Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:29 PM

Chapter 822: 822

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At this moment, Yang Ning's name and attitude towards Zhang Peng have also changed, mainly because he was cheated.

"Brother, I don't know that kid is the boss of your company, let alone he is indecent as Qianqian." Zhang Peng said with aggrieved expression.

"You don't talk nonsense there anymore. Mr. Ye is a talented person. How could he be like yours, but Mr. Ye wouldn't want it for nothing." Yang Ning also said with no anger.

"Also, let me tell you. The person in your family is not a good thing. He doesn't look good and loves to hook up. That is to say, people with your taste like it."

Yang Ning also had no scruples, how unpleasant how to say it.

"Brother, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, Qianqian only loves me, how can she do that kind of thing?" Zhang Peng said with a squishy temper.

"Zhang Peng, I kindly advise you that Qianqian in your family is not a good thing. I think it is very likely that she was going to seduce Mr. Ye this time. People ignored her, and she gave her a rake instead."

Before Zhang Peng could speak, Yang Ning continued: "By the way, I won't help with your company's business in the future, so please do it yourself."

After Yang Ning finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Zhang Peng’s cell phone was not released just now, and Wu Qian could not hear the conversation between the two.

But seeing Zhang Peng holding the phone, his face became very ugly.

The current Zhang Peng is indeed in a bad mood. One is because his business is gone, and his position may not be guaranteed; the other is because he feels green.

"Husband, what's the matter with your face so ugly?" Wu Qian asked concerned.

"You bitch, dare to lie to me, because you and I have lost a promising future for development." Zhang Peng said angrily, waving his hand to Wu Qian and slapped Wu Qian.

Ye Chen looks handsome and golden, so how could he like a woman like Wu Qian? It was obviously this woman who lied.

Zhang Peng felt that his head was green.

The sudden slap slapped Wu Qian.

But instead of crying, she said coquettishly: "My husband, I didn't lie to you, why are you hitting me? People are so sad."

Zhang Peng thought that it was because of this woman that his future was ruined, and he wished to break Wu Qian's body into pieces.

Zhang Peng said fiercely: "Let's break up, I hope you do it yourself.",

Looking at Zhang Peng's leaving back, Wu Qian felt that she had lost everything, and regretted that she had just lied and slandered Ye Chen.

Wu Qian knew that without Zhang Peng's support, her life would be very difficult, after all, she had no income.

From this moment, she truly understood the meaning of the words that women must rely on themselves.

"Husband, husband, I was wrong, please forgive me." Wu Qian shouted hoarsely.

No matter how she yelled and cried, Zhang Peng never looked back.

Ye Chen sent a few more express deliveries, but none of them received system rewards.

He decided to go back to the courier station to change trains and then drive home.

After Ye Chen returned home, he changed into a neat suit. This suit was well tailored, which was in line with Ye Chen's temperament.

After changing his clothes, Ye Chen checked the time and drove towards the Wanda Mansion.


Chen Qingqing was absent-minded in the company this day, and all he was thinking about was Ye Chen, and he couldn't get down to work at all.

"Qingqing, you have filled in this number wrong."

"Qingqing, you made a mistake in this report."

"Qingqing, is your brain at home?"

The office director criticized her time and time again, but this did not affect Chen Qingqing's mood. She felt happy when she thought of seeing the man who made her miss her.

She simply asked for leave at three o'clock in the afternoon, went home early, and got dressed up.

Ye Chen drove Lycan to the Wanda Mansion, parked the car under Chen Qingqing, and called her.

Seeing Ye Chen's phone call, Chen Qingqing's heart thumped.

"Miss Chen, I'm already downstairs," Ye Chen said.

Chen Qingqing said nervously, "Okay, wait for me for a while, and I will go down right away."

"Don't worry, I'm early, you dress up slowly." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen was bored, leaning on the car, playing mobile games.

After a while, Ye Chen suddenly saw a beautiful woman walking out of the building through the corner of his eye.

When the distance got closer, Ye Chen could see that this beauty was Chen Qingqing, with her hair pulled up high, wearing a little black dress and high heels on her feet.

At first glance, there is a Hepburn feeling, I have to say that Chen Qingqing is really beautiful and suffocating.

It was Ye Chen who had seen all kinds of beautiful women, and he was shocked.

Chen Qingqing's face blushed and slowly walked towards Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." Chen Qingqing apologized.

"Miss Chen, your dress is so beautiful today." Ye Chen exclaimed sincerely.

Chen Qingqing doesn't believe in himself: "Really?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't understand why a beautiful girl like Chen Qingqing was so unconfident, it must have something to do with her personality.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Chen Qingqing nodded, very happy in her heart.

"Okay, get in the car, or you'll be late." Ye Chen opened the door very gentlemanly.

Chen Qingqing got into the car, her heart still beating.

This is the first time she has had such close contact with Ye Chen, how could she not feel excited?

Chen Qingqing's expression in the car was a little nervous but very quiet. Ye Chen knew that if she changed to a green tea girl, she would make a fuss when she saw the luxurious interior of the car, so she kept talking.

Chen Qingqing was also very surprised by the luxury of the car, but her focus was not here, but on Ye Chen.

"This man is really handsome, and he is such a gentleman." Chen Qingqing thought in her heart.

Ye Chen's handsome face, paired with high-end suits, is like a movie star.

"Is there anything on my face?" Ye Chen asked, still driving the car seriously.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Qingqing's heart beat faster, and even felt like jumping out of her throat.

She thought in her heart: "Oh, it's really shameful to be discovered."

I thought Ye Chen was driving seriously, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"You drive carefully and be careful of the car in front." Chen Qingqing pointed at the car in front, deliberately breaking the subject.

"Sister, I'm just driving seriously, okay?" Ye Chen said silently.

"Then how can you..."

Chen Qingqing didn't finish her words, she felt that she had admitted what Ye Chen had just said.

"Don't say a word?" Ye Chen didn't know what Chen Qingqing was going to say.

"Nothing, you drive well." Chen Qingqing said with a nervous expression.

Ye Chen didn't speak, he knew that the beauty beside him was obviously guilty of conscience.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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