Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:49 PM

Chapter 850: 850

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Ye Chen already knew what Yuan Li was thinking.

Moreover, Ye Chen was alone in his mind.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "If you say, can I understand your heart, can you believe it?"

Yuan Li was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words.

"You mean, can you read my heart?" Yuan Li looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Yuan Li didn't expect Ye Chen to say that he could read his mind.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "This is not strange, I am actually a master."

"You should have heard of Qimen Dunjia."

If the average person told him that he was a master of physiognomy like this, and would still look at Feng Shui, Yuan Li would have turned around and left.

But she heard the police say about Ye Chen, but she didn't dare to believe it.

Yuan Li shook her head: "Aren't Xiangshu all deceptive?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Who said that, I will not only know Feng Shui, but also look at pictures, and through your palmistry, I can know all about you and what you think in your heart."

Yuan Li was stunned.

"This is real?"

Yuan Li became more and more curious about Ye Chen.

Seeing Yuan Li's curious look, Ye Chen was amused.

It seems that people are curious.

The so-called profound arts, although some people say they don't believe it, they believe it in their hearts.

Otherwise, not so many people will be deceived by those quack warlocks.

Ye Chen believed that if he was a liar, then Yuan Li would definitely be deceived.

"No, such a beautiful beauty, I must teach her a lesson today."

It’s good to meet yourself today, but what if you really meet a liar.

Ye Chen said: "If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you."

Yuan Li was taken aback after hearing it, "How do you want to prove it?"

She looked at Ye Chen, looking like a curious baby.

Ye Chen made a few gestures pretending to be mysterious, and then said: "Show me your hand."

Although Yuan Li looked dazed, she still stretched out her hand to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen picked up Yuan Li's palm.

I have to say that Yuan Li is not only good-looking, but this hand is also good-looking.

Even Ye Chen felt that if Yuan Li was a hand model, she would definitely make a lot of money.

Ye Chen stabilized his mind and looked at it for a while and then said: "If I guessed correctly, your surname should be Yuan."

At this moment, Ye Chen's expression was completely like a master.

Yuan Li was already stupid when she heard Ye Chen say her name directly.

She had never said her name to Ye Chen before, how did he see it.

Ye Chen continued, "Your surname is Yuan, right?"

When Ye Chen finished reading Yuan Li's name, Yuan Li was completely stunned.

"Have you seen me before or heard someone mention me by name."

Yuan Li looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

After all, this scene is incredible.

The two had never met before, but Ye Chen actually knew her name now.

This is unscientific.

Ye Chen shook his head: "We must have never seen it before."

Yuan Li was taken aback for a moment: "Why did you say this?"

Ye Chen said, "If we had met, you would definitely be impressed with me, because I am so handsome, maybe you wouldn't be impressed at all?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Yuan Li snorted coldly: "It seems that the little policewoman is right. You are a narcissist."

Yuan Li snorted coldly: "This can't be counted, we must have seen it before."

Yuan Li still didn't believe what Ye Chen said.

After all, Feng Shui Xiangshu was still too mysterious for her.

After thinking about it, Yuan Li said, "Why not, I will ask you a few questions. If you can answer all of them, I will trust you."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "This is not so good, you have been testing me, is it a bit unfair to me?"

"What is unfair? As long as you can answer my questions correctly, I will reward you well."

Yuan Li said with a smile.

In her heart, Yuan Li was thinking, mock-up, wanting to fool Miss Ben, you are still too tender.

Ye Chen knew what Yuan Li was thinking and smiled faintly: "Are you not convinced? Then just ask."

Ye Chen looked confident.

Yuan Li nodded: "Then I asked."

"The first question is, what is my age this year, and my home address, am I single or have an object, what do I do, if you can answer all these questions, then I will reward you well. ."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Good reward? Wouldn't it be based on the body?

Ye Chen looked at Yuan Li's beautiful body, the deal was really good.

He smiled faintly and said: "The beauty should be 31 years old this year."

In fact, according to Yuan Li's appearance, it is only twenty-five and sixty-six.

Unexpectedly, he was already 31 years old.

Ye Chen continued: "Your home is in Liya Garden..."

This woman turned out to be a rich woman.

Liya Garden, but a famous mansion in the magic city.

People who live there are either rich or expensive. Generally, they don't have assets of hundreds of millions. It is impossible to live in them.

When Ye Chen saw the next one, he was a little disappointed.

"You are already married."

Ye Chen originally wanted to take down this young lady, but she didn't expect that she was already married.

So Ye Chen wouldn't be thinking about it naturally.

what a shame.

Ye Chen said: "Your job is a profiteering industry. It's a medical equipment manufacturer, right?"

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at Yuan Li jokingly.

Yuan Li was completely stupid at this time.

Before, Yuan Li just thought that Ye Chen was talking nonsense.

But now Ye Chen got all his information right.

This made Yuan Li had to believe it again.

Especially when Ye Chen said that he was the boss of a medical device company, the expression in his eyes would not be deceiving.

Yuan Li also looked at Ye Chen with admiration at this time.

It turns out that this young man has rubella so miraculous.

It's not wrong at all, it's all right.

Suddenly, Yuan Li had an impulse in her heart.

Wouldn't it be better if such talents were used by me?

And this little brother is so young, it must be easy to subdue.

Just let him follow me obediently, tusk.

Yuan Li grabbed Ye Chen's hand with a look of excitement: "Little brother, you are really amazing, so let's go, are you willing to be my personal assistant? My sister can satisfy you for whatever you want."

Ye Chen felt that Yuan Li's eyes seemed to eat herself.

In fact, he just wanted to pretend to be awesome, but Yuan Li's eyes were really scary.

Yuan Li said, "I'm sorry, Miss Yuan, I'm afraid I can't promise myself."

"Why? I can give you the highest annual salary."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Mom once said a word to me."

Yuan Li was taken aback for a moment: "What did your mother say?"

Ye Chen said seriously: "Mom said, boys must protect themselves outside."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Yuan Li was stunned.

Ye Chen pulled out his hand and continued, "Sister, what was the reward you just told me about?"

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