Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:33 PM

Chapter 862: 862

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The netizens in the live broadcast room were suddenly crazy.

"I'm going, it's so awesome, I actually invited Brother Qiu here."

"It's over, I beg my brother to take action, then there is no suspense at all."

"Yeah, Yueyue was originally a rookie. When I met Brother Qiu, wasn't it just being abused?"

"I heard that Brother Qiu was the main player of the team before, and then he changed his career to be the anchor."

"Meeting Brother Qiu, Yueyue can't win, if Yueyue can win my live broadcast, Chixiang."

"It's over, this time there is no suspense in the game."

All netizens are not optimistic about the combination of Ye Chen and Yueyue at all.

Everyone knows Yueyue's strength.

It's basically a box on the ground.

And Qiu Ge is the powerful anchor of

He relies on his strength to attract the audience.

All kinds of firearms are thieves6.

The strength of the two parties is not comparable at all.

Seeing Zhu Wei's teammate turned out to be Brother Qiu, Yueyue's expression became even more ugly.

She didn't expect Zhu Wei to be so shameless.

Relying on his personal relationship, he asked Qige to help him play the game.

After all, this is just a normal PK.

You found a professional player.

This person has no bottom line in his life.

Moon Moon's little face flushed, and her heart was very angry.

Now Yueyue finally understands why this person is so confident.

It turns out that he has strong foreign aid.

It seems that this guy really struggled to get himself.

Yueyue looked at Ye Chen also a little worried.

Although Ye Chen never let her down.

But this time Ye Chen met the anchor of the professional game.

Although Ye Chen said that she would definitely be able to win, Ye Chen probably wouldn't have thought that his opponent would be a professional player.

Ye Chen heard the identity of Brother Qiu, but there was no feeling on his face.

This guy Zhu Wei was so awesome, he even found an anchor.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and greeted Qiu, but his next sentence stunned everyone.

"You just beg your brother, right? I'll blow you up."

Hearing Ye Chen's arrogant words, everyone was stupid.

"I rub, this guy is too crazy."

"Does he not know who he is talking to? The other party is asking brother."

"This kid is too arrogant."

"Yueyue's boyfriend is too domineering."

"Too awesome, I feel that Yueyue's boyfriend is not a courier at all, but a domineering president."

"Loved, loved, I like the arrogant look of a man the most."

Some netizens also dismissed Ye Chen's arrogance.

"What are you bragging about, people begging me to be a professional player."

"That's right, I'm so thick-skinned, I want to blow people up, who do I think I am?"

"This guy has water in his head."

"Yueyue's boyfriend is not a brain-dead."

Because of the appearance of Brother Qiu, Yueyue's live broadcast room became hot again.

Now on the hot list, the attention of this PK ranks first.

Almost audiences on the platform who like games watched this live broadcast.

On one side is the beauty anchor, on the other side is the technical type of brother.

"I rub, this game is interesting."

"It's awesome, Yueyue's live broadcast exploded today."

Soon, some netizens heard about Yueyue and Qiuge PK.

But for the result of the game, everyone thought there was no suspense.

Ye Chen is just a courier.

People Qiuge is a professional player.

The two sides are not comparable at all.

In other words, it's only a matter of time before people ask me to win.

Everyone in the live broadcast room began to bet.

I want to take this opportunity to make a good profit.

Almost everyone pressed Ye Chen to lose, begging the brother team to win.

After all, Qiu's technology is invincible in

On the barrage, netizens also mocked Ye Chen.

"Haha, why do you want to blow Brother Qiu's head, brother, where are you confident?"

"Too funny, isn't this little brother a courier? I guess he is also a courier in the game."

Zhu Wei laughed even more when he saw the comments on the Internet.

He liked the feeling that Ye Chen was ridiculed by everyone.

Brother Qiu's eyes are also slightly narrowed.

As's first technical anchor, someone clamored to blow his head.

This can be said to be an insult to his Chi Guoguo.

What do you want to say is that the professional players retired.

Someone arrogantly wants to explode his head.

Are you kidding?

This guy really doesn't know life or death.

Brother Qiu's eyes flashed with coldness.

He has already decided to teach this guy who doesn't know the heights of the earth.

Qiu Ge said coldly: "Let's start PK, let him know the strength of professional players."

Zhu Wei couldn't wait, and clicked the start button of the game.

This time, the map they chose was P City.

Both sides jumped off the plane.

Ye Chen and Yueyue jumped to P City together.

Seeing Ye Chen and Yueyue jump into P city unexpectedly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"This kid is very courageous."

"P City, do they want to land into a box?"

Brother Qiu is very stable, and it was Port N that jumped with Zhu Wei.

Weird expressions appeared on the faces of netizens.

"This kid must have landed into a box."

After Ye Chen jumped down, he picked up a spray.

Seeing Ye Chen picking up the spray, the eyes of netizens suddenly became weird.

Because Ye Chen clearly had M430 in front of him.

"Will this guy play? He even picked up a spray."

"It's so funny, I thought it was a king, but it turned out to be a little white."

At this time, many teams have already jumped to P City.

According to the rules, whoever is eliminated first will lose.

Therefore, Ye Chen's jump to P City can be said to be very unwise.

"Ye Chen, I heard a lot of footsteps here."

"Ye Chen, we seem to be surrounded."

Looking at the dense footsteps on the minimap, Yueyue was frightened.

"Haha, they were discovered, and they are probably going to fall into a box soon."

"Let you pretend to jump into P city, this time you are stupid."

"Yueyue's pig teammates should first jump to a place where there are few people and develop slowly."

"The most funny thing is that Yueyue's teammate is holding a spray."

"It's over, the game will end soon after it starts."

At this time, four full formations have surrounded two people.

Ye Chen said: "Yueyue, find a hut and leave it to me."

"I rub, does this guy pick four of them?"


Ye Chen took the sprayer and rushed out directly.

The netizens who saw this scene in the live broadcast room all laughed.

Nima, why do you hit four in one spray?

Ye Chen showed his head.

In the game, the bullets immediately rained down at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took the sprayer and fired directly.


A headshot was shot and a player fell directly.

"I'll rub, this is so lucky."

Seeing Ye Chen's **** operation, everyone was stunned.

But many people think Ye Chen is lucky.

Bang bang bang!

Three shots again.

The whole live broadcast room was silent.

Ye Chen's sprayer is almost more accurate than the 98K with eight times.

A full formation actually made Ye Chen easily overturned.

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