Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:31 PM

Chapter 864: 864

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Brother Qiu is very confident in his skills.

After all, he is a professional player. How could he lose to an amateur player? This is impossible.

Qiu's brother has confidence on his face: "One-on-one, I have never said it."

Upon hearing the request, the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Awesome, worthy of being a great god."

"It's too good, I beg you to be serious."

"Let's take a look at some awesome technology."

The live broadcast room was full of passion again.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

One to one?

That's right, Qiu Ge's skills are really awesome.

But Ye Chen possesses god-level game skills.

No matter how awesome you are, you are just a grandson in front of me.

Ye Chen hid in a room and observed the surroundings.

He suddenly saw that Brother Qiu had rushed towards the building where he was hiding.

Ye Chen just wanted to shoot.

Asking brother to flash away, he jumped into Ye Chen's building from another building.

Fuck, this posture is really awesome.

Two people are in a house, and the two sides are close to a battle to decide a victory or defeat.

Ye Chen quickly stopped to the sound of Brother Qiu's footsteps.

The opponent has rushed up.

At this time, Ye Chen took out the spray again.

Seeing that Ye Chen was actually going to use the sprayer to face off against Qiu Ge, everyone looked stupid.

This guy is crazy, he used a spray and begged for brother.

Brother Qiu holds an M430 in his hand.

Both performance and shooting speed are dominant.

In other words, Ye Chen probably only has one chance.

If he can't kill Qiu Ge, he will be dead.

The two finally met at the top of the stairs.

Apart from anything else, the two sides shot directly at each other.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the fierce gunfire, everyone breathed in their breath.

The next moment, Qiu Ge fell to the ground and instantly turned into a box.

The whole live broadcast room was silent.

I wiped it, it's so awesome, Ye Chen actually used a spray to directly do it, begging brother.

The entire live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Digging the groove, I'm wrong, I beg you got a headshot by the courier boy with a sprayer."

"This is too unbelievable."

"This exceptionally capable express delivery is simply a violent thing. Isn't it good to be a professional player?"

"This spray is too good to use."

"I have to say, I really took it, it's really amazing."

"Awesome, it's the first time I've seen how to play with sprays so well."

"It turns out that the spray can be so awesome."

All netizens were stunned.

Aside, Yueyue couldn't help but hugged Ye Chen directly.

"Ye Chen, you are really amazing."

Fragrant and full of jade.

And still in the live broadcast room, Ye Chen blushed.

This girl has openly taken advantage of me.

Zhu Wei is already stupid.

How is this possible.

How could a professional player lose?

You know, Brother Qiu is the most powerful master in the live broadcast room.

Zhu Wei exasperated and roared: "How do you play? Just now you kept bragging, saying how good you are, can you definitely win?"

Brother Qiu is also very depressed.

The other party's spray is really too powerful.

Even when he just showed his head, he was shot.

This forced him to obey.

Although it is just a simple confrontation.

But Qiu Ge has already seen that whether it is consciousness, reaction speed, or other aspects, Qiu Ge is definitely the strongest.

Asking brother to play chicken has never served anyone.

But today he finally took it.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen would be so powerful.

A spray took him directly.

Qiu Ge said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I admit, this buddy is above me in strength, I gave up."

After speaking, I beg my brother to admit defeat and quit the live broadcast room.

"It's so amazing, the express brother actually convinced Brother Qiu to obey him."

"This is the legendary god, right?"

"Unexpectedly, with Yueyue, he would win."

From the beginning to the end, Yueyue was lying in the same room, until he was surprised.

Just as Ye Chen said, he took him to lie down and eat chicken.

"Yueyue is awesome, there is such a master."

Yueyue's face was also filled with joy.

This level has finally passed.

She looked at Ye Chen with stars in her eyes.

The man in front of him is really excellent.

Even playing games is so handsome.

Please quit the game.

Yueyue looked happy.

See how Zhu Wei can take advantage of me.

Zhu Wei lost his nose and his face was pale.

He never dreamed that he would lose if he found the strongest brother Qiu in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Chen with a fierce light in his eyes.

It's all this courier brother, if it weren't for him, he would definitely win.

However, Zhu Wei's face showed a hideous look.

He called Yueyue directly.

Yueyue frowned when she saw Zhu Wei's phone call, and he had an ominous premonition.

"My dear ones, I'm going to download it. See you next time. Thank you for joining us."

"Ah, that's it, we still want to see the courier gods playing tricks."

"That's right, I haven't seen enough of the goddess of express delivery!

Yueyue smiled faintly, and then broadcast it directly to the unwilling wailing of netizens.

After the broadcast, Yueyue connected Zhu Wei's phone.

Zhu Wei said coldly: "Yueyue, the bet we just made just now can't be counted. I won't play for three games. Now you have only one choice, accompany me to bed, otherwise I will immediately go crazy with your account."

Hearing Zhu Wei's threatening sound, Yueyue was going crazy.

How can people be so shameless?

Zhu Wei snorted: "Yueyue, I know you need money. If I close your account, so many days of hard work will be in vain. Think about it."

"You are shameless." Yueyue was going crazy.

She never thought that Zhu Wei was shameless to this point.

Obviously he had lost his bet, originally he thought he could get rid of this bastard.

But she never dreamed that this **** would actually regret it.

At this moment, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Yueyue, I will answer the phone."

Yueyue answered the phone and sneered: "Hey, some people are shameless, so they have to clean up."

Ye Chen said and took the phone.

"Are you Zhu Wei, deputy manager of"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Zhu Wei sneered.

"You are Yueyue's boyfriend delivering the courier."

After that, Zhu Wei said arrogantly: "Tell you, I am interested in your girlfriend, so let's do it, as long as you give your girlfriend to me, I am willing to give you one hundred thousand yuan, what do you think? You have worked so hard. You don’t have to be able to make so much money in one year if you send express delivery hard, think about it.

Ye Chen couldn't help being happy.

This guy actually talked to me about money.

Is one hundred thousand a lot?

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Do you think that being rich is awesome."

Zhu Wei snorted coldly: "Yes, rich is awesome, do you have a temper?"

He was very proud.

I especially like the feeling of hitting people in the face.

Ye Chenfang couldn't help but laugh.

"By the way, introduce myself, I am the one who just rewarded Yueyue with a hundred rockets."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhu Wei on the opposite side was suddenly stupid.

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