Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:29 PM

Chapter 866: 866

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Ye Chen didn't stay but turned and left. He just regarded her as his younger sister and had no other thoughts.

Moreover, he helped Yueyue, but it was not easy to see girls, and had no other meaning.

Ye Chen continued to deliver food, while the happy life preparation team continued.

The program brought a picture of "self-reliance, self-sufficiency, warm hospitality, and perfect ecology" to the audience.

On this day, the program group officially began to record programs, and the second season of Happy Life used a new broadcast format, which was broadcast live on the Internet.

This brand-new operation is unprecedented, and it instantly attracted a large audience.

The show director Wang Yu, host Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He all came to the recording site of the mushroom house.

The audience also exclaimed when they saw these people.

Of course, in addition to fans of the Happy Life program, some of these audiences also came to Zhou Xiaoshen.

He has attracted countless fans with his clear and ethereal voice, especially the song "Big Fish" that makes people listen to it for a long time and is widely circulated.

"Seeing my Xiao Shen Shen again, his voice is simply too good to hear."

"In his body, it is a profound interpretation of the truth that gold always shines, and he likes his indomitable spirit."

At this time, sister Zifeng, Nana, came to the mushroom house.

"The girlishness of the two beauties added a lot of joy to the show."

"Sister Zifeng is not only beautiful, but she is also a scholar, I really envy her."

"Nana is also very good, actress, singer and cellist. She really combines beauty and talent."

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He greeted the guests warmly: "Welcome, come to the mushroom house."

"Why did you see these three guests? Didn't Di Xiaoba also come?"

"Yes, I'm here for her, my goddess."

"Guys above, you have to die of your heart, everyone has a boyfriend, it's a courier guy, and the two of them were on hot search before."

Ye Chen was riding an electric bike and humming a little song leisurely. He didn't expect that things had passed so long, and there were still people discussing the matter between them on the Internet.

Just as everyone was discussing, Di Xiaoba walked in wearing a sportswear.

"Wow, the goddess in my heart has finally come."

"This program group is really amazing. All the people invited are traffic stars."

"Hello goddess, I am your loyal fan."

"Baby, why didn't your boyfriend come?"

"Yeah, why didn't the courier who drove the luxury car come?"

Wang Yu frowned when he saw the comment. Originally, because of the hot search, he had already called Ye Chen to invite him to participate in the show.

But helpless, Ye Chen didn't even think about it, so he refused. He also wanted to let Ye Chen participate in increasing the ratings of the show.

But since he was rejected, he couldn't be scornful anymore, so he had to give up.

Seeing everyone's comments, Di Xiaoba also blushed. She has never seen that handsome courier since the last time she met.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He led everyone out of the mushroom house and came to a spacious field.

Because it is the first time to participate in the program of Happy Life, everyone is very excited.

The first season of a happy life is over, with a good reputation and extremely high ratings. It is also a privilege for all of you to be able to participate in this program.

After all, director Wang Yu is very talented. His show is very popular with the audience. Being able to participate in this show can also attract countless fans and better develop his future career.

Everyone came to the field, breathing in the fresh air, and their mood became much more relaxed.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He set up tasks for everyone.

Today, to plant watermelon seeds in this field, the guests present are divided into two groups, Zhou Xiaoshen and Di Xiaoba, and sister Zifeng and Nana.

Looking at this field, the area is very large, Di Xiaoba looked at Zhou Xiaoshen next to him and asked, "Xiaoshen, let's plant a few rows."

Because there are many variety shows that are just shows, the actors can just pretend to be, and Xiaoba thinks that this is the same for the show.

But the next words made her eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Zhou Xiaoshen gave her a white look and said, "It is enough to sow all of this area."

After listening, Di Xiaoba stuck out her tongue, looking very cute and playful.

As a man, Zhou Xiaoshen used the tools prepared by the program team to insert the planter into the ground, and then took out a watermelon seed from the box and put it into it. With his hands pressed, a seed was already planted in the soil.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoshen planted the seeds into the soil without much effort, Di Xiaoba also became interested. She thought this thing was simply too interesting.

Di Xiaoba put a smile on her face and said, "It's so simple, I'll try it too."

She took the planter and started planting watermelon seeds just like Zhou Xiaoshen did.

On the other hand, sister Zifeng and Nana are not so easy, after all, the program team only prepared a set of seeding tools.

Without new technological tools, the two of them can only use the most primitive method. One uses a small shovel to dig the soil, the other puts the watermelon seeds in a small pit, and then covers the soil.

Just when everyone was serious about growing watermelons, there was good music coming from afar.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked into the distance.

I saw an electric car slowly approaching. Although I had watched the Happy Life program before, it was the first time I came here.

Feeling the natural scenery, Ye Chen was intoxicated by it.

Everything in front of us is the happy life that people think in their hearts, completely returning to nature.

Although the city is prosperous, people often want to stay away from the noise and retreat to the mountains and forests.

Seeing people riding electric bikes slowly approaching this field, the audience commented.

"This should be a mysterious guest, listening to his singing is very beautiful, I think he should be a singer."

"The program group is also ingenious this time. It is absolutely incredible to let the guests appear in this way."

"Seeing that he is still wearing a courier uniform, the director also has some ideas."

Seeing the audience's comments, Wang Yu frowned when he looked at the electric car slowly approaching from a distance.

He looked at the staff around him and asked in a low voice, "Are there any other guests coming?"

"No, Director Wang, these are the four." The staff also said with a puzzled expression.

The staff's words confirmed Wang Yu's thoughts, what exactly did this person do? Could it be that a competitor sent someone over to make trouble.

Because Wang Yu's program has a very high ratings, many variety directors are very jealous of him.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu's heart sank.

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