Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:51 PM

Chapter 883: 883

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"Young Master Chu, don't be angry, let's go and pay the money quickly."

Yu Yaoyao glanced at Chu Yun disdainfully, and led Chu Yun towards the VIP master.

"By the way, if you want to withdraw money, boy, I suggest you go to the opposite rural credit cooperative. Where is your temperament more consistent, haha."

Chu Yun looked smug, and he didn't forget Ye Chen's arrogant excitement when he left.

At this time, two people have entered the VIP room.

The VIP room is next to the hall, separated by a glass window, you can see the situation inside.

After Yu Yaoyao entered, she poured water and helped Chu Yun light a cigarette, just like a maid.

Many savers secretly shook their heads when they saw this scene.

"What is rich is beautiful."

"If Lao Tzu is rich, he will be very nice for people to wait on him."

Seeing Chu Yun everyone was very envious.

But they looked at Ye Chen with joking gazes in their eyes.

"Hey boy, you know now, who asked you to be forced to appoint you?"

"You, you are really insulting yourself. You provoke Young Master Chu."

Yang Xue frowned and said, "You are almost done, aren't you also the **** in Chu Yun's mouth? Just keep a little moral."

Those depositors were flushed with Yang Xue's words, and they didn't dare to say anything if they knew they were wrong.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, our policy is like this, otherwise you book a time and understand that you can withdraw a large amount of money from your class?"

Yang Xue looked at Ye Chen sympathetically and said.

After all, no one would feel comfortable being ridiculed by the hot wind.

Ye Chen shook his head: "Forget it, no need."

He took out another bank card and said: "You can't withdraw money and transfer money, right."

"Transfer all the money from this card to this other bank card." Ye Chen said blankly.

After speaking, Ye Chen took out a pen and wrote the transfer information on a transfer slip.

Yang Xue sighed helplessly: "Well, I'll go and handle it now."

She could see that Ye Chen was angry and was about to transfer all the cards to any bank card.

But she also finds it ridiculous, the bank has hundreds of billions of funds, and there is no shortage of you.

Even if you transfer money, it will not hurt the bank at all.

"Sir, how much do you plan to transfer."

Yang Xue asked after taking the bank card.

"Take them all out, right what the buddy just said is right, I think the rural credit cooperatives are suitable for me, so let's all transfer to the rural credit cooperatives."

Yang Xue gave a wry smile when she heard Ye Chen's words.

It's 100,000 in total. Is it interesting to be so angry?

"Mr. Ye, I think you are still in our bank. After all, our interest rate is much higher than that of rural credit cooperatives."

At this time, Yang Xue saw Ye Chen's transfer form, and the bank's machine also showed the balance in Ye Chen's bank card.

In an instant, Yang Xue was stupid.

Oh my God, how many zeros are this.

Yang Xue thought she was dazzled and rubbed her eyes.

But after careful counting, he was finally stupid.

This is one hundred billion.

Am I dreaming?

There are 100 billion on this young man's bank card.

Look at the string of zeros.

Yang Xue even squeezed her thigh fiercely.

But the intense pain made her understand that this was not a dream at all but real.

Oh my God, who is this Ye Chen, how could he have so much money.

Now Yang Xue understood that the young man in front of him turned out to be a super boss.

You know, there are 100 billion people in bank cards, and there are not many in the country.

One hundred billion, that is more than the assets of some listed companies.

In other words, this young man may even be the rich man in the legendary Forbes rich list.

Such a terrifying existence, just now was ridiculed by others for being utterly compelling.

Yang Xue looked silly at the moment.

Ye Chen was a little impatient after waiting.

He said: "Hurry up, I'm still in a hurry."

Yang Xue said respectfully; "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, the amount of your transfer is too large. I must ask our president for instructions."

With that, Yang Xue quickly picked up the phone and dialed the president's phone.

Although Yang Xue is a new career, she also understands what such customers mean to the bank.

For a super customer like Ye Chen, the bank is too late to win, even if Yang Xue has the courage, she dare not transfer so much money away.

At this moment, in the president's office, president Wang is anxiously on the phone.

He was sweating in a hurry.

But the other party's phone has not been answered.

President Wang is very anxious. This customer is the biggest customer of their bank.

I just sent a text message saying that I want to come to the bank to withdraw money, but he didn't receive the text message at the meeting, so he called back, and they stopped answering.

You know, such customers are equivalent to the grandfather of the bank, and they must be served.

He was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and he didn't know when the customer would return.

The senior management of the bank just said that he must receive this customer well.

But with so many banks, how does he know which bank to go back to?

If Ye Chen is unhappy with the money, just in case the money is transferred away, even his bank president's position will be over.

He thought for a while and decided to call various banks to let them pay attention to a person named Ye Chen.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.


Mr. Wang answered the phone absently.

"What Mr. Ye is here, you must hold Mr. Ye still, yes, yes, I'll go right away."

Hanging up, Governor Wang trot all the way out of the office and ran downstairs.

"President Wang, what's the matter?" a beautiful girl asked.

Sun Lili, a long-haired beauty, is a VIP manager of a bank.

Sun Lili not only looks beautiful, but also has strong working ability.

"Just in time, Lili, just in time to meet a distinguished customer with me."

Wang Yang directly pulled Sun Lili into the elevator.

"President Wang, what kind of guests are you seeing? You are so excited."

"Of course it is a very important customer."

Sun Lili was stunned.

President Wang has always been calm and has never been so flustered.

"I'll find out in the lobby in a while."

President Wang was nervous and excited, and he was still a little worried.

This big customer's bank card is constantly pouring money into it, and their bank can be said to rely on this uncle to become the No. 1 bank in the magic city.

President Wang had always wanted to know this big man, and finally waited for the opportunity this time.

At this moment, Ye Chen was still waiting.

"Beauty, your business is too slow, I've been waiting for five minutes, will you transfer the account soon?" Ye Chen urged impatiently.

"Mr. Ye, wait a moment, our President Wang will come over immediately, and he will entertain you personally."

Yang Xue respectfully said to Ye Chen.

She understood that this person in front of her was no ordinary person, but a real boss.

Yang Xue was also very nervous, for fear that the big man would run away.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman trot, thinking about Ye Chen's direction.

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