Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:54 PM

Chapter 881: 881

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Old Qi plopped on his knees.

"Wonderful kid, you dare to beat me, you are dead." Old Qi roared through gritted teeth.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Boy, you dare to hit me."

"How about hitting you."

"You guys are still watching what you are doing and do it for me."

Su Qing said quickly: "Don't mess around, I have already called the police."

At this time, one of his staff stammered and said: "The boss, this kid is driving Cullinan."


Old Qi's face changed slightly.

Ye Chen said to Su Qing: "Xiao Qing contacted the company and sent a car to pick up the children."

With that, Ye Chen came to Principal Chen.

"Principal Chen, do you remember me?"

Principal Chen looked at Ye Chen stunned.

He felt that Ye Chen was very familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"Principal Chen, I'm Ye Chen, you all called me Chenchen when I was young."

At this time, President Chen suddenly remembered.

"Ye Chen, it turned out to be you."

He looked at Old Qi and said coldly: "Principal Chen, don’t worry, if I am here, I must seek justice for you. This time, if Dacheng Real Estate does not give me an explanation, then their real estate company can The demons have disappeared."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lao Qi's expression changed.

Ye Chen's words were too crazy, which made Old Qi wonder what Ye Chen came from.

"Boy, who are you, tell you we belong to Dacheng Real Estate Group."

Su Qing snorted coldly: "Dacheng Real Estate Group, is it awesome?"

Old Qi snorted coldly: "Your kid was an orphan before, haha, you almost bluffed him, you must be driving for the boss."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard it.

This guy has a lot of imagination.

"Boy, let Cullinan pretend to be here, and persuade you to leave as soon as possible. Your car has been smashed. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Saying that the old seven is about to get up from the ground.

Ye Chen kicked his calf again: "Did I make you get up?"

At this time, the police car came.

"What's the matter?" the leader called.

"Comrade police, these people will forcibly demolish the orphanage because of incomplete procedures. You see, the children are all terrified."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the police looked cold: "Is this the situation?"

Seeing the police coming, Lao Qi quickly got up from the ground: "Comrade police, we didn't talk to them, but they opened their mouths. We have to hurry up and we can't do anything."

"Fart, when did you talk to us." Principal Chen angrily said.

They didn't talk at all, but came directly to push the house.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Comrade police, you don't need to solve this matter, I will solve it myself."

With that, Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

"Old Chen, Dacheng Real Estate is your branch, right?" Ye Chen said coldly.

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Oh, their people are demolishing the orphanage here. By the way, they want to do it with me."

"What? Mr. Ye, you let that person answer the phone."

Ye Chen threw the phone to Lao Qi.

"Mr. Chen wants you to answer the phone."

"President Chen? Which President Chen." Old Qi was taken aback for a moment.

"Are you from Sun Fugui?" There was a majestic voice on the phone.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Sun's subordinate." Old Qi was immediately suppressed by the voice opposite.

"Do you want to die? Do you know who Mr. Ye is? You apologize to Mr. Ye immediately, and hope that Mr. Ye can forgive you before I go."


The phone hangs up.

Old Qi suddenly became stupid.

Who is this person?

Every five minutes, Old Qi's phone rang again.

This call is from Sun Fugui.

"Bad son, why did you cause me trouble again? Who told you to demolish the orphanage? You want to die, don't you?"

"Mr. Sun, I..."

Old Qiyi looked aggrieved.

This is obviously what you said, try to get things done in the shortest time possible.

After a while, two Mercedes Benz drove to the orphanage.

Chen Wan and Sun Fugui trot to Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, it's because of my lax discipline."

With that said, Sun Fugui came directly to Lao Qi, punching and kicking him.

"You are looking for death, Mr. Ye dare to provoke him."

"You will not provoke me to heaven."

Chen Wan said respectfully; "Mr. Ye, it was my lax management of my subordinates that this happened. Don't worry, I will immediately arrange for someone to rebuild the orphanage."

Ye Chen nodded: "Reconstruction is okay, all facilities must be the most advanced."

Chen Wan nodded: "Don't worry, it's absolutely top-notch facilities."

Ye Chen glanced at Old Qi coldly and said, "Don't use such a person in the future, otherwise you will cause great disaster to yourself."

After hearing this, Chen Wan nodded, "Yes, Mr. Ye, I will fire him immediately."

Said Chen Wan glared at Sun Fugui.

"Sun Fugui, you have been fired, and there is also Old Seven, right? You have also been fired. Get out of here immediately."

Sun Fugui's expression changed when he heard Chen Wan's words.

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong. Give me another chance." Sun Fugui knelt on the ground and knocked his head.

Chen Wan glanced at Ye Chen and kicked his brother-in-law directly.

"Well, I have told you how many times, don't make trouble for me, you just don't listen, let me go right away, and your people, you can take care of it yourself."

Hearing Chen Wan's words, Lao Qi was also scared.

He knows what it means to deal with.

That's going to destroy him.

"Mr. Chen, I just want to eat, please forgive me."

Ye Chen said on the side: "Old Chen, now in a society under the rule of law, we have to say whether the rule of law is right or not. If you honestly confess your crimes and confess to the police comrades, I can leave it alone."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Lao Qi stopped the police directly.

Comrade police, please handcuff me. We fight and beat people to a disability. Get me quickly. I will confess my guilt.

The police were stunned. This old seventh was a local bastard. In fact, they had been looking for evidence to arrest him, but they didn't.

This kid actually took the initiative to plead guilty today.

The police nodded, "This is someone you confessed to be handcuffed."

Old Qi had despair on his face.

His intestines are all regretful.

Knowing this long ago, he would not provoke Ye Chen anyway.

Now it's alright, he has to go to jail for several years for the crimes he committed.

But going to jail is better than being beaten and disabled.

"Thank you Comrade Police."

Being handcuffed by the police, Old Qi's face was grateful instead.

Ye Chen said to the surrounding residents, "Don't worry, I will definitely build a beautiful new home for you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the surrounding residents cheered.

They are all poor, powerless and powerless.

Ye Chen is now their backbone.

A child pulled the corner of Ye Chen's clothes and said, "Uncle, will we really have a beautiful new home?"

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Of course it will, and the new home will be big and beautiful, and there will be all kinds of toys, you must like it."

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