Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:19 PM

Chapter 83: 83

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Zheng Peng and Su Ke have been sneaking behind Ye Chen and Tang Lu.

Zheng Peng and Su Ke were almost mad when they looked at the two people being close as if they were a couple.

After shopping for more than two hours, Ye Chen drove Tang Lu home.

Tang Lu smiled and said, "By the way, I still owe you a five-star praise."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the third praise star (35), and rewarding the green tea female identification skills. 】

Green tea female identification?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Taking a look at Tang Lu, there was a number on Tang Lu's head.

Green tea is worth 0!

It seemed that she had a good vision, and Tang Lu was indeed an innocent girl.

There are several data for the evaluation of green tea value. A green tea value above 60 means having **** with three men.

The lower the green tea value, the purer the girl.

Saying goodbye to Tang Lu, Ye Chen drove the car back to the palace of the palace.

At this time, Ye Chen saw a Land Rover in the rearview mirror following.

Ye Chen had seen a Land Rover car long ago, and he deliberately slowed down.

The Land Rover surpassed Ye Chen's Volkswagen and directly pinned the car to the side of the road.

Ye Chen got out of the car, and Zheng Peng got out of the car aggressively.

While getting out of the car, Zheng Peng turned on the video recording switch on his mobile phone.

Ye Chen could see Zheng Peng's small movements clearly.

Let’s play sneak shots, okay, let’s see who plays more slippery.

Ye Chen also turned on the function of sneak shots.

Zheng Peng snorted coldly after getting out of the car: "Boy, you are not good enough for Lulu, you can't give Lulu happiness, I advise you to leave her."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "How do you know I can't give Lulu happiness?"

Zheng Peng snorted coldly: "We know that people don't talk secretly, aren't you and Lulu together for money? I can give it to you."

With that said, Zheng Peng took out a pen and paper and wrote a check.

"One million, is it enough?" Zheng Peng raised the cheque in his hand.

There was a cold look in his eyes: "Boy, as long as you accept this check, I will send your video to Lulu to expose your true face."

He made a mistake on the check deliberately, so Ye Chen couldn't get the money even if he took it away.

The effect he wanted was that Ye Chen took the check and then took the video.

This way Tang Lu could see Ye Chen's scumbag nature clearly.

And Zheng Peng believed that Ye Chen would definitely accept the check.

One million is too tempting for a poor **** like Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the check and sneered: "Are you trying to buy me with money?"

Zheng Peng sneered: "One million, this is something you won't be able to earn for a lifetime of betting. It can change your life. As long as you leave Lulu, the money will be yours."

Ye Chen suddenly smiled: "Do you think Lulu is a commodity? Can you make a clear price for the sale? I like Lulu, and I love her people."

"Haha, boy, what are you and I pretending to be, aren’t you and I both because she has a rich mother? As long as I become his boyfriend, then his family’s assets are mine, boy, you don’t have the strength , Don't wade in this muddy water, and let Tang Lu give me."

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the check from Zheng Peng's hand.

Seeing that Ye Chen had taken the check, Zheng Peng was ecstatic.

However, in the next second, Ye Chen tore the check in his hand to pieces and threw it at Zheng Peng: "You scumbag, I won't let Lulu give you this kind of rubbish."

With that, in Zheng Peng's shocked eyes, Ye Chen turned into the car and drove away.

Zheng Peng was stunned.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen would tear up the check he wrote.

"Asshole, grab a woman with me, I want you to look good." Looking at the taillights of Ye Chen Volkswagen, Zheng Peng went crazy.

Ye Chen drove the car and directly sent the video just posted to Tang Lu.

Tang Lu was very happy to see the WeChat sent by Ye Chen, but when she saw the content of the video, her face flushed with anger.

She forwarded the video directly to her mother Li Hui, and then dialed Li Hui's phone number.

Li Huizheng is chatting with Zheng Peng's mother.

The two are even discussing where to hold the wedding.

Li Hui's phone rang, and she smiled and said, "It must be the end of the meeting."

Mother Zheng said with a face: "Don't worry, Sister Hui, my son will satisfy your daughter."

When the phone was connected, Tang Lu's angry voice came from the other side: "Mom, who are you introducing me to, watch the video by yourself."

Li Hui hung up the phone, then opened the WeChat message, and saw the content of the video suddenly furious.

"This is your good son. From now on, our two families will stop talking and let me go out."

"What's wrong with Sister Hui? Why are you making such a big fire?"

Li Hui sent the video directly to Mother Zheng, and then pushed her out.

Zheng's mother was thrown out directly by others, and her face was blue with anger.

When she saw the content of the video, she was almost mad.

It took her a lot of energy to become friends with Li Hui.

Only then has the opportunity to introduce his son to Li Hui.

She carefully designed it step by step to allow her son to marry Tang Lu and then dominate the Mida Group.

But her stupid son actually messed up all her plans.

Mother Zheng dialed her son's phone.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"You stinky boy, you still ask me what's wrong? How did I give birth to your unbelievable son."

Shocking his head and covering his face, Zheng Peng received a scolding.

Opening the WeChat sent by his mother and seeing the video content, Zheng Peng was almost dizzy.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen would send Tang Lu the video just now.

Zheng Peng knew that his plan was completely bankrupt.

Ye Chen parked the car at the gate of Wang's Mansion, and just after getting off the car, a taxi followed.

The taxi door opened and a woman ran out of the car, still holding a bouquet of roses.

It turned out to be Su Ke.

Ye Chen was stunned, what kind of show operation was this.

Looking at the top of Su Ke's head, green tea is worth 90!

Damn it!

How many men have this woman been green?

Ye Chen was shocked.

"Ye Chen, give me a chance, even if I am your junior."

"Little San?"

Ye Chen didn't expect that this girl would even be a junior in order to marry a rich family.

"Excuse me, I don't have the habit of raising Xiaosan, please don't pester me anymore."

With that, Ye Chen walked straight into the palace.

Seeing Ye Chen entered the palace, Su Ke followed.

But he was stopped by the guard at the door.

"What are you doing to stop me?"

"You can't enter here."

"Then why can he enter?"

"This is Mr. Ye's house, why can't you enter?"

"What? The palace is Ye Chen's home?" Su Ke was shocked.

Su Ke cried out.

She had missed such a rich and handsome man.

Ye Chen arranged for Li Yuanyuan's family, and he returned to the magic city by private jet.

He just got back, he received a call from Liu Weiwei.

"Ye Chen, can you help me deal with a top hacker in country M?" Liu Weiwei said anxiously.

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