Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:10 PM

Chapter 871: 871

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The biggest feature of luxury clothing is that there is only one limited edition dress in each store.

This design is mainly to reflect uniqueness.

After all, women are all face-saving, and no one likes to go out to participate in activities, and ends up colliding with others.

After hearing this, Cao Xue frowned and said, "So it's like this."

In fact, she likes that dress very much. Not only is the price cheap, but the style is also what she likes.

At this time, the girl next to her changed her skirt and smiled: "If you like it, let this skirt be for you."

Actually, the girl didn't want to buy this dress, but wanted to try it.

Now people like to want to buy, and she has no reason to take it.

After hearing this, Cao Xue said awkwardly, "No, since you like this dress, I have no reason to be loved."

At this time the clerk said, "Miss, there are actually many styles of clothes in our store. I can show you other styles."

After all, luxury brand clothes can get a lot of commission for every item sold.

The girl shook her head, "Forget it, I don't think this dress is suitable for me. I'll go to another house and try it."

Ye Chen came over at this time: "You haven't chosen it yet, you think this dress is very good."

Cao Xue saw that the dress Ye Chen was holding cost 300,000 yuan.

She shook her head quickly and said, "No, that dress is too expensive.

At this time, the girl who was about to leave suddenly brightened and shouted: "Ye Chen."

Ye Chen was stunned, he turned his head to look at the girl and said in surprise; "Are you Dai Lili?"

"Why are you here?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Dai Lili smiled and said, "I'm here to go shopping."

With that said, Dai Lili glanced at Ye Chen and smiled: "What are you?"

Cao Xue also looked at Dai Lili suspiciously.

Ye Chen smiled and introduced: "This is Dai Lili, a classmate of my university."

Cao Xue laughed and said, "It turned out to be your classmate, who looks really beautiful."

Dai Lili looked at Ye Chen jokingly: "You are?"

"This is a friend I just met."

Dai Lili couldn't help smiling and said, "Don't lie to me. You bought such expensive clothes as soon as you met? Is it your girlfriend?"

Ye Chen just wanted to explain, but at this moment Cao Xue beside him took his arm.

Cao Xue didn't plan to let such an excellent boy go.

Cao Xue smiled and said, "We really just met."

Although Cao Xue said that the wind is light.

But everyone can see that the two people are like a close couple.

Dai Lili was a little speechless: "It's so good when you first met, amazing."

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed, but didn't say anything.

"By the way, you don't have any favorite clothes?" Ye Chen asked.

Dai Lili said, "Your friend has taken a fancy to that skirt."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Now that I have chosen it, try it!"

Cao Xue shook her head and whispered, "Your classmate just caught that skirt."

Hearing what Cao Xue said, Dai Lili smiled and said, "I didn't intend to buy it, so I tried it."

Ye Chen said, "Why don't you try the one I just said."

Cao Xue shook her head after hearing this: "No, that one is too expensive."

Ye Chen said: "Listen to me, try it, I think it must look good."

Cao Xue had no choice but to take the clothes to the fitting room.

Dai Lili smiled; "Your girlfriend is very good, and she knows how to save money for you. Do you know why she fancyed that one? It's because that dress is cheap."

Ye Chen smiled: "We are really not boyfriend and girlfriend."

As he said that, he repeated what had just happened.

Only then did Dai Lili understand: "It turns out to be like this"

Cao Xue came out: "You guys are very happy talking."

At this time, Cao Xue walked out wearing clothes.

For some reason, Cao Xue felt sour when seeing Dai Lili and Ye Chen walking so close.

Dai Lili said: "Nothing, I just praise you for being beautiful in this skirt."

After finishing talking, Dai Lili waved her hand: "Old classmate, let's see you in time."

Ye Chen and Dai Lili said goodbye to Cao Xue, "Do you like this skirt?"

Cao Xueqiao blushed: "It is indeed very beautiful, but the price is too expensive."

The clerk on the side quickly said: "Miss, this dress is our new season, the materials are the best, and the close-fitting feels good, there are only ten in the world."

Ye Chen asked, "How much is this dress?"

The waiter nodded and said: "This one has been discounted for 280,000 yuan."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he passed the card directly.

The clerk took the card and said, "Okay."

Ye Chen glanced at it and said, "Your clothes are not bad, I think there is still a skirt short. The waiter will match her with a skirt."

Cao Xue said quickly: "It's really not necessary."

Ye Chen spent 280,000 yuan for her in one breath, and she already felt very embarrassed.

Soon, Ye Chen gave Cao Xue another skirt, which cost more than 50,000 yuan.

Cao Xue put on a dress, more beautiful than before.

Ye Chen smiled: "By the way, are you free for a while?"

After hearing this, Cao Xue was taken aback for a while and said, "I will continue to submit resumes for a while. If I can't find a job anymore, my roommate with Pig and I will kick me out of the room."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Let's do it, I'll send you back."

When the two came to the basement, Cao Xue was stunned when he saw Ye Chen's car.

"This car is yours?"

Although Cao Xue didn't know Ye Chen's Lycan sports car, she knew that it was expensive.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Get on the handlebar."

Cao Xue told Ye Chen's address, and Ye Chen drove in the direction of the navigation target.

"Your car is expensive." Cao Xue asked tightly.

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay, not too expensive.

Cao Xue said: "It's the first time I have made such a high-end car."

Ye Chen smiled and drove the car to the door of Cao Xue's house.

Cao Xue asked awkwardly, "Would you like to go up and sit down?"

Generally, boys will definitely agree when they hear a girl ask to go to their home.

But Ye Chen didn't even want to answer: "No need."

After speaking, Ye Chen drove away.

Cao Xue was in a daze with coconut flakes.

He just left like this.

Originally, Cao Xue thought Ye Chen would go to sit in his own house.

Cao Xue couldn't help feeling very hurt.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Cao Xue."

Cao Xue turned around and was her roommate.

"Tian Ya?"

Tian Ya and Cao Xue are roommates, and they are also best friends.

Seeing Cao Xue, Tian Ya smiled and said, "What's wrong with you, and you look aggrieved. Don't worry. Although you can't pay the rent, you can rest assured that your sister will support you. You can't do that kind of thing."

Because he saw Cao Xue getting off the luxury car, Tian Ya thought Ye Chen had been taken care of.

Cao Xueqiao blushed and quickly said, "It's not what you think."

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