Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:44 PM

Chapter 854: 854

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"This is really a crying single dog."

"It turned out not to be a cheating drama, but a plot of dog abuse."

The single young men onlookers had just condemned Ye Chen, but now they were beaten and wailed constantly.

"This world is too unfair. A little brother who delivers a courier can get a confession from a goddess."

"I'm no worse than him, why don't I even have a girlfriend."

But what makes these single dogs even more depressing is that Ye Chen did not accept the girl's confession.

"Liu Tian, ​​I don't like you at all, so don't pester me." Ye Chen said unceremoniously.


There was a sound of discussion around again.

"I heard it right, this courier boy turned down the goddess' confession."

"Goddess, I like you, that little brother doesn't cherish you, I'll confess to you."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu youu you got ten thousand your heart

If you change to be any man, you will definitely accept Liu Tian's confession, but Ye Chen doesn't follow the routine and refuses so simply.

Liu Tian didn't expect Ye Chen to be so decisive that she would not be able to come to the stage in front of everyone.

"Ye Chen, how can you bear to do this to me?" Liu Tian said with red eyes, crying.

She never dreamed that Ye Chen's heart would be so cruel.

"Liu Tian, ​​you are a good girl, and you can definitely find someone who loves you." Ye Chen persuaded.

In fact, Ye Chen really had no choice. He couldn't agree to Liu Tian because of the face of everyone.

If you do this, you can only hurt Liu Tian deeper.

Although Liu Tian has changed a lot for Ye Chen, in this case, she really has no face to stay here anymore.

She didn't say anything, pushed Ye Chen a bit, and ran away crying.

Seeing the girl leave, the crowd of onlookers eating melons also dispersed.

Ye Chen thought that there was still another courier that had not been delivered, so he hurriedly rode his electric car to the community.

He arrived in front of Building 8 according to the address, carrying the courier package, and came to the elevator door.

The girl who had been waiting for the elevator just glanced at Ye Chen and her heart pounded.

"This boy is so handsome, he looks like a courier boy, more like a movie star."

The girl in front of me is petite and looks very cute with shawl and long hair.

The girl took another peek at Ye Chen, but she felt her heart beating faster.

Although Ye Chen was wearing express clothing, he looked very handsome.

The girl looked at Ye Chen again, but found that his uniform was exactly the same as the one she had seen before. It can be said that she had never seen it.

In fact, it's not surprising that the girl looked confused, mainly because the uniform that Ye Chen wore was designed by Peter, and it was the Hermes of the express uniform.

The girl felt her eyes were deeply attracted by Ye Chen, and the charm of Ye Chen's body was really unstoppable.

"Under the world, there is such a handsome courier brother."

The girl felt her pretty face flushed, her heart beating like a deer.

After waiting for a while, the elevator came down, and the girl and Ye Chen walked into the elevator together.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, a man with glasses ran in.

The girl and the man looked at each other, did not speak, and the atmosphere in the elevator was a bit embarrassing.

Ye Chen saw the expressions on their faces and knew that there was a story between the two.

Sure enough, there was silence for a while, and the man asked, "Xiao Xu, how are you doing now?"

The girl said unnaturally, "Very good."

After hearing the girl's words, the man's expression was a little bit painful and asked: "Xiaoxu, have you made a boyfriend again?"

Without even thinking about it, the girl pulled Ye Chen by her side and said, "Liu Dong, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend."

When she said this, there was no ripple in her voice, and her expression was indifferent.

Seeing the man next to the girl, a touch of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the man with glasses. He didn't expect the girl to find such a good man.

I have to admit that Ye Chen is handsomer than him and has a more stylish figure than him. It can be said that he is better than him in appearance.

Ye Chen didn't know what happened, so she was dragged by the girl.

At first he wanted to deny it, but when the girl looked at him begging, his heart softened instantly.

Ye Chen took out the water glass, took a sip of water and was shocked.

This girl's behavior really caught him off guard.

The man in glasses said with a gloomy look: "If it wasn't for your mother, maybe we two are together now."

Hearing what the man said, Ye Chen immediately thought of the sad scenes of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Romeo and Juliet.

The previous family members were right. Between the family members, the parents' orders, and the matchmaker's words did not know how badly the mandarin ducks were dismantled.

The girl was silent for a while, and then asked in a low voice, "What about now?"

"Now, your mother and I have a very good time." The man in glasses sighed.

Hearing that, Ye Chen sprayed a sip of water on the face of the man with glasses.

The plot suddenly reversed, Ye Chen felt that this was too ridiculous.

I thought it was a bitter drama, but I didn't expect that it was a mother and daughter who fell in love with a man at the same time.

Really guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the end.

Ye Chen thought it was a TV series, so he didn't dare to act like that.

The man in glasses who was sprayed with water was also a little angry: "Boy, you are looking for a beating, you actually sprayed my face."

What made the glasses man even more depressed was that he was not only sprayed with water on his face, but also slapped.

The girl snorted and slapped the man fiercely with her hand: "You stinky shameless, after I dumped you, you were with my mother. You are simply not a human being."

"This can't blame me, your mother and I are willing to fight and suffer." The glasses man said confidently.

Hearing what the man said was so shameless, the girl asked in a cold voice: "You can tell me honestly how I was with my mother."

The man with glasses said: "I just told your mother that I am a little tired and don't want to work hard anymore."

Ye Chen felt that this man with eyes was really the best among the bastards.

Perhaps it was to avenge that man, the girl smiled and said to Ye Chen: "Where shall we go on a date?"

Ye Chen knew that the girl was on the verge of extreme anger after hearing the words of the man in the glasses.

He knows better that if he disagrees, the girl will not let him go.

I had no choice but to follow what the girl said and agreed.

The man with glasses was jealous when he saw the two of them being so close, and his eyes went wild.

It was because he didn't chase the girl, he retreated and stayed with the girl's mother.

After all, he just doesn't want to work hard, he wants to pick up what is ready.

But the girl didn't care, she just kept pulling Ye Chen's hand not to let go of the man in front of her.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the man in glasses felt that his lungs were about to explode.

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