Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:55 PM

Chapter 845: 845

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Seeing Su Qing staring at him blankly, Ye Chen asked, "Any other things?"

"Ye Dong, there's no more." Su Qing said after returning to her senses.

Ye Chen said concerned: "It's getting late. After a busy day, you should go home and rest as soon as possible."

He feels very sorry for Su Qing. Now he is like a hand-off shopkeeper, just giving out ideas, and Su Qing will handle the specific operations.

Seeing Su Qing's haggard face, Ye Chen was also a little distressed, but he had no choice but to deliver the courier.

"Well, okay, Dong Ye, I'm going to disturb you to rest." Su Qing said sensibly.

At this time, after Xiao Ya visited Ye Chen's room, she also walked downstairs.

"Xiao Ya, you go with Xiaoqing, I will let her take you home." Ye Chen said, looking at the girl in front of him.

"Brother Ye Chen, won't you take me home? I want you to take me home." Xiao Ya said like a joke.

Ye Chen ignored her, but looked at Su Qing and said, "Xiaoqing, can you please drop Xiao Ya home on the way, thank you."

"Okay, Dong Ye, I will definitely send Miss Xiao home safely, don't worry." Su Qing nodded and said.

"I don't want you to send me home, I just want Brother Ye Chen to send it." Xiao Ya said noisily.

"Xiao Ya, if you make trouble like this again, you will let you go home, believe it or not?" Ye Chen said with an ugly expression.

"Brother Ye Chen, I hate you." Xiao Ya walked outside the door with a grieved expression.

After the two girls left, Ye Chen took a shower and quickly went back to the room to rest.

The next day, Ye Chen finished washing after getting up and put on the express uniform designed by Peter.

In fact, the clothes had already been sent a few days ago, and Ye Chen had left them alone without wearing them.

I took out this suit from the cabinet today. I have to say that Peter’s design level is really superb. This uniform looks completely different. Although it is a uniform, it has a temperament on the body. It's not the same.

Ye Chen took a picture in front of the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

Out of the villa, he drove Lycan, after all, he had previously bet on this car with Shen Xu.

At six o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen drove to the agreed place, which was the doorway of the breakfast shop where Xiaopang had eaten before.

There was a roar of motors on Pudong Road, and everyone who was eating breakfast looked outside, wondering what happened this early.

Luxury cars parked at the door. Of course, the owners of the cars were those rich second-generation generations who attended Xiao Jun's banquet last night, and of course Shen Xu was also included in it.

"Ye Chen, really, how did you choose the meeting place in such a broken place."

"I never get up so early."

"Hey, I finished all night games yesterday. It's not easy to watch the excitement."

These rich second generations sighed and talked a lot.

Seeing that Ye Chen hadn't come, they were all looking around, of course, Shen Xu was also included in it.

One of them looked at Shen Xu and said, "Brother Shen, is this Ye Chen scared and dare not come?"

"Who knows, he was obviously gambled to deliver the courier, but now there is no one in sight, I don't know what the **** is going on." Shen Xu was also a little impatient, and said with a yawn.

To know how hard it was to get up this morning, it was simply too painful.

At this moment, the roar of a motor rang in the distance, and a cool sports car drove quickly toward this side and stopped on the side of the road.

Ye Chen got out of the car, without seeing Shen Xu and the others who gnawed at him, he walked straight towards the breakfast shop.

Shen Xu hurried over and said, "Ye Chen, didn't you mean the game? Why did you get up early?"

"I haven't eaten early yet, of course I have to fill my stomach before the game." Ye Chen said without even looking at him.

When Ye Chen said so, Shen Xu felt a little hungry, but when he saw the environment inside, he frowned.

"Ye Chen, let's change home for breakfast and find a high-end place." Shen Xu hurried forward and said.

"Aren't the high-end ones also these things? Don't you eat gold and diamonds earlier." Ye Chen mocked.

When Ye Chen said so, Shen Xu was dumb, thinking how could gold and diamonds be eaten, just kidding.

Seeing that Shen Xu didn't speak, Ye Chen said, "If you don't want to eat, just wait for me to finish and we will compare."

Shen Xu frowned and walked in with Ye Chen. The oily smell inside made him feel uncomfortable.

Ye Chen didn't have any other feelings, so he found a seat and sat down and ordered something.

Shen Xu sat next to him and watched him eat.

At first, Shen Xu's stomach was not particularly hungry, but seeing Ye Chen's relish, he couldn't help but order something.

As soon as I took a bite, I felt that the taste was really good. I didn't expect this kind of small shop to be able to make such a delicious breakfast, which completely subverted his cognition.

After Ye Chen finished eating, he greeted the boss and left.

Shen Xu also finished eating at this time, and then walked out.

Seeing two people come out, those rich second generations immediately came to their spirits, because the contestants of today's game appeared.

These rich second generations had nothing to see Shen Xu, but their eyes widened in surprise when they saw Ye Chen.

The main reason is that the express clothing on Ye Chen was something they had never seen before. It looked like a uniform but not a uniform, giving people an indescribable fashion feeling.

Shen Xu was also a little jealous when he saw it. Today he specially wore a Gucci casual outfit, but everyone actually looked at Ye Chen's torn uniform.

"Brother Ye, your dress is too fashionable, it seems that it was not distributed by the express company." One of them asked suddenly.

Another person also echoed: "This kind of costume has never been seen on the road. This is the first time."

Hearing everyone's praise of Ye Chen's uniform, Shen Xu's expression became a little ugly.

His clothing tastes even better than a courier brother, luxury brand clothing is not as good as the courier brother's uniform, if this is spread out, how will he get mixed up in this circle.

"This is indeed not issued by the express company. I asked the top Louis Vuitton designer to specially design it for me according to the style of the express uniform." Ye Chen said without any waves on his face.

Boom, everyone opened their mouths in astonishment when they heard Ye Chen's words, knowing that it would be more difficult to get Peter to design a costume.

Peter is a man with a temper and a weird personality. Even if someone in the wealthy business circle wants him to customize it privately, he doesn't necessarily agree.

Although Ye Chen is the president of the group, his status is not enough for Peter to make a private order for him.

But how could this happen? More importantly, the design of express delivery uniforms is unbelievable.

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