Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:57 PM

Chapter 879: 879

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"Then can you blame me? The main reason is that the longer you get, the more beautiful you are. It's normal to not recognize it, right?" Ye Chen hurriedly found an excuse.

This sentence is very useful here for Su Qing, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

In that case, Ye Chen praised her for being pretty, since that's the case, Ye Chen must like her.

"Ye Chen, can you accompany me to the orphanage tomorrow? I miss it so much." Su Qing blinked at Ye Chen, begging.

She was afraid of being rejected by Ye Chen, her small hands clasped her nails, and she looked embarrassed.

"Okay, no problem, let's go together tomorrow morning." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing didn't expect Ye Chen to agree so readily. She thought it would take some words to get Ye Chen to accompany her.

"Great, so happy, so happy, Ye Chen and I can remember our childhood together again." Su Qing said excitedly.

Seeing Su Qing's appearance like a little girl, Ye Chen was amused. If the employees of Yida Group saw Su Qing's appearance, they would definitely laugh at him.

After all, there are men in the Yida Group. She works with these men all day long and must look like a strong woman, and she rarely even shows a smile on her face.

After Ye Chen and Su Qing finished their meal, they chatted for a while, and it was late to see the weather outside.

The two decided to go home and rest. Although Su Qing drove, Ye Chen was too embarrassed to let a girl take him home.

So he drove Su Qing home first, and then took a taxi home.

When I woke up in the morning and looked at the clock, it turned out that it was already past eight.

Ye Chen glanced at the phone on the table, and there were two missed calls from Su Qing.

He thought to himself how this girl called him so early.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ye Chen's phone rang again, so Su Qing was calling again without asking.

After answering the phone, Ye Chen asked, "Xiaoqing, why are you calling me so early?"

"Ye Chen, you forgot to accompany me to the orphanage." Su Qing said hurriedly.

After this girl reminded him, Ye Chen remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

"I wanted you to sleep more, but I didn't expect your phone number to call first." Ye Chen made up an excuse and said.

In fact, he had forgotten that if he were to tell the truth, it would definitely hurt the girl's heart.

"Well, I'm already awake, you can come and pick me up now." Su Qing said unceremoniously.

Ye Chen didn't expect Su Qing to be so embarrassed, and that the two of them were also in the superior and inferior relationship, and they even ordered him to drive to pick her up.

"Why? Are you not willing?" Su Qing asked nervously.

"Yes, of course I am. You are waiting for me at home, and I will drive over in a while." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Seeing that he and Su Qing met when they were young, they agreed to the girl's request.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home." Su Qing hung up the phone after she finished speaking, for fear that Ye Chen would regret it.

After Ye Chen came to the bathroom to wash, he changed into his clothes and drove away.

Su Qing took a delicate makeup look, picked up one piece of clothing and looked at the mirror again and again, always feeling a little dissatisfied.

She was very concerned about this date with Ye Chen, although the two were just going to the orphanage for a visit, not that kind of formal date.

Su Qing in front of the mirror was choosing her skirt, the phone rang, and she glanced at Ye Chen.

"Xiaoqing, come out, I'm downstairs at your house." Ye Chen said.

"Okay." Su Qing picked up a skirt casually and put it on, with a Chanel slung in her hand, put on high heels and went out of the house.

Ye Chen looked at the girl who came out of the building, panting, and asked, "Why are you in a hurry?"

Su Qing took a breath and said, "I'm afraid you are waiting downstairs in a hurry."

She heard from her girlfriends that men hate women being dragged along, especially on the first date. Su Qing wanted to give Ye Chen a good impression.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, it's natural for men to wait for women."

Speaking of him, he walked up to Su Qing's very gentlemanly and made a please gesture.

Su Qing got in the co-pilot, while Ye Chen drove towards the orphanage where the girl had taken.

"You shouldn't have breakfast yet?" Ye Chen asked suddenly.

"I have eaten without me." Su Qing lied.

But at this moment, her belly screamed unconvincingly, apparently she had just lied to Ye Chen.

"Then let's go have some breakfast, it happened that I didn't eat either." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, it's better to go to the breakfast shop near the orphanage." Su Qing said hurriedly.

Ye Chen said in disbelief, "Don't you like to eat small shops?"

He remembered that the last time he invited Su Qing to shop for breakfast on Pudong Road, but Su Qing was very reluctant. Why did this girl suddenly ask to go to the small shop for breakfast?

Su Qing was a little embarrassed and said, "Because of the wonderful memories between you and me."

Hearing what the girl said, Ye Chen also suddenly realized that it was indeed Su Qing who had eaten there earlier before, but he didn't expect this girl to remember it.

"Well, let's go to the store opened by Grandpa Li to eat." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Su Qing clapped her hands and said, in fact, she also has this idea.

She didn't expect that she and Ye Chen would coincide with each other, and thought of going together.

After the car drove for a while, it came to the place where Ye Chen once lived.

Two people parked the car on the side of the road, walked in, and came to the familiar shop, and saw the old man with gray hair sitting there with a sad expression.

It stands to reason that it is breakfast time, but there are only a few guests in the shop.

In Ye Chen's memory, the residents who came here for dinner were all nearby residents.

Su Qing walked into the store holding Ye Chen's arm, and saw Grandpa Li saying hello, "Grandpa Li, I'm here for dinner again."

The old man saw Su Qing with a smile and said: "Qing girl, the shop will be closed tomorrow. This is the last meal you have at Grandpa's place. Grandpa will give you a free bill today."

Su Qing hurriedly asked: "Grandpa Li, you have something at home, do you want to close the store?"

"What can I do when I'm at this age, mainly because this piece is about to be demolished, and there will be no way to open a shop here in the future." Grandpa Li said with dismay.

"Demolition?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

His old house is here, but he has not received news.

"Yes, this area including the orphanage will be demolished." The old man sighed and said.

Then he looked at Su Qing and said with a smile: "Qing girl, this handsome boy should be your boyfriend."

Su Qing's shy and pretty face instantly became like a ripe apple.

She shook her head quickly and said, "Grandpa Li, don't you think this person is familiar if you look at this person carefully?"

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