Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:59 PM

Chapter 841: 841

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Xiao Ya walked over to Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Ye Chen, we met again, I miss you so much."

Speaking, Xiao Ya walked up to Ye Chen and took Ye Chen's arm all of a sudden.

Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him, and said helplessly: "You look a bit uncomfortable, it will make others misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding is better. I want others to misunderstand." Xiao Ya said disapprovingly.

Seeing Xiao Ya's attitude, Ye Chen didn't say anything anymore.

"Ye Chen, I thought you would not come, you are really brave, and you dare to come to the banquet." Xiao Ya said with a smile.

"I don't dare to come, because I'm afraid they won't be able to eat me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He thought in his heart that this hotel belonged to him, and it was all his territory when he walked into it. What's so terrible.

Xiao Ya took Ye Chen's arm and walked into the hotel.

"Wow, look, look, that man is so handsome."

"This man seems to be our boss, so charming."

The two girls at the front desk saw Ye Chen, their eyes lit up, they liked it so much, and they started talking.

When the lobby manager saw Ye Chen walk into the hotel, he ran to the front in three steps and two steps, and said, "Mr. Ye, you are here, do you have any instructions?"

"Manager Chen, are you busy with you, there is nothing for you here." Ye Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

When the voice fell, Manager Chen hurriedly withdrew.

Ye Chen followed Xiao Ya towards the box, and saw that there were already people sitting at this time.

Xiao Jun saw the two people who walked in and said with a smile: "Ye Chen, you are here."

"I want to see what kind of abilities Ye Chen has in the end, and he can become the boss here." One of them also said with a smile.

After all, they are all in this circle, so they have all heard of it.

All of you are around 20 years old, and they all hold certain positions in family businesses.

But it is rare for Ye Chen to control a group of hundreds of billions at a young age.

And everyone knows that Ye Chen's family background is only average, and it is extremely rare to be able to achieve such a high level of achievement.

Seeing Ye Chen and Xiao Ya walking in, everyone stood up.

Ye Chen was also a little surprised. There were so many people at this banquet, more than a dozen people.

Adding Ye Chen and Xiao Ya, there are nearly twenty people.

"What's the matter? Is this a gathering of the second generation of the magic capital rich?" Ye Chen thought while looking at the person in front of him.

"Mr. Ye, it's nice to meet you, I'm Xiao Jun."

Ye Chen also smiled and said: "Brother Xiao, I have been admiring a big name for a long time. No one in the magic city knows that no one knows you. I want to put the world's precious sports cars into my bag."

Xiao Jun smiled embarrassedly: "At that time, I was young and frivolous, don't take it seriously, hurry up and sit down and talk."

A young man nearby took a look at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, hello, my name is Shen Xu. I want to play with you."

"The game? I don't understand what you said." Ye Chen looked at the small young man in front of him.

Ye Chen didn't know the young man in front of him, let alone a holiday.

But the young man looked at him with a provocative expression in his eyes.

Seeing the blank expression on Ye Chen’s face, Xiao Jun explained: “Mr. Ye, don’t get me wrong, don’t you have a sports car worth hundreds of millions? Shen Xu is also a car lover. Not only that, he is also a racing car. I just want to race with you."

Ye Chen can see that the Shen Xu in front of him is definitely very good in racing. After all, he is a child of a rich family who likes to play some excitement.

And the expressions of Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng can also confirm this.

Ye Chen finally knew what the point of this banquet was to embarrass Ye Chen and challenge him.

He won't be able to hit their tricks, and refused: "I'm sorry, I don't play racing."

Shen Xu mocked: "Is there anyone who drives supercars or doesn't play racing? Who will believe this?"

Then he continued: "Let's race one game, and bet on your supercar."

"Brother Shen, I don't like what you like, and I don't have the time and interest to accompany you in racing. I have to deliver the express." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I think you dare not." Shen Xu said with a smile.

"Shen Xu, you are too bullying, and you compare your area of ​​expertise with Ye Chen." The person next to him also said with a bit of incomprehension.

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "Don't bother Brother Shen, I won't let you do what I want, and I won't be so stupid to race with you."

Xiao Ya listened to her side, pursing her lips, and did not speak. She really couldn't get through.

"Shen Xu, I advise you not to race against Ye Chen. You are not his opponent."

Hearing Xiao Ya's words, everyone was a little surprised. Is this just bragging?

You must know that Shen Xu is well-known in the racing circle. Ye Chen doesn't understand racing, so how could he be better than Shen Xu? Obviously he is talking big.

Shen Xu even jokingly said: "Who can't speak big words is better than talking."

"Brother Ye Chen has won the championship of Jiulongshan Circuit." Xiao Ya said with a bit of tolerance.

Hearing Xiao Ya's words, everyone opened their eyes in surprise again, and both Shen Xu and the surprised jaw dropped.

The children of the wealthy family all know the Jiulongshan Circuit. Although they have not raced before, they have heard of it. Going there to race in a car is nine deaths, let alone winning the championship.

Even a lot of people are killed in car crashes, which is a gambling, and even if they lose the gambling, they will get in.

Ye Chen didn't speak, but Xiao Ya looked at Shen Xu provocatively and said, "Are you still racing?"

Not only did Shen Xu dare not provoke, he even dared not say anything.

Ye Chen saw Shen Xu's ugly expression and said with a smile: "Since Brother Shen wants to compare with me so much, let's change to another project."

"Other projects?" Everyone was also puzzled.

"It's better for us to deliver the express delivery. All day tomorrow, see who delivers more express delivery, and whoever wins." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Send express delivery?"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone felt strange.

This competition is really interesting, it is unheard of, listen to the so-called.

Seeing everyone's expressions in surprise, Ye Chen continued: "Since you love racing, you can drive a sports car to give it away, and how about I ride an electric tricycle?"

Ye Chen's words surprised everyone again. According to Ye Chen's words, this was obviously an unfair game, and it turned out to be biased towards each other.

The speed of a sports car and an electric tricycle is simply worlds apart. Does this compare? What does Ye Chen think?

People will put forward self-interested conditions and requirements, but Ye Chen has just said that it is not good for his own convenience. Shouldn't this mind be watts?

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