Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:59 PM

Chapter 878: 878

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Seeing the change in Kang Zhen's expression, Wang Hui hurriedly asked: "Brother Kang, what's the matter with you, is it something uncomfortable?"

"Wang Hui, you quickly apologize to Dong Ye." Kang Zhen said angrily as he watched Wang Hui.

He didn't expect that his stupid friend would actually offend Ye Dong.

"Ye Dong? How could it be? He just said he was delivering express delivery." Wang Hui said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Yes, he is the chairman of Yida Group, Ye Dong." Su Qing also said immediately.

Since Su Qing and Kang Zhen both said this, they must be right.

Wang Hui never dreamed that the person who had just ridiculed him turned out to be the chairman of Yida Group. No wonder he could feel a pressure from him.

Just recently, his father’s company was able to do business with Yida Group with great difficulty, and it took a lot of effort to get this business.

If his father knew that he had offended Ye Dong, he would definitely take his skin off.

"Ye Dong, I'm sorry, I just offended you, please forgive me, don't be familiar with me." He said tremblingly.

"I'm the one delivering the courier, and I can't bear your apology." Ye Chen said with a cold face.

Of course Wang Hui knew that Ye Chen was angry and didn't mean to forgive him.

He hurriedly slapped himself and said, "Ye Dong, you can forgive me this time. I really know I was wrong, so I won't dare to do it next time."

Since Wang Hui had said so, Ye Chen would appear to have lost his demeanor no matter how unreasonable he was.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, Wang Hui knew that Ye Chen forgave him.

Kang Zhen also took a sigh of relief, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally put down. After all, Wang Hui was his friend.

If Ye Chen didn't forgive, he would definitely be implicated.

With the events of the last time, Kang Zhen's memory also increased, and he naturally wanted to converge in front of Ye Chen.

"Wang Hui, what are you doing here in a daze, do you apologize for delaying Ye Dong's meal?" Kang Zhen looked at Wang Hui not angrily.

He didn't want this brain-dead guy to bother him.

Wang Hui was also sensible and said, "Ye Dong, I will bother you and Miss Su, and leave first."

Ye Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

Seeing Kang Zhen and Wang Hui leaving, Su Qing said hurriedly: "Ye Chen, I was really sorry just now. That guy Wang Hui is too annoying, and I get bored when I see him."

"Is he pursuing you all the time?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's entangled, but it's so annoying." Su Qing pouted.

The expression on Su Qing's face amused Ye Chen, now she is as cute as a little girl.

Ye Chen persuaded: "A person like Wang Hui is not worthy of you at all. This kind of person is narrow-minded and judges people by appearance, not by a big man."

"Ye Chen, why do you care about me so much?" Su Qing asked happily.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Su Qing looked at him again and asked, "Ye Chen, do you know why I became your assistant?"

"I'm not a fortune teller, how would I know this?" Ye Chenbai said with a glance at her.

He always felt that Su Qing today is weird, unlike what he usually sees.

And Su Qing's next sentence made him feel even more strange.

"Ye Chen, I am an assistant who applied for you because of you." Su Qing said with a smile.

"For me?" Ye Chen said with a confused head.

Before he learned that Su Qing was his assistant, Ye Chen didn't seem to have met the girl, but why did Su Qing ask like that.

"Ye Chen, you really don't know me anymore." Su Qing asked urgently.

"Have we two met before?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

Su Qing smiled and said, "Yes, I recognized you at a glance."

"Then since you said that, when will we meet each other?" Ye Chen asked hurriedly.

"When I was a child, although you have changed since you grew up, I recognized you at a glance. After I knew you became a director of Yida Group, I came here immediately and worked so hard to apply for the job and became yours. Assistant, we can be together as before." Su Qing became happier as she spoke.

This girl said she was happy, but Ye Chen was even more confused.

"Ye Chen, do you still remember the crying little girl in the orphanage?" Su Qing said in recollection.

Hearing what Su Qing said, Ye Chen seemed to think of something. He did know a crying girl when he was young.

The girl originally lived in a wealthy family, but her parents suddenly died in a car accident, leaving only the lonely little girl.

The little girl was sent to the orphanage by kind people, but she cried every day because she missed her parents.

"Are you that little girl?" Ye Chen asked incredulously.

"Yes, do you know why I brought you here for dinner? That's because my parents brought me to this restaurant before the accident. One or three of us were very happy, but who was it? It was me and The parents ate together at last." Su Qing choked up as she spoke.

Her eye sockets were red, and tears rolled in her eyes.

It was an unforgettable memory for her, and there were joys and sorrows in it.

"Xiaoqing, don't say anything, things are over." Ye Chen came to her and comforted.

She said this to let Ye Chen know how important this place is to her, and bringing Ye Chen here shows that the young man in front of her is an important person to her.

"Ye Chen, do you know that those days were the most uncomfortable for me, but fortunately meeting you, with you, I gradually love to laugh." Su Qing said with a burst of laughter.

Su Qing was right. Once Ye Chen was playful and went over the wall to the orphanage. He happened to see the girl sitting by the tree crying.

Ye Chen thought that this girl was as good-looking as a doll. He always wanted to have a younger sister, but his mother said that it was enough to raise him.

After seeing the girl, Ye Chen regarded her as a younger sister and felt very sorry for her.

In this way, every day, Ye Chen would go over the wall to play with the girl. Gradually, the girl talked to him, and the two of them were also very able to talk.

After the girl grew up, she had searched for Ye Chen, but what she got was Ye Chen's move.

For so many years, Su Qing searched for Ye Chen's whereabouts. It was really hard work to let him find it.

"Ye Chen, so happy, do you remember it?" Su Qing said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't even recognize you. It's really the eighteenth change of the woman, and it's no longer the crying little girl before." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, you even forgot about me, you should really be punished." Su Qing said with a small mouth.

She was even a little angry now, Ye Chen didn't even recognize her.

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