Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:34 PM

Chapter 895: 895

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Ye Chen's words shocked the audience, and everyone stared at the cousin in front of them.

"I heard it right, why is this antique vase so cheap, only 2 million yuan, is it real or fake?"

When Ye Chen heard that the antique vase was worth only 2 million, his face changed slightly, and his expression was also a little surprised.

The students in the store didn't expect Ye Chen to speak like this, and the tone was too loud.

"Hao Man's cousin actually said it was worth 2 million yuan, and according to what he meant, he didn't think it was expensive, but he also felt that the price was very cheap."

"Have he figured it out? That's 2 million, not 200 fast. What kind of pretense is he putting on here."

"Who gave him the courage, the tone is so big."

"Regardless of true or false, I also admire people who can say such big things."

Seeing his cousin's attitude, Hao Man also reminded him in a low voice: "Brother Ye Chen, that's 2 million. You still think it's cheap, are you okay."

Ye Chen stroked the girl's hair with a fond look and said, "Xiaoman, it's only 2 million. As for you, you just cried like that. Brother thought something big had happened."

2 million small things?

Hao Man's classmates also took a breath after hearing the words.

This cousin is really good at bragging, but even if he can, he will really lose money after all. If he can't get the money, he will obviously be slapped in the face.

"Xiaoman, your cousin is not only handsome, but also able to pretend."

"Who doesn't brag about it, you have to be able to do it."

"It's so pitiful, people who don't have money can only brag about it."

Hearing the classmates' comments, Hao Man also felt a little embarrassed. She didn't even know that this cousin could brag so much.

Hao Man pulled the corner of La Ye Chen's clothes and reminded again: "Brother Ye Chen, that is 2 million, not a small number."

Ye Chen comforted his sister again and said, "Xiao Man, are you like those people who think that your brother is delivering the express, so you just used the money."

Hao Man nodded honestly and said: "Brother Ye Chen, it's okay, let's think of other ways."

Ye Chen wouldn't think there was anything when others didn't believe him, but his cousin Hao Man didn't believe him either, and Ye Chen felt a little embarrassed.

When there was not much nonsense, Ye Chen went straight to the subject: "Boss, can you swipe your card here?"

Ye Chen looked at the shop owner and asked.

"No problem." The shop owner said as he brought the poss machine over.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Ye Chen took out a golden bank card from his pocket and handed it to the shop owner.

With the prompt sound.

"Ding, the transaction is successful, pay 2 million."

The sound resounded throughout the antique shop.

After the sound, the shop became silent for an instant, and even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

The people in the store, including the store owner, did not dare to speak out. Everyone felt that the scene before them was a bit too unbelievable.

One minute later, there was another discussion in the antique shop.

"Hao Man's elder brother is a supernatural hero, no wonder people dare to speak."

"It's not just Shenhao, it's inhumanity, this shot is 2 million."

"I don't even know how much money is being delivered by express delivery now. After I graduate, I will work in express delivery and become rich like Brother Hao Man."

The girls also looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

The man in front of them is simply the Prince Charming in their hearts, with good looks, good figure and rich money.

Before they saw Ye Chen's handsome appearance, but after all, he was just a courier and had no future, and there was a disdainful expression in their eyes.

But now that Ye Chen is so generous, the 2 million yuan is not in the eyes at all, and they immediately changed their minds.

There are even a few girls who have already thought about having a good relationship with Hao Man so that they can get close to Ye Chen.

When the time comes, they will really chase Ye Chen, so they are still worried about finding a job after graduation, and they can directly become rich wives.

That is the dream of every girl.

Hao Man was also a little unbelievable. His cousin was able to pay her 2 million yuan. In the impression, Ye Chen's brother was just a courier, and he only earned a few thousand yuan a month.

But how could he have paid so much money, and he felt unscientific no matter what he thought.

The few female classmates who were not close to Hao Man were also a little shocked.

It seems that Hao Man's cousin is really rich. Just now he thought he was talking big and bragging. It turned out that he was telling the truth.

"This boy is so cute, I love it."

She even wanted to find Hao Man to call Ye Chen over, and to contact Ye Chen. She had always believed in the long-term love.

But what made everyone even more surprised was that after Ye Chen finished swiping the card, he actually handed the card to Hao Man’s hand and said, “Xiao Man, in fact, my cousin has always been very rich, but I just don’t want others to know. I'm afraid that someone will be malicious. There are tens of millions in this card, so you can spend it. You don't have to save money for brother. If you don't have enough, brother will give you.

When Ye Chen said this, there was no wave on his face, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing.

The people in the store were even more surprised, their eyes popped out, and their jaws dropped.

Hao Man's classmates were not calm in an instant.

Even some classmates couldn't control their emotions and cried out in surprise: "Tens of millions, this is tens of millions. My cousin actually gave it to Xiaoman casually."

Everyone knows that Hao Man and Ye Chen are just cousins, but even real brothers and sisters can't do this.

Even if he could give tens of millions, then Ye Chen must be a billionaire.

This really complied with the saying that being rich is self-willed.

"I'm so envious. I want a brother like this too. If you want to spend money, you can ask him for it."

"Sour is really sour, who doesn't love such a brother."

Some girls looked at Ye Chen and said with a spoiled expression: "Brother Ye Chen, are you still missing a sister? I can."

Hearing this, Hao Man was like a dog protecting the food, blocking Ye Chen and said: "This is my brother, what does it have to do with you, you can never want to be Ye Chen's younger sister."

She also refreshed her understanding of Ye Chen's cousin today, but she didn't expect her cousin to speak and act so boldly.

Is this still the cousin he used to play with since childhood?

Too late to think about it, after all, now that her brother is rich, she is also very happy in her heart.

Ye Chen stroked her cousin's hair again, and said, "I didn't want to reveal my identity, but now that I have encountered this kind of thing, there is no other way."

"Xiaoman, you have to pay more attention. The password of this card is your voice. If the money in the card is not enough, you can call me."

Ye Chenfeng said lightly.

Hao Man took the bank card and nodded obediently.

Although he didn't turn the corner for a while, but after all, Ye Chen's brother is rich now, not only that, she has also become a rich man, and will never be looked down upon by others.

This feeling is really good.

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