Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:47 PM

Chapter 887: 887

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Ye Chen's gaze swept towards Yu Yaoyao, her heart tightened.

But for people like Yu Yaoyao, he simply doesn't bother to take care of it.

Wang Yang also had some doubts in his heart, why Yu Yaoyao's face turned so ugly after hearing that Ye Chen was a distinguished guest.

Could it be that this woman offended his distinguished guest, and Wang Yang felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

He was about to ask Yu Yaoyao, but Ye Chen looked at him and asked: "President Wang, I want this girl to be my exclusive consultant and be responsible for my deposit business, how about?"

Ye Chen asked while pointing at Yang Xue.

"No problem, just follow Mr. Ye's request."

Wang Yang agreed without even thinking about it. This matter was a piece of cake for him.

This request made by Ye Chen made him hang his heart and relax.

Originally, he thought that Yu Yaoyao had offended Ye Chen, thinking that as long as Ye Chen spoke, he would apologize to Ye Chen and then expel Yaoyao.

After Yu Yaoyao heard Ye Chen's words, she also let out a sigh of relief.

Originally thought that Ye Chen would file a complaint in front of Governor Wang and that she would lose her job, but did not expect that Ye Chen said something else.

On the contrary, Yang Xue hurriedly refused to say: "President Wang, Mr. Ye, I am just an intern, and I really can't do this job."

President Wang hurriedly persuaded: "Xiaoxue, Mr. Ye said you can do it, you can do it without denying yourself, your work has always been excellent."

Then he smiled and said: "From today you will be a full-time employee, and you will be promoted to VIP account manager. You will only serve Mr. Ye and your salary will be doubled."

Hearing that President Wang directly promoted an intern to a VIP account manager, the other staff were also stunned and stunned.

Especially those interns like Yang Xue looked at this lucky girl with envy.

And just now, they were still gloating for Yang Xue's offending Chu Yun, thinking that they would be one less competitor.

However, I didn't expect that the competitor who thought they would be kicked out, turned into their leader, which is simply too unbelievable.

"Thank Governor Wang and Mr. Ye for their trust, I will definitely work hard." Yang Xue said excitedly.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Work hard, I hope that next time I come, you will have matured a lot."

Ye Chen got into the car and started the car.

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that I will definitely, and will never disappoint your expectations of me." Yang Xue's expression was excited, her eye circles were slightly red, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Seeing Ye Chen driving away, Yu Yaoyao's heart was truly at ease.

She was very grateful to Ye Chen, and did not file a complaint in front of Governor Wang, although she knew that Ye Chen did not see her at all.

Yu Yaoyao secretly made up her mind to never look down on people anymore. This time she has a long memory.

Chu Yun also came back to his senses, he knew that Ye Chenbi was totally different from Ye Chenbi, the difference was far, and he left with the pity of everyone's eyes.

President Wang hugged Ye Chen's thigh, the father of the gold master, in a very good mood, and walked into the door humming a little song.

After Ye Chen left the bank, he drove a few express delivery.

Suddenly feeling thirsty, he parked the car aside and walked on the street to buy a cup of milk tea at the milk tea shop.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, and the system rewards time is still]

"Time is still, this reward is too awesome." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

"That's not the way in the movie that using this skill can suspend the time flow of all people, things, and things around you, and only you can move freely during this static time."

"Host, you are really smart, this skill is what you want." The system said suddenly.

Hearing that, Ye Chen wondered if this system also has mind-reading skills?

"System, how long is the time limit for this time?" Ye Chen is more concerned about these.

"The initial static time is 5 minutes, and the intermediate and advanced levels need to spend money to upgrade in the system store." The system explained.

Ye Chen clicked on the mall interface, and there was a skill upgrade button on it. He checked [Time is still], then clicked the upgrade button, and an instant pop-up "Upgrading this skill to intermediate level will cost 1 billion. Do you want to upgrade?" Tips.

The corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that the system is too dark for you, isn't this stealing money?

"Blam me, does this have anything to do with me?" the system asked back.

Ye Chen thought that this system was really getting more and more skinny, so he clicked No and exited the mall.

Five minutes is enough for him. Even though Ye Chen is rich, he can't just spend money.

He was walking on the street and suddenly heard a girl shouting: "Catch the thief, catch the thief."

Ye Chen looked forward and saw a long-haired girl wearing a dress and stepping on high heels chasing from behind, with only a small black spot moving in front.

He knew that the little black dot was the thief that the girl was talking about. The girl couldn't catch up with the girl wearing high heels. Now the distance between the two is far apart.

Although the girl was shouting as she ran, no one was paying attention to it. ,

Seeing that there was no one to help her, the girl suddenly tripped and fell to the ground, her face showing despair.

You must know that there are blueprints in the bag that she designed for a week. If she can't hand it over to the company, then she will be fired.

Thinking of this, the girl shed tears of grievance.

"Brother, please help me catch that thief, the contents of the bag are really important to me." The girl pleaded.

"Okay, don't worry." Ye Chen lifted the girl up and comforted her.

The girl sat on a chair by the side of the road. Ye Chen didn't try to chase after her, but trot easily.

Looking at the little black spot in the distance, and then at Ye Chen who was trotting, the girl shook her head, knowing that there was no hope.

Maybe this is fate. As an intern, if she wants to be accepted by the company, she must come up with her own designed works for selection.

At first, I should listen to my parents, go back to my hometown, find a job in that small county, and spend my whole life, but why should I let myself work so hard in this strange city?

The more the girl thought about it, the more sad she was, and her crying with her head down became more and more severe. She had already decided to obey her parents and go back.

Now that the thief has run so far, for ordinary people, this is indeed not an easy task, but Ye Chen is not an ordinary person, he has a powerful system, and also possesses the time static skill.

The girl suddenly raised her head and was surprised to find that the young man who was still trotting just disappeared.

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