Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:15 PM

Chapter 869: 869

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As soon as she walked into the store, a beautiful waitress in an OL uniform greeted her.

"Sir, do you want to buy clothes?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "You can recommend some clothes for me."

I have to say that the service attitude of Versace's waiters can be said to be first-class.

There is always a smile on his face, and his voice is sweet.

Not only that, but the waitress has a very strong vision, and almost every piece of clothing fits Ye Chen's body shape very well.

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with the service of this waiter.

The waitress skillfully introduced all the new products in the store.

Finally, the waitress smiled and said, "Sir, which one of these clothes do you like, I'll try it on for you."

Ye Chen took one casually and said, "I'll try this one."

The waitress said: "Do you need to try all these new products?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Just try this one."

The waiter was stunned for a moment: "Sir, do you only buy this one?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "I can try the size of this one, and just wrap the rest for me."

"Ah, do you want it all?" The waiter was silly after listening.

Originally, he thought Ye Chen would only buy one piece at most.

But she didn't expect Ye Chen to try everything.

You know, each of these new clothes costs two to three hundred thousand.

Ye Chen just saw more than 20 pieces in total.

I actually bought all of them without blinking. This is at least more than five million yuan.

The waiter's eyes lit up.

She understands that she has met a big money today.

"I don't have any questions, right." Ye Chen asked.

The waiter nodded quickly: "Of course there is no problem."

The other waiters looked silly.

When Ye Chen came in just now, they saw that Ye Chen was dressed normally, so they didn't take Ye Chen seriously.

But they never dreamed that Ye Chen actually bought more than 20 pieces of clothes in one go.

This should have been their customer.

Suddenly the intestines of these waiters were regretful.

The waiter took the clothes and said respectfully: "Sir, this is the fitting room."

Ye Chen nodded and took a piece of clothing and walked in.

Seeing Ye Chen trying on clothes, the clerk hurriedly helped Ye Chen pack.

When Ye Chen walked out, everyone was stunned.

This guy is so handsome.

This dress is on Ye Chen's body, and it shows the a little bit of the dress incisively and vividly.

It can be said that Ye Chen is simply a walking hanger.

The waiter couldn't help sighing, "Sir, you are so handsome in this dress."

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles, and Ye Chen stood there wearing Versace.

Gives a high-end atmosphere.

He even carried a sense of majesty.

Coupled with Ye Chen's perfect appearance, he is simply a girl killer.

When the waiters saw Ye Chen, their eyes were full of light.

Loved, this little brother is so handsome.

Ye Chen took out a black gold card and said, "Check it out for me."

Ye Chen said and gave the shopping card to the waiter.

These clothes, Ye Chen brushed a total of 5.18 million.

This is a week's turnover.

This waiter only entertained Ye Chen, and the bonus was more than 100,000.

The other waiters cried enviously.

Ye Chen wrote the address and asked the specialty store to go directly to his home.

After checking the time it was noon, Ye Chen decided to eat first.

Walking out of the Versace store, behind Ye Chen, two people followed him all the time.

Ye Chen went around a few stores, and the two people followed Ye Chen all the time.

"Brother Tiger, this kid walks so fast, we can't keep up with him."

"If you can't keep up, you have to follow it. This is a big fish. Just now you didn't see that you paid more than five million yuan in one breath. This business has been completed. We don't have to do anything for the rest of our lives."

"This kid didn't spend all his money just now," said another thin man.

"You stupid, don't we have a POS machine? As long as we steal the bank card and crack the code, can we just swipe the card soon?"

"Brother Tiger, you are still awesome."

Ye Chen came to a store selling steamed buns.

Because it is time for dinner, there are so many people.

Ye Chen obeyed the crowd and wanted to squeeze through.

At this time, Ye Chen felt that someone was squeezing him on purpose.

"Sir, be careful of your pockets."

A girl reminded Ye Chen to touch her arm.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment and glanced at the girl beside him.

The girl is wearing blue casual clothes, petite and lovely.

Ye Chen touched his wallet, only to find that the wallet had been stolen.

The girl pointed a short distance and said, "Your wallet was stolen by those two people."

Ye Chen looked in the direction the girl was pointing, and she saw two people running outside the store.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Stealing things stole on my head."

"Thank you."

After Ye Chen thanked the girl, he chased in the direction of the two thieves.

After strengthening his body, Ye Chen's speed was very fast, he caught up with one of them in the blink of an eye, and directly grabbed that person's shoulder.

The thief's complexion also changed. He never dreamed that Ye Chen could be so fast.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Give me the wallet."

The thief quickly denied: "Boy, what are you talking about? Who stole your wallet?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "You want to deny it, right? The police are here, let's take a look at the surveillance."

After speaking, Ye Chen turned the thief's hands back.

The thief wanted to resist, but found that Ye Chen's hands were like iron pliers.

At this time, many people were already surrounded.

The thief wanted to struggle, but the wallet fell out of him.

The thief hurriedly said: "I didn't steal your wallet. I picked it up on the ground."

Ye Chen didn't panic when he saw the thief.

"Boy, I advise you to let me go, otherwise believe it or not I will kill you?"

At this time, the security of the mall also rushed over.

Several security guards saw the thief and said coldly, "Hei San, it's you again."

This kid is a habitual thief, and several security guards have already recognized each other.

Seeing that the security guard had arrived, Ye Chen took back his wallet and handed the thief to several security guards.

He returned to the Xiaolongbao shop and wanted to thank the girl.

But when he returned, he found that the girl had left.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, he didn't want to eat anymore, and was about to leave.

But just when I walked to a remote corner of the parking lot, I heard a vicious voice.

"Smelly girl, you just reported it."

Ye Chen saw that at the fire exit, a girl was surrounded by several big guys.

One of the big guys still held a bright dagger in his hand.

"Brother Tiger, it's all because of this girl. Hei San was arrested, don't talk nonsense, let her go."

"Let her have a long memory and dare to ruin our good deeds."

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