Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:38 PM

Chapter 894: 894

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"You kid made it clear, don't be vague here." The army glared at Zhou Hui.

Zhou Hui scratched his head and said, "Look at the figure, that figure is like Ye Chen."

After he saw the driver, he was also a little uncertain. After all, Ye Chen was just a courier, how could there be such a good sports car.

"Ye Chen?" Lu Jun looked incredulous.

Once the speed was increased again, the distance between the Lycan and the Lycan was getting closer and closer, he looked to the side, and he saw the person he was familiar with.

"It turned out to be Ye Chen. He was the one who delivered the courier. How could it be possible? This is simply unscientific." Jun Jun muttered to himself.

After confirmation by the two, they were sure that the driver was Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, it turned out to be hidden deep enough." The army said viciously.

At the same time, he was very fortunate that Ye Chen did not agree to attend the class reunion.

Originally, he wanted to show off his strength and background in front of teachers and classmates, and incidentally abused Ye Chen.

If Ye Chen attends the party, he will inevitably grab the aura of the army, and he will be abused again when he thinks about it.

"Regardless of him, are the classmates and teachers finished contacting?" Jun Jun asked Zhou Hui, looking at him.

"Everything that should be notified has been notified, Brother Lu, don't worry." Zhou Hui said with a smile.

Then he asked with a look of confusion: "Brother Lu, you said he was a courier, how did he do it, he could even afford a sports car worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Okay, Zhou Hui, we don't want him anymore, now think about how to be hi at night." Junjun said with a smile on his face.

There was no Ye Chen attending today's party, and that was his stage. He wanted to make the teachers and classmates who looked down on him look at him with admiration.

Let those people look at him with admiration and admiration, thinking of the army here, they couldn't help laughing.

Seeing a car slowly approaching him, Ye Chen didn't care, let alone the driver.

He is very anxious now, listening to Hao Man's voice must be a big deal.

Antique shop.

"Little girl, why don't you contact your family and come over to lose money." The shop owner said with an unhappy expression.

"I have contacted my brother and he will be here soon." Hao Man said timidly.

The shop owner thought that no matter who came, as long as he could pay him the money.

The roar of the motor rang and the whole antique street exploded.

"Look, how cool is that car."

"I don't know which rich second generation is visiting antiques."

"Look at that man is so handsome, like a movie star."

Because the roads of Antique Street were not easy to follow, Ye Chen parked the car at the door and walked in.

Hao Man waited more and more anxiously, and the shop owner was constantly urging.

She took out her mobile phone, dialed Ye Chen's phone again, and said with a cry, "Brother Ye Chen, where have you been?"

"Xiaoman, I'm on Antique Street, and I'm walking towards the store you mentioned, don't worry." Ye Chen comforted.

"Xiao Man, is the cousin you mentioned the one who delivered the courier?" Hao Man's best friend looked at the girl and asked.

"Yes, I only have a good relationship with Ye Chen at home." Hao Man said with a smile on his face.

Since childhood, as long as she has difficulties, the first person who thinks of it is Ye Chen.

She always felt that the feelings for Ye Chen were not just cousin, but also some unspeakable feelings.

In short, no matter whether she is happy or unhappy, she wants to share with Ye Chen's brother, and she doesn't even want to talk to her parents.

Ye Chen came to the door of the antique shop and walked in.

Seeing Ye Chen, the female classmates had little hearts in their eyes.

"Xiao Man, this is the cousin you are talking about, he looks so handsome."

"The beauty of an express delivery is simply against the sky."

"Xiao Man envy you having such a brother. If I had such a handsome brother, it would be great."

Hao Man was also triumphant when he heard the comments of the girls.

"Brother Ye Chen, you are here." Hao Man said with a burst of laughter.

"Xiaoman, what happened?" Ye Chen walked up to his cousin and wiped his swallow dry with his hands.

Before my cousin could speak, the shop owner said, "Your sister broke my antique vase. This is worth 2 million yuan."

The boys just saw that the girls looked at Ye Chen with idiots, and they were a little unconvinced in their hearts.

"What's the use of being handsome, isn't it just a courier?"

"What kind of society is it now? It's not a matter of looking at your face, you must have strength."

"2 million is not a small amount. A courier needs to earn a lifetime and may not be able to earn it. I'll see what he does."

Ye Chen didn't care when he heard the comments from the surrounding students.

But Hao Man was upset. She said angrily: "Why do you say that brother Ye Chen, he earns money by labor, are you as for?"

Hearing the surface speaking for him, Ye Chen also gave birth to a warm current in his heart.

Hao Man's best friend saw that Ye Chen knew that he would pay 2 million yuan, but there was no expression on her face. She was also wondering whether this cousin really paid.

2 million is indeed not a small amount for a courier, because they can only earn a few thousand yuan a month.

Seeing Ye Chen's handsome face really stunned Hao Man's classmates, but seeing the express suit that Ye Chen was wearing, everyone shook their heads, and didn't believe that he had the money to pay.

Ye Chen ignored the store owner's words, but looked at Hao Man with a tender look and said: "Xiao Man, don't cry, tell your brother what happened, you don't have to be afraid of having a brother with you."

He had just seen the debris on the ground and heard what the shop owner said, but he still wanted to hear what happened to his cousin.

Hao Man was like a kid who had done wrong, and whispered: "Brother Ye Chen, I was looking at a vase in an antique shop just now, but I accidentally broke a vase worth 2 million yuan."

Su Ning's expression became a little gloomy upon hearing this.

He looked at Hao Man and said, "An antique worth 2 million?"

Seeing the change in Ye Chen's expression, those classmates became more sure of what they were thinking. It was useless for Hao Man to call this brother, and there was no money to pay for it.

"Xiaoman's brother delivered express delivery after all. To him, millions of dollars are simply astronomical figures."

"Is it simply embarrassing for them brother and sister."

"I want to know what happens if they can't afford it?"

After the store owner heard it, his face became ugly. Originally, he hoped that this little girl could find someone to lose the money.

But seeing Ye Chen's clothes and the discussion with these classmates, he knew that this person couldn't afford it.

"Little brother, I don't care how you pay, you can't deny it." The shop owner said with an ugly expression.

Then, at the next moment, the plot turned around.

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