Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:56 PM

Chapter 880: 880

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Grandpa Li took a look and suddenly remembered: "You are Chenchen."

In the past, Ye Chen lived near the orphanage, and Ye Chen's mother often took Ye Chen to the orphanage to visit the children.

So Ye Chen also often comes to the orphanage.

Every time he came, Ye Chen would bring a lot of delicious food.

Grandpa Li smiled and said, "I didn't expect them to be so big and so handsome."

Ye Chen said, "Grandpa Li, I didn't expect you to remember me."

"Remember, remember." Grandpa Li smiled.

Suddenly Grandpa Li sighed: "It's a pity, our orphanage is going to be demolished."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Where are these orphans going?"

Grandpa Li said, "I heard that I was assigned to another orphanage."

Speaking, Grandpa Li showed an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"These children grew up together, and now they have to be separated forcibly. Some children cry every day, which is too pitiful."

Ye Chen raised his brow.

If you dismantle the orphanage and build a better one, that's okay.

But you throw the orphans into other orphanages, which is a bit too much.

"Can't you refuse?" Ye Chen said.

"I heard that the other party is very background, they have given us an ultimatum."

Ye Chen and Su Qing had a meal and walked towards the orphanage.

But before he got there, he heard the rumbling sound.

Ye Chen drove Cullinan and quickly accelerated.

"Didn't Grandpa Li explain to you? Why do you dismantle it now." Ye Chen's expression was also a bit ugly.

At this moment, a group of people like gangsters have blocked the street.

However, seeing that Ye Chen drove Cullinan and thought it was the boss of a real estate company, these people did not stop.

After all, those who live here are poor, and those who drive Cullinan must be rich.

This street is full of shanty towns.

The people living here are all elderly. Although the environment is not good, they are all old neighbors, so they are not willing to leave.

Of course, there is still a part of the fact that the conditions are really bad, and there is no strength to buy a house in the city, so I just live here.

At this time, the residents were blocked from outside with grief and indignation.

Obviously, they did not agree to demolish it.

At the entrance of the orphanage, a dozen people are arguing.

A man with big fat ears and gold chains was arrogant.

"Our company has bought this piece of land, and now we have the right to dispose of this piece of land, do you know? We have a very tight schedule and must be demolished today."

"Sir, the demolition is okay, but can it be slowed down, our children have not found a place to take them in yet." Principal Chen, the dean of the orphanage begged.

The golden chain man snorted coldly with a cigarette in his mouth: "A few days later, time is money, do you know that we will lose millions one day later, do you guys who are trying to make compensation?"

Ye Chen looked cold.

Principal Chen has been in the orphanage since he was young.

All my hard work has been devoted to the rescue of orphans.

Now he was yelled at by this bastard.

Ye Chen couldn't bear it, just about to rush over, but Su Qing stopped him.

"Ye Chen, don't get excited."

The golden chain man snorted coldly: "These little beasts are all that nobody wants. You pretend to be a good person. You think I don't know you. On the surface, you do good deeds. In fact, you don't know what you are doing behind the scenes. How much is it? I want to be a few days later, no way. I have to take it down today."

"Tell you the old stuff. If you block my money, you are looking for death. I advise you to get acquainted and stay away."

Principal Chen's face was sullen.

"You are too much, here are all orphans, how can you have no sympathy at all? Believe it or not, I will sue you."

"Hahaha, go, let me see who dares to take care of this matter, and we are reasonable and legal, why do you sue us."

Everyone was silent.

After all, they did buy this piece of land.

They just want to allow each other a few days of grace and give these children a place to go.


At this moment, the orphanage was torn down.

The sky was filled with sand and gravel.

At this time, Dean Chen's heart was almost broken.

The orphans cried when they saw that their home was gone.

Su Qing's face became ugly when she saw this scene.

After all, there are childhood memories here, but now they are all gone.

Su Qing couldn't bear it and rushed forward: "You are too much, who made you push the orphanage."

The golden chain man saw Su Qing with a playful expression on his face: "Do you know who I am? Tell you I'm called Lao Qi. This piece of land was bought by our company. If I want to push it, you have a temper?"

Su Qing snorted coldly, "Are your documents complete? Show me?"

Hearing Su Qing's words, the golden chain man's face changed.

In fact, many of their certificates have not come down, and the house is forcibly demolished for the construction period.

Old Qi stared at Su Qing coldly: "Little girl, I advise you not to be nosy, otherwise you will die miserably."

Su Qing looked at the children who were crying, her heart was about to break.

"You inhumane, you pushed your child's home, what will they do?"

"I care about them, even their parents don't care about them, what are you worrying about?"

Su Qing said, "Isn't your name Lao Qi? I won't let this matter go."

Old Qi sneered: "Why, girl, are you still not convinced? I advise you to hurry up, otherwise don't blame me for being polite."

Saying that Old Qiyi waved: "Push me."

At this time, the bulldozer starts to work again.

The courtyard wall collapsed, and the houses were torn down one by one.

The children hugged each other and cried together.

"You are a big bad guy, kill you." A child picked up a stone and threw it at Lao Qi.


The stone slammed directly on Old Qi's head, and the blood flowed immediately.

Old Qi felt the blood on his head and his face suddenly changed.

"Little bunny, you are looking for death."

With that said, Old Qi carried a stick and threw it at the kid.

The child was frightened and stood motionless.

Seeing the stick hit the child, suddenly one hand grabbed the stick.

"Stop it." Ye Chen said coldly in his voice.

Seeing that someone came out to take care of the nostalgia, the old man's eyes were cold: "Boy, you are so far away, don't take care of nosy."

Originally, Old Qi wanted to withdraw the stick.

But he was sad to find that Ye Chen's hands were like iron tongs, and he couldn't pull it back at all.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Do you still have humanity? The people here don't have any signatures at all. You just push the house directly. Can you really do whatever you want when you have money?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lao Qi snorted coldly: "What's wrong, I just think that if you have money, you can have a temper for whatever you want?"

Ye Chen heard a cold snort, "You said this."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen used his wrist directly, and the stick was snatched by Ye Chen.

In the next instant, Ye Chen's stick slammed and hit Lao Qi's leg directly.

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