Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:13 PM

Chapter 910: 910

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After all, Armani clothes are expensive.

Any one can be finished quickly.

How does a courier buy clothes of their brand?

To buy is to buy in a dream.

Just after this, something that the salesperson didn't expect happened.

"Well, you take out the most expensive clothes in your store, I want to try it."

The salesman was stunned.

Are you dreaming?

What is this courier guy talking about?

He wants to try the most expensive clothes in the store?

"Who do you think you are, local tyrant?"

Not only the clerk, but other customers in the store also looked at Ye Chen.

Everyone was surprised at first.

But seeing Ye Chen's dress, his face immediately showed disgust.

I thought it was a goddess, but after doing it for a long time, it turned out to be a courier.

Suddenly people looked at Ye Chen with contempt.

This kind of person is really rubbish.

Obviously I have no money, but I still like to pretend.

A courier was so embarrassed to say something and wanted to buy the best suit.

The male salesperson stared at Ye Chen blankly.

"What are you talking about? Want to buy the best suit?"

Looking at Ye Chen, there was a playful expression on his face.

He really didn't understand, where did this guy's courage come from.

He has almost concluded that this little courier is just here to pretend to be forced.

No money for big money, interesting.

I really want to try on the most expensive suit in the store.

Okay, don't you like to pretend?

See how I make you embarrassed.

He had already thought that if this little brother didn't buy it after the trial, he would laugh at him.

The male salesman walked to the store and took out an Armani suit.

"Sir, this is our latest listing, you can see if you can."

Although there is a WeChat on his face, he is very reluctant in his heart.

It was so unlucky today that I encountered a poor ghost who likes to pretend.

Nima, a courier tries on Armani clothes.

What an international joke.

This is obviously a waste of my precious time, okay?

If this time is used to receive other customers and sell a few more suits, you can get more commissions.

Unfortunately, he unexpectedly met a courier.

The salesman decided to laugh at each other well.

"This dress is the latest model, so it is also more expensive. 99999 If you think it is suitable, I can help you get one."

The male salesman had a sneer on his face.

He looked at Ye Chen, wanting to see a surprised and humiliating expression on Ye Chen's face.

He was thinking, now he's still playing against the cloth.

Do you have no face and continue to stay in the store?

Nima, you make me feel bad, and I want you to be ashamed.


A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Ye Chen was indeed shocked.

But he said: "You send the most expensive clothes, so cheap?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

99999, which is basically one hundred thousand.

This kid said it's cheap?

"Sir, our clothes are 99999."

The male clerk thought Ye Chen had misheard, and then said.

Nima, do you even say that one hundred thousand clothes are cheap?

What a joke.

He even wondered if this little courier was drinking too much.

How can a courier buy a suit for 100,000 yuan?

After all, the one-month salary for express delivery is not much, how can it be possible to buy a suit of 100,000 yuan?

"Sir, are you sure you think this dress is cheap?"

The waiter asked awkwardly.

In fact, the salesperson is also very embarrassed.

However, he was also very speechless when he encountered such a mindless customer.


You can almost buy a car at this price.

Even said that so much money is equivalent to one month's work.

What did this guy say?

Too cheap.

In fact, what Ye Chen said was the truth.

One hundred thousand clothes are really too cheap in his eyes.

He is a billionaire.

What is a hundred thousand clothes for him?

At this moment, a young man wearing an international famous brand came in with a cigarette in his mouth.

A bodyguard followed behind him.

There was a young man who was hugged by people before and after, and his aura was very full.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Who is this, such a big style.

Will it be an internet celebrity?

It's a bit like a local tyrant.

It’s too exaggerated to go shopping with so many bodyguards.

Wu Biao looked smug, he enjoyed this feeling very much.

When he walked into the Armani store, he looked triumphant.

But walking into the store, he immediately saw Ye Chen.

Wu Bin was stunned.

This kid is too handsome.

He is actually very handsome, but his handsomeness is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

Nima, how could there be such a handsome man in this world.

Wu Biao's face suddenly became ugly.

He has always considered himself handsome.

But when he saw Ye Chen, he suddenly discovered that his handsomeness was really not worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

There is no harm without comparison.

In front of Ye Chen, his proud face, temperament and even his height were ruthlessly crushed.

In front of Ye Chen, he felt like an ugly man.

Suddenly his face became difficult to look.

He even felt that he was carrying this group of bodyguards, with no aura in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stood there alone and completely crushed him.

This feeling made Wu Biao very upset.

Damn, we will have a handsome man in this world?

His mind was severely hurt.

Wu Biao's face suddenly became difficult to look.

He is naturally the most handsome in the world, and now he has become the second. How could he be willing.

When Wu Biao saw Ye Chen wearing a delivery suit, a smile leaked from his face.

Haha, how handsome you are than me, you are just a courier.

Right in front of me, you are a stubborn man

The courier dared to come to Armani to buy clothes.

Who gave him the courage?

Is it Liang Jingru?

He walked straight to Ye Chen.

"Brother express, do you know what brand this is?"

"This is Armani. How can you afford the clothes here?"

"You stand here in express clothes, which directly lowers Armani's grade."

"So, if you are more acquainted, leave as soon as possible."

"The Armani store, not all cats and dogs can come."

The customers in the store also sweated for this poor courier.

After all, everyone knows that Wu Biao relied on how much money he had in his family, and he started fighting when he saw something that was not pleasing to the eye.

But if you think about it, what Wu Biao said is right. After all, this place shouldn't be a place where the courier brother came.

The clothes of this brand are always last month. How much money can you make as a courier in a year, you can't have a piece of clothing here.

Some people even think that although Wu Biao speaks a bit arrogant and domineering, he is reasonable after all.

A courier boy appeared in a place that shouldn't have appeared. Is this clearly looking for abuse? Who can blame this?

Now in the world of the rich, the poor are to be bullied.

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