about I give you 10,000 yuan in pocket money every month?"

If he were to be an ordinary man, he would have been moved long ago, but Ye Chen would not be moved.

The woman saw that Ye Chen had no expression on her face, and continued: "Sister, how about adding 20,000 yuan to you?"

Ye Chen really couldn't bear it, and said coldly, "Miss Wu, please respect yourself. If your boyfriend finds out, he will be very angry."

"You don't care about that dead bald head, I don't care?" the woman said indifferently.

Ye Chen was really speechless, how could he meet such a person.

"Miss Wu, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you." Ye Chen said politely.

After he finished speaking, he put the courier at the door and turned around to leave.

Seeing Ye Chen leaving, the woman cursed like a shrew: "Aren't you looking handsome because of yourself? What's so great? No matter how handsome you are, it's just a delivery.

The woman changed her face and said, she felt very shameless to be rejected by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen still felt very wronged. He thought what a woman said to him just now was an insult. He felt sick when he thought about being with such a woman.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions Rewarded for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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