Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:18 PM

Chapter 84: 84

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Top hackers in a certain country?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

That’s right, some time ago, our Chinese scientist Jiang Lao developed a project, and soon the news was stolen by hackers in a certain country. In order to prevent our project from proceeding smoothly, they found a killer to assassinate Jiang Lao, and we even moved several locations. Hackers They all discovered the location of Old Jiang in the first time.

Ye Chen understood that the scientist Liu Weiwei was referring to should be Jiang Yifei.

"Old Jiang has encountered a killer again."

"Well, this time we lost seven security personnel."

"We suspect that Hua Lao's whereabouts were monitored by hackers, but our security measures are very strict and we don't know where the loopholes are."

"Okay, leave this to me."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen directly found Jiang's information.

Although Mr. Jiang's information is an S-level secret, it is very easy for Ye Chen to enter the security system.

Ye Chen cracked a piece of code on the computer, and soon he hacked Mr. Jiang's mobile phone and found a very secret hacker location system in his mobile phone.

Although the other party does not have Ye Chen's Sky Eye system, he can hack Jiang Lao's cell phone by locating, and then hack the surrounding cameras.

In this case, he can locate Jiang Lao's location at any time, and then send a killer to assassinate precisely.

This hacker's methods are indeed stronger than any hacker master in China.

Mr. Jiang’s mobile phone should have the most advanced firewall, but the other party can escape the surveillance of the Chinese security department and unknowingly intrude into the system, and hack Mr. Jiang’s mobile phone.

The Director of the China National Security Bureau, Li Jun frowned and said: "Are you sure Ye Chen can help us deal with hackers in a certain country?"

"He is the strongest hacker master I know, and even I have an intuition that he can easily invade our security system in China."

"What, there is such a person, then we must control it, otherwise he can easily enter our China Bank?"

Liu Weiwei smiled bitterly: "He shouldn't. He doesn't lack money. Hacking is just his hobby."

"Hobby?" Li Jun was immediately confused.

What does he do?

"Brother Didi." Liu Weiwei smiled bitterly.

Such an awesome hacking method is actually used?

Although Li Jun was knowledgeable, he was a bit daunted.

Ye Chen has already followed the tracking software and found the address of a hacker in a certain country.

This hacker is ranked first in the world hacker list, and his name is Tom. This time he cooperated with a certain national security bureau and won a reward of one billion M yuan.

His task is to lock the location of Mr. Jiang, steal the security plan of China, and then pass it to the intelligence department of a certain country to deploy a killer assassination.

To dare to run wild in our country and kill our scientists in China is simply looking for death.

Ye Chen unceremoniously swept away one billion M yuan, then packaged and downloaded all the data in Tom's computer and sent it to Liu Weiwei.

After getting everything done, Ye Chen left a note on Tom's computer: "Those who commit crimes against China will be punishable even though they are far away!"

Liu Weiwei's cell phone rang.

"Lao Jiang's cell phone was implanted with a tracking system by a hacker. I have deleted the tracking system. Now let Jiang move immediately. His location should have been located by the enemy. This is the enemy's plan of action."

"What?" Liu Weiwei's face changed.

Hualao’s mobile phone has been tested, so how can there be a hacker’s tracking system.

The hacker's methods are too strong! It has escaped the numerous precautions of China.

Hanging up the phone, Liu Weiwei said, "Director Li, Mr. Jiang's position has been exposed and needs to be transferred immediately."

"Impossible, this time our security measures are very strict."

"Old Jiang's phone has been located." Liu Weiwei took a deep breath.

Although Liu Weiwei once suspected that Jiang's mobile phone was hacked, after their inspection, Ye Chen was able to find out that there was hacker software in Jiang's mobile phone so quickly, and it was deleted. It was really too strong.

"Let Jiang old transfer immediately." Director Li hurriedly issued an order.

Half an hour after Mr. Jiang moved, the floor where Mr. Hua lived was actually attacked.

And this time, the other party put in more killers.

Fortunately, Hua Guo prepared in advance and fought a beautiful ambush.

Director Li Jun heard the report and stood up excitedly.

I finally fought a turnaround battle. During this period of time, I was chased and beaten by others, and I lost so many elites. I was too aggrieved.

"Ye Chen is too strong, Weiwei, I want to meet this hero."

Liu Weiwei smiled awkwardly: "Li Ju, Ye Chen told me that he didn't want to contact us. He can help at any time, but he doesn't want to join us."

"That's it!" Li Jun understood that Ye Chen has a very strange personality, and if he is really forced too tightly, it will make the other party disgusted. After all, he will be used a lot in the future.

Country M, Tom is in a bar, leisurely holding two female stars ready to check out.

"Sorry, your card balance is insufficient." The waiter said after swiping the card.

"You are joking with me if the balance is insufficient!" Tom was taken aback.

His card is lying more than a billion.

But he was dumbfounded to check the balance through his mobile phone.

The balance turned out to be zero.

"It's over." Tom's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly thought that his computer might be hacked.

At this moment, two sturdy men rushed over, couldn't help but squeeze Tom into the car.

Tom's blindfold was lifted, and the person on the other side shouted angrily: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Tom didn't expect you to eat inside and out as a double agent."

"What do you mean by double agent?"

"You sent all our action plans to China, and we lost more than a dozen elite killers."

"No, it's impossible, I don't."

"No? Your computer is already in our hands, the evidence is conclusive!"

The voice fell, and a dagger pierced his heart.


China! Ye Chen took another business, the door opened, and Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the person getting on the bus.

Liu Weiwei?

"Ye Chen thanked you so much this time. This time you helped a lot. We arrested more than a dozen agents and destroyed their intelligence network in one fell swoop."

"Haha, this is what I should do." Ye Chen smiled.

"The above will give you rewards, don't hesitate to mention what you want." Liu Weiwei said.

Ye Chen shook his head: "Forget it, just give me a five-star praise."

"Five-star praise is enough?" Liu Weiwei was stunned.

In fact, as mentioned above, Ye Chen could give him any reward he wanted, but Ye Chen turned out to just want a simple five-star praise.

Liu Weiwei shook her head helplessly: "This is for you."

Looking at the little book Liu Weiwei had given, Ye Chen was stunned: "What is this?"

"This is a special pass from our Security Bureau. With him, you can pass through China without any obstruction." Liu Weiwei said.

"Relax, this is only our reward to you, and you have indeed done a lot for us, and we will need your help in the future."

Ye Chen understood what Liu Weiwei meant, and taking this red book also meant this responsibility.

But Ye Chen still took over Hong Benben.

There is a country to have a home, so the country really needs itself, Ye Chen will still voluntarily look back and take action.

When the car arrived at the airport, Liu Weiwei got out of the car and smiled: "By the way, there are five-star praise, right."

In fact, the five-star praise is what Ye Chen wants most, and there are two stars to activate his new career.

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