Published at 27th of April 2021 12:25:01 PM

Chapter 840: 840

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The man joked and said: "Oh, Xiaozhe, Xiaopeng, what kind of wind do you two young masters have, you don't have to go around all day long, and the express delivery is here. This is really the sun hitting the west.

"Brother, I advise you to change the place. The miserable life of the two of us started in the Dorsett Hotel. It is really not a good place."

The man was also puzzled when he saw the message: "Why is it not a good place, it is a paradise for the rich."

"Brother, what kind of heaven is simply hell, and the person who made us both fall into such a land is the boss there."

"If you say so, I would be even more curious about what kind of characters can turn you two dudes into this way."

Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng shook their heads when they saw the message. Since the person they call "Brother" insists on going, they have no choice but to think about it.

Ye Chen suddenly sneezed a few times, wondering if it was a cold.

But he didn't expect that just when he was delivering the express delivery seriously, he was being discussed by a group of unknown people, and he didn't expect to attend a banquet with a stranger in a while.

As he delivered the courier, he wondered when the system will reward him again.

At this moment, the phone rang, Ye Chen looked at the phone that turned out to be Xiao Ya, and couldn't help frowning. There must be nothing good for this girl to look for him.

"Brother Ye Chen, haven't you contacted me for a few days?" Xiao Ya asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ye Chen replied lightly.

Xiao Ya pouted and said, "You don't lie anymore. I want people not to call them. I miss you very much."

Ye Chen wondered what nerves this girl was making. He called to find out whether he wanted her or not. You must know that he didn't have the time to spend time playing with this girl.

"Xiao Ya, if you have nothing to do, I will hang up, and now I am busy." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I want you to go to the Dorsett Hotel for dinner at night." Xiao Ya said quickly.

She was afraid that Ye Chen would hang up the phone.

"What are you going to do at the Dorsett Hotel? Wouldn't you do it for your mother's company project again?" Ye Chen asked vigilantly.

He clearly remembers the attitude of Xiao Ya's mother, Xiao Xinyi, towards him when talking about the project at the Dorsett Hotel last time.

Xiao Ya said with a look of disdain: "Cut, what is her company's business to me."

"By the way, Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng will also come." She continued to add.

Hearing Xiao Ya's words, Ye Chen became more vigilant. He is the owner of the Imperial Hotel, so it is impossible for him to treat him to dinner.

In fact, there is no problem with a dinner party, mainly because he doesn't have that time.

"I'm very busy. It doesn't matter if you invite you to dinner. I don't have time to invite people who don't know me to dinner." Ye Chen said bluntly.

"Cut, Brother Ye Chen, you think too much, no one asks you to invite you to dinner, but someone invites you to dinner, hehe." Xiao Ya said with a smile.

In the afternoon, Xiao Jun and his group came to the Dorsett Hotel, which looked like a palace from the outside, and it was also one of the best seven-star hotels in the magic city.

Entering inside, the magnificent decoration and the antique pottery of the hotel all reveal his luxury and high-end, as if he were in a palace.

When the children of these big families came in, they all showed shocked eyes.

It is not easy for people like them to come here. The service here is luxurious and the cost is even higher, which is not something they can afford. If it weren't for Xiao Jun's treat, they would not come here if they were killed.

A group of people walked into the box, and Xiao Jun came to the balcony to taste the red wine.

Zhao Zhe came over and said, "Brother Xiao, I'm really scared to see Ye Chen."

Sun Peng also echoed: "Brother, me too."

"Look at what you two are like, as for you?" Xiao Jun looked at the two of them and laughed.

"Really brother, Ye Chen is my nightmare." Zhao Zhe frowned and said.

Xiao Jun took a sip of red wine and said, "Is that Ye Chen really coming back? I'm really curious that I want to meet."

"Brother, I have asked Xiao Ya to find him, and he will definitely come. This Ye Chen can't stand the temptation of beautiful women, and he is very enthusiastic. The objects he helps are all beautiful women," Sun Peng said.

"Well, I'm afraid I won't see him." Xiao Jun laughed.

"Brother, I am so happy to see you come back. You can avenge me when you see Ye Chen later." Zhao Zhe pleaded.

How could he be a young master at ease to deliver the courier? If he hadn't been forced by his father to be the beauty of Xiangche now, the culprit was that Ye Chen. He had always held a grudge against this matter, but he was helpless.

"Yeah, brother, during your absence, our brothers have been exhausted and we are tired. You see, we are not exposed to the sun every day, or the wind and rain are all tired and thin." Sun Peng also told me. Got up.

"As far as I know, Ye Chen and you two don't know each other at all. What does your delivery of express have to do with others?" Xiao Jun said while looking at the two.

"We don't know each other, but our dad saw that Ye Chen had so many assets at a young age, that he was so accomplished, and he was still delivering express delivery to experience life, so let us both send express delivery." Zhao Zhe said hurriedly.

"I couldn't understand the two of you before. I really should have suffered a bit. I knew that chatting with beautiful women to reward female anchors." Xiao Junbai said with a glance at the two.

"Brother, you also said about us, aren't you also chatting with beautiful women for rewards?" Sun Peng dissatisfied.

"Can I be the same as you? My money is earned by my ability, but you guys reach out to ask for your father, and have the ability to make money on your own." Xiao Jun said in a lesson.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng stopped talking. Xiao Jun said there was nothing wrong with him, but he did not rely on his family, and achieved his current achievements through his own little efforts.

On the contrary, the two of them did not rely on their own food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. They all reached out and asked the old man for them. Can they compare?

"Brother Xiao, in short, you must take revenge for the little brother. The suffering we have suffered these days, it is uncomfortable to say it." Zhao Zhe changed the subject.

Xiao Jun ignored the two, but looked at Ye Chen’s information on the phone and said: “This Ye Chen is indeed not easy. He drove a car worth hundreds of millions at a young age. I just don’t have the ability to do it. Besides, they are also shareholders of many groups. They are really young and promising."

Now he is more and more interested in this young man named Ye Chen.

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