Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:18 PM

Chapter 906: 906

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Ye Chen didn't tell Su Qing that the electric car stopped in front of Xu Xiaoshan's house. He was afraid that this woman would think about it again.

After Su Qing sorted out the information, the two walked towards the elevator.

Seeing Ye Chen and Su Qing walking out of the elevator and walking side by side in the company, even though they did not hold hands, there were still discussions around them.

"Mr. Ye and Mr. Su are really talented women, a match made in heaven."

"Look at the way they two are, are they dating?"

"I think so too."

The girls at the front desk were chatting and looking at the two people walking out.

"Ye Chen, which restaurant shall we go to eat?" Su Qing asked.

"It's better to go home and eat. Yueyue should be at home now. You can just let her make some good things. You can try it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing said excitedly, "Okay, it's just time to taste Yueyue's craftsmanship."

This is the first time that Ye Chen has actively invited her to eat at home. Needless to say, what it means for a man to invite a woman to the house.

She gently lifted Ye Chen's arm, but Ye Chen did not refuse.

The girl at the front desk saw Su Qing holding Ye Chen's arm through the glass window, and said excitedly: "It's so intimacy, it must be in a relationship, maybe she still lives together."

The girl next to her looked a little lonely: "It seems that the two of them are really together. From now on, I can only watch Mr. Ye secretly. My male **** was snatched away like this."

"Okay, let's not be idiots here. Even if there is no President Su, it is not our turn. What's more, how can a good and attractive man like Ye Zong belong to only one person, presumably he has Quite a few women," the other girl said bluntly.

Seeing that Ye Chen had returned to the villa, Yueyue said with a look of excitement: "Brother Ye Chen, you are back, I am planning to cook lunch."

"Yes, I came back here to taste your craft." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing followed Ye Chen and said with a smile, "Hello, Yueyue."

Yueyue saw the woman in front of her, her smile disappeared, she just nodded.

"Forgot to introduce. This is my chef Yueyue, and this is my assistant Su Qing. Let's get to know each other personally."

"Sister Su Qing is good." Yueyue said blankly.

Before Su Qing could speak, she looked at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye Chen, sit down and drink some water first. I will cook now."

"Then it will be hard work." Su Qing said politely.

Yueyue ignored Su Qing, but walked towards the kitchen.

When she came to the kitchen, she murmured while picking vegetables, "Brother Ye Chen is really bad, why is there another woman around him, and she is so beautiful, what can I do?"

"Ye Chen, I don't think Yueyue likes me very much." Su Qing said what she felt in her heart.

"No, the girl Yueyue treats people with enthusiasm. It may be that she is not feeling well. I will go and see her now." Ye Chen comforted.

In fact, he knew why Yueyue had such an attitude towards Su Qing, but he couldn't tell the truth.

"Okay, you go. If Yueyue is not feeling well, let's order takeaway." Su Qing said with a worried expression.

Ye Chen came to the kitchen when she heard Yueyue mutter and coughed and said: "Little girl, what's wrong today, listless, why are you not friendly at all when there are guests at home?"

Yueyue pouted and said, "Brother Ye Chen, why are you so carefree? The women around you are one after another."

After speaking, she consciously said something wrong and hurriedly shut up silently.

"Can you blame me for this? The main reason is that your brother Ye Chen is too handsome and is too popular with girls." Ye Chen self-proclaimed and boasted.

"Brother Ye Chen, I refuse to talk to you, you leave here quickly, don't disturb me cooking." Yueyue also said with a temper.

"Well, you are busy, you are busy, if you need to call me at any time, I will help you." Ye Chen left wisely.

Seeing Ye Chen walking out, Su Qing hurriedly asked, "Yueyue is okay."

"Nothing, just wait to enjoy the delicious food." Ye Chen smiled while sitting on the sofa.

He is very confident about Yueyue's cooking skills. He has tasted it several times before and indeed competes with those star chefs in the hotel.

After a while, Yueyue walked out with the prepared dishes and put them on the table.

Su Qing and Ye Chen also walked into the kitchen to help Yueyue serve food.

There are six dishes and one soup on the table, which makes people drool. I have to say that the dishes made by Yueyue are really delicious, delicious and delicious.

The three of them were seated, and Ye Chen looked at Su Qing and said, "You can try it quickly."

"Don't tell me Ye Chen, I can't wait to see these dishes." Su Qing said and ate a piece of ribs.

"Yueyue, your cooking skills are so good. The sweet and sour pork ribs are just right." Su Qing praised.

Su Qing did not eat less hotel food, so the taste is also very unpredictable, it is rare to be praised by her.

"Hehe, thank Sister Su Qing for the compliment. I study food at home every day." Yueyue said with a smile.

Now Yueyue's attitude towards Su Qing has also eased a lot.

Su Qing was also a little surprised when she heard the girl's words that she liked to study food so much at her age.

Su Qing smiled and asked: "Yueyue, you study food at home every day, don't you go to school?"

"Sister Su Qing, I go to school."

Looking at the girl in front of her, she should be at the age of studying in the classroom with her classmates.

"Look at your age. Isn't it the age to go to school?"

Yueyue said with a smile: "Sister Su Qing, I am not the one to study at all. Since elementary school, I have failed to pass the exam every time. On the contrary, I am more talented in cooking."

Su Qing listened to what the girl said. She didn't know whether to worry or to be happy. She always felt that it would be difficult for Yueyue to gain a foothold in this society without a diploma, and she couldn't help but worry about the girl in front of her.

"Yueyue, haven't you thought about taking a diploma, just live cooking every day? Don't you have any ideals and life plans?" Su Qing asked with a worried expression.

"Sister Su Qing, I really haven't thought about this. I want to work hard to earn money now. I will quickly replace the money my elder brother gave to my parents for hospitalization. Just don't owe him so much." Yueyue said with a smile.

Yueyue's words made Su Qing feel a little worried. What a young and energetic girl wants is to make money, but she has no dreams. This is really a sad thing.

What's more, Ye Chen is so rich, he is not bad at all.

But since the girl has her own ideas, Su Qing doesn't have to worry about it.

She was afraid that as Yueyue grew older, she would regret her current choice, and regret that she did not work hard and wasted her time in vain.

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