Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:14 PM

Chapter 909: 909

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The girl looked at Ye Chen with gratitude and said, “I didn’t expect it to be you. Thank you for saving me. When I jumped down the river just now, I was thinking that if my boyfriend saved me, I would forgive him, but no I thought that he couldn't save him." "This kind of scumbag is not worthy of your love at all. There is no need to commit suicide for him." Ye Chen persuaded.

"Well, I know, it won't be anymore." The girl said with a tear on her face.

"Savior, you haven't told me your name yet." The girl said, looking at the handsome man in front of her.

"Please call me **." Ye Chen teased.

It is Ye Chen's style to do good things without leaving a name.

"Well, since there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Ye Chen got up and said.

He was so wet now that he couldn't deliver the courier at all. Ye Chen decided to go home and take a shower and rest at home. After all, saving people is also very physically demanding.

The next day, Ye Chen continued to deliver the express.

This time, Ye Chen gave it to a Binjiang community.

This community is a high-end residence, and the people living in the community are rich people.

Ye Chen was downstairs, the other couriers were taken away, and only the last one was left.

Ye Chen frowned.

He has been waiting for more than ten minutes, but the other party hasn't come yet.

Ye Chen made a call.

Soon there was a weak voice on the phone.

"Hello, your express has arrived, when will you come down to pick it up?"

The weak voice on the phone said: "Sir, I'm really sorry, I, I'm a little uncomfortable, can you send it to me?"

Ye Chen heard this and said, "Well, I will send it to you now."

For the needs of female customers, Ye Chen is still willing to help.

And also very much from the phone, I heard that this girl is really uncomfortable.

Ye Chen took the courier upstairs.

When he arrived upstairs, Ye Chen rang the doorbell.

For a long time, someone came to open the door.

A pale girl came out on the opposite side.

Ye Chen could see that the other party's condition was very bad.

Ye Chen handed the express to the girl: "Are you okay."

The girl shook her head and just wanted to close the door.

Suddenly, she fell to the ground.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

The door was still open, but the girl fell to the ground.

This is how to do?

Ye Chen can't leave her alone.

So Ye Chen picked up the girl and put it on the bed.

He touched the girl's wrist.

It turned out to be dysmenorrhea.

Ye Chen quickly understood the reason.

He took the silver needle from his arms.

Accompanied by the girl's choking sound.

The girl woke up.

Ye Chen said, "Are you all right."

Opening her eyes, the girl saw a handsome young man sitting beside her.

Wow, this young man is so handsome.

In fact, she just saw that Ye Chen is very handsome.

But it was really uncomfortable.

But when she woke up, she found that her uncomfortable feeling had disappeared.

Is it because of the man in front of me?

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Are you all right?"

"Well, did you help me?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, you fainted just now. It should be due to dysmenorrhea. I have already helped you with acupuncture."

The girl was taken aback when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"Aren't you the courier brother? How can you treat illness?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Well, I have learned a little medicine before."

"Your medical skills are too good." Girls have always had dysmenorrhea.

I have seen many hospitals and it is useless.

But today he was cured by the handsome boy in front of him.

Ye Chen smiled: "Since you are all right, then I will leave first."

After all, being in a girl's house is really not so good, if someone's boyfriend comes in a while, it won't be suitable.

"Handsome guy, can you add a WeChat?" the girl said blushing.

Ye Chen looked at the girl.

The girl is in her early twenties and looks very pretty.

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, if you feel uncomfortable in the future, you can WeChat me."

Two people added WeChat and Ye Chen heard a metal voice in his mind as soon as he left.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning five-star praise and rewarding 51% of the Armani Group. 】

Armani Group shares?

Ye Chen was stunned.

You know, Armani is a world-renowned luxury clothing brand. This brand was founded in Milan in Country Y, and its clothing is famous for romantic gentlemen.

The Armani logo is like an eagle, very domineering.

This also symbolizes the quality and skill of Armani.

This has also become the eternal symbol of Armani.

Armani not only sells clothes, but also glasses, leather products, and perfume brands. It is one of the most popular luxury brands of upper-class elites.

Now he actually owns 51% of Armani.

In other words, he is the boss of Armani.

Armani's 51% stake is a huge amount of wealth for Ye Chen.

If these shares are sold, the value of them is even more immeasurable.

It seems that this express delivery is too worthwhile.

As expected of the system, the things delivered are getting stronger and stronger.

Su Qing's phone rang.

"Mr. Ye, I called you several times and you didn't answer it. I thought something was wrong with you."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I'm fine, what's the matter?"

"There is an auction tomorrow that invites you to participate, don't you know if you have time?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Of course there is time."

This is a charity auction. Of course, all the elites of society participate in the auction.

This is also a small gathering for people to exchange feelings or talk about business together.

Ye Chen hung up, and since he was going to participate in the auction, he had to buy some clothes.

It just so happened that I just got the system reward, so I went to the Armani store.

Ye Chen drove to the mall. Then came to the official Armani store.

As soon as I arrived in the store, a salesperson greeted me.

Seeing that Ye Chen was wearing the courier's payment, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

Their Armani is a luxury brand, how can a courier guy buy their clothes?

This kind of person is often encountered in shopping malls.

They came to luxury brand stores for only one purpose, but to open their eyes.

He hates this kind of person the most, he can't just buy it.

Although the salesman's face is still smiling.

But he didn't like Ye Chen in his heart.

With a hypocritical smile on his face, he said, "Sir, what service do you need?" This is also the most common method he uses to drive away poor ghosts.

As long as he finishes speaking, those poor ghosts will leave immediately.

After all, if there is no money, the clerk has asked, who is embarrassed to stay here.

With this trick, the salesperson is unsatisfactory.

Sample, you don't look at what identity you are.

Are you also here for Armani?

I really don't know, the courage you came from, wore express clothes to visit Armani.

There was a sneer on the salesperson's face.

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