Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:50 PM

Chapter 849: 849

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Shen Xu leaned on the sports car, smoking a cigarette in his mouth, and muttered to himself: "How can the sports car lose?"

He thinks that his car is superb and he can beat Ye Chen in a sports car.

But what he didn't expect was that there were so many situations today that even the highest level of car skills could not be displayed.

Xiaopang looked at the bad reviews on the phone, frowned, and looked at Shen Xu reluctantly and said, "How can I deliver the courier in the future? It really affects my work."

Shen Xu was very upset when he had lost the game. He glared at Xiaopang and said, "This is a human job. Don't worry about this kind of work."

Xiaopang looked at the ugly young man in front of him, did not speak but shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Jun, who had not seen a person for a day, suddenly appeared in the cold drink shop.

He looked at Ye Chen and Shen Xu with a smile and said, "You have enough fun."

There is no need to ask, Xiao Jun also knows that Ye Chen must have won the game.

Although he has never delivered express delivery, he understands the road conditions in the city. Driving a sports car to deliver express delivery is purely a brain-dead idiot.

In fact, Xiao Jun instructed Shen Xu and Ye Chen to race cars before, to compete with their cars.

But instead of taking the bait, Ye Chen drew a circle for Shen Xu, and this guy even drilled into it willingly.

Seeing the game lost, only knowing Shen Xu who sighed, Xiao Jun shook his head.

He took out a cheque with an amount of 80 million yuan from his arms and handed it to Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, we are willing to accept the bet. This is the previous bet for you."

Xiao Jun knew that Shen Xu was definitely reluctant to give his car to Ye Chen, and it was Shen Xu that he instigated to compete with Ye Chen. Although the competition has changed, without his factors, Shen Xu would not want to compete with Ye Chen. Ye Chen bet.

Therefore, Xiao Jun felt that he should pay this responsibility.

The melon-eating crowd in the live broadcast once again talked about it.

"Damn, there is such a big bet on a delivery game."

"80 million, this is really something I can't even think of. The world of the rich really doesn't understand it."

"There are tens of millions at every turn, how can this let us live."

"No wonder Mr. Ye, delivering couriers can earn so much money than a single game, and I am willing to change it."

Ye Chen didn't accept the check from Xiao Jun, but said with a smile: "It's just a joke, don't take it too seriously."

In fact, Ye Chen didn't really want to take Shen Xu's car at all, but just wanted to teach this little boy a lesson, so that his memory should increase, not to always look high.

The live broadcast room is boiling again.

"Mr. Ye is so awesome, he didn't even see 80 million in his eyes."

"Yes, these 80 million say don't just don't, it's simply too grand."

"When will I be able to treat money as dung like Mr. Ye, I guess in my next life."

Xiao Jun was also taken aback when he saw Ye Chen's actions. Then he smiled and said, "Brother Ye, you are really refreshing. I have made you a friend, Xiao Jun. Why don't we have a good meal together tonight? rice."

Although Xiao Jun is different from the other elder brothers, Ye Chen didn't want to have too much contact with him. He smiled and said, "Brother Xiao, didn't we have dinner yesterday?"

Everyone in business knows how to observe words and colors, and Xiao Jun also knows Ye Chen's thoughts, so it is not easy to force it again.

After Ye Chen left, he once again came to the golden street that was caught by the police flower last time.

When passing by the jewelry store, a fashionable and luxurious woman suddenly walked out of it. The woman saw Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Little handsome guy, thank you for helping the jewelry store retrieve the robbed jewelry."

Before, the police informed Yuan Li that Jewelry had been recovered, and she learned from the police that it was a courier who had helped.

And when Ye Chen passed by, her clerk, the waitress who cooperated with the police to identify the robber, said to her: "Mr. Yuan, the young man who just passed by seems to be the courier I told you last time. brother."

Ye Chen looks handsome and has a very good temperament, which makes it easy for people to leave a deep impression.

Yuan Li ran out hurriedly after hearing the waitress's words. After seeing Ye Chen, he said a word of thanks.

And when Yuan Li saw Ye Chen at first glance, he felt that he was really too handsome, and it was hard to forget after a glance.

Ye Chen looked at the fashionable woman in front of him with a puzzled look and asked, "Are you?"

Yuan Li did not reveal her true identity, but said with a smile: "I am an employee of the jewelry store. We met at the police station before."

Ye Chen nodded, because when he was in the police station, he only tried to prove his innocence, and didn't care about the waitress at all.

Therefore, I mistakenly thought that Yuan Li was really the waitress.

"Little handsome guy, my sister wants to ask how you solved the case, can you tell my sister?" Yuan Li said straightforwardly.

In fact, she was also very curious about how Ye Chen, a courier brother, solved the case.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not speak, Yuan Li also felt that it was indeed inappropriate to say such things on the street.

So she smiled and said, "Go, let's go to the coffee shop and talk."

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "I'm just a courier, and I can't make thousands of dollars a month. I really can't afford such a place."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Yuan Li hurriedly said: "In my eyes, you are a little brother. If you are an older sister, you must ask your brother to drink coffee. You don't have to worry about money."

After Ye Chen heard it, he pretended to be relieved.

Yuan Li saw Ye Chen in front of him, and thought in her heart: "This little handsome guy is really interesting. I must deceive him."

Ye Chen possesses mind-reading skills, and of course he knows exactly what Yuan Li is thinking.

But Ye Chen was also very curious about how Yuan Li would lie to him.

The two came to the Starbucks coffee shop and found a seat to sit down.

Yuan Li ordered two cups of coffee and two desserts.

Ye Chen unceremoniously drank coffee and ate dessert, without feeling embarrassed at all.

Yuan Li looked at him and gobbled it up there, but also smiled without saying a word.

Seeing Ye Chen put down the coffee cup, Yuan Li smiled and said, "Little brother, how did you find those jewels?"

Ye Chen didn't like the name "little brother" very much. He looked at Yuan Li and said, "Sister, my name is Ye Chen, so you can call me by my name."

"Oh, yes, Ye Chen." Yuan Li hurriedly changed her name.

Then, she looked at Ye Chen and asked: "Ye Chen, tell your sister quickly, how did you solve the case and how to find the stolen jewelry? My sister is really curious.

Before Ye Chen could speak, she said with a grateful expression: "But thanks to you, otherwise the loss in the store would be great."

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