Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:17 PM

Chapter 832: 832

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Su Rou smiled and said, "Yeah, do you remember the person I told you about helping the police station solve many cases?"

"I have such an impression." Xiao Jing said as if thinking back.

"He is the person I'm talking about, and his name is Ye Chen." Su Rou said with a smile.

"Do you two know each other?" Su Rou asked suspiciously.

Before Xiao Jing could answer, Su Rou suddenly saw that Ye Chen was handcuffed and asked with wide eyes: "Xiao Jing, why do you treat our benefactor in the police station like this? He has helped us many times."

When asked this way, Xiao Jing was also surprised. She didn't expect that the suspect she caught was a great benefactor who often helped the police to solve cases.

"Xiaojing, I just heard from my colleague that you have arrested a suspect, is it him?" Su Rou pointed to Ye Chen and asked.

Xie Jing nodded in embarrassment, it seems that the wrong person was still caught.

She stayed there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Ye Chen didn't speak from beginning to end, but looked at the two women, and felt that the policewoman named Xiaojing was a little confused.

Su Rou had already walked to Ye Chen's front and removed her handcuffs.

She scolded her face and said, "Why don't you explain?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, thinking to explain that he wouldn't be here if he was useful.

The four people quarreled again: "Since we have no suspicion, why not let us go."

Su Rou only noticed the four people and asked, "What's the matter?"

"These are the four suspects we caught from the street." Xiao Jing explained.

"Police officer, we have just been ruled out of suspicion." One of the men said.

Hearing what the man said, Su Rou looked at Xiaojing and asked, "Then why are you still not letting go?"

"Ye Chen just said that there were robbers in it, but I actually don't believe it either." Xiao Jing said.

Then she looked at the male police officer and said, "Brother Zhang, please let go of these four people."

"Let's go." Brother Zhang said, looking at the four men.

"Wait a minute," Su Rou said suddenly.

Since Ye Chen said that there were robbers in it, there must be nothing wrong.

Ye Chen hasn't spoken, and this time he suddenly said, "Xiaorou, you are still smart, unlike some people who solve crimes without using their brains and are just whimsical."

Xiaojing knew that Ye Chen was mocking her, but after all, Su Rou would not have a good time with her, not to mention that Su Rou and Ye Chen seemed to have a very good relationship.

"Since you said it was that man, what about the evidence?" Xiaojing asked unconvinced.

"Of course I have evidence." Ye Chen said lightly.

He had read a lot of information from the man's heart just now.

"You go to the pedestrian street now, look for the trash can in that area, and you will definitely be able to find the jewelry robbed from the jewelry store." Ye Chen said decisively.

Before Xiao Jing could speak, Su Rou smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, you send a few people to look for them as Ye Chen said."

"Okay, Team Su." The male police hurriedly said.

Su Rou also felt that this was Xiaojing's team's case after all, and it was not appropriate for her to participate too much.

"Xiao Jing, I still have things to deal with, so I'll leave first." Su Rou said with an excuse, then turned and left.

Now there are only Xiao Jing, Ye Chen and the four men left in the room.

Brother Zhang led five or six policemen to look for every trash can in the pedestrian street as Ye Chen said.

After a while, they returned to the police station.

Seeing colleagues coming empty-handed, Xiao Jing asked: "Did you not find it?"

Officer Zhang shook his head and said, "No, the trash cans in the pedestrian street have been searched, but nothing was found."

Xie Jing looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, you dare to fool the police so boldly."

Originally Su Rou let Ye Chen go, Xie Jing felt uncomfortable and hated Ye Chen even more.

"Ye Chen, Sister Su Rou believes you, but I don't believe you." Xie Jing looked at Ye Chen with an angry expression and said.

Ye Chen didn't have the time to pay attention to what Xiao Jing said. He had been thinking that the information he had just read from the man's heart was indeed so, how could he not find it.

He looked at the fourth man again, a wicked smile appeared on the man's face.

"Boy, want to tease me, you are still a little tender."

"Even if you policemen are added together, they are not my opponent."

"Haha, how could I be so stupid to put those jewels on the pedestrian street."

"Fortunately, my accomplice runs fast. He has already moved the jewelry to the old warehouse close to Pujiang that we visited before."

"As soon as I go out, I'll go there and meet him."

The man also looked at Ye Chen, wondering how he could guess where the jewelry was hidden in the trash can.

But I was shocked in my heart, thinking that if I changed to an ordinary person, I would think that only the trash can is the best place to hide jewelry.

"His companion has already transferred the jewelry, the man who hit me before." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Then he looked at the man again and said with a smile: "Am I right?"

The man's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect Ye Chen to actually guess it, as if he had gotten into his heart.

He thought that Ye Chen just happened to guess the location of the trash can, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to guess again.

Although he didn't answer, the expression that looked at Ye Chen obviously turned from his disdain to shock.

"Well, since you said he has a companion, where is the companion now? Where is the jewel?" Xiao Jing said in a temper.

Officer Zhang has taken people to find the place that Ye Chen said, and he has not found it.

Xie Jing felt that Ye Chen was nothing but that, not as powerful as Su Rou said.

And because of this, Ye Chen made her ashamed in front of her most admired sister, how could she let it go.

Ye Chen said: "You can find it naturally by going to the abandoned warehouse around Pujiang."

"I warn you, if I dare to lie to us again, I will lock you here." Xie Jing threatened.

Seeing the angry little police flower in front of him, Ye Chen felt funny. Xie Jing was not angry at all. The kind of anger that pretended to be was really interesting.

"Okay, no problem, but if I'm right, what are you going to do?" Ye Chen asked back.

"Then I will apologize to you." Xie Jing said blankly.

"No, this is too cheap for you, let alone I am helping you catch bad guys." Ye Chen retorted.

Xie Jing looked at the man in front of him and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Ye Chen pointed to his face and smirked: "If you catch the robber as I said and find the jewelry, then you will not only apologize to me but also give me a kiss."

Xie Jing thought for a while and said, "Okay, no problem."

Because she felt that Ye Chen would never find a robber at all.

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