Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:00 PM

Chapter 917: 917

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How could Tengxiang let go of such a good opportunity for revenge? He was not listened to Zhang Nan's words.

He decided that he would settle the old hatred with Ye Chen today.

Teng Xiang sneered: "Ye Chen, look at something expensive, don't look at those more than 100,000 watches, and I also know this boss, you can let someone give you a discount, or if you want to tell me, I Don't mind buying it for you."

His words were full of despising Ye Chen.

While talking, Tengxiang did not forget to reveal the millions of Patek Philippe watches.

In Tengxiang's mind, the watch on his wrist is already very good, and it can show off even if it is taken out.

Bringing Zhang Nan here today just opened his eyes. If this woman could agree to his request, he decided to spend hundreds of thousands to give her a piece.

The shopping guide lady saw Patek Philippe on Tengxiang's wrist, and her eyes lit up again.

Those who are not involved in the fashion industry can only see that the clothes Ye Chen wears are of the Armani brand, and can't see the price at all.

But everyone knows the Patek Philippe in Tengxiang's hands. Compared with Ye Chen, Tengxiang is even more proud.

"Fortunately, I didn't receive that gentleman. This is the gold master's father." After seeing Tengxiang, a group of shopping guides all left from Ye Chen's side and rushed to Tengxiang's side.

Tengxiang really enjoys this feeling of being regarded as a VIP.

He laughed and said, "Haha, have you seen it? This is the treatment of the rich and the rich. In the face of strength, you are simply insignificant."

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to Tengxiang, but walked inside with a look of indifferent expression. What he hated most was walking into a store, surrounded by a group of people, and kept on twittering.

Every watch here has a price, he has eyes to look at it, if he wants to understand the nature of the watch, then find a shopping guide to understand it, can’t it?

On the contrary, it is like Tengxiang who is a bit rich, but not very rich, and likes the feeling of being touted.

Ye Chen shook his head, feeling sad for Tengxiang. After so many years, this guy is still the same, with no progress at all.

Seeing being ignored again, Ye Chen's face became a little ugly.

Just pretending to be coercive in front of Ye Chen, taunting and taunting Ye Chen, did not cause him any harm at all.

On the contrary, it makes people think that he is talking to himself like a fool.

"Tengxiang, didn't you say you want to buy me a watch, let's take a look." Zhang Nan persuaded again.

Seeing Ye Chen walk in, Teng Xiang also followed in, he just wanted to expose Ye Chen's true face, and then ridiculed him again.

Because Tengxiang didn't believe Ye Chen could afford the watch here.

"It's ridiculous when Xiao Bai Lian is taken care of by others and wants to be a rich man." Teng Xiang sniffed.

Like this world's top luxury brand, the outer hall displays a series of less than one million, while the inner hall has millions.

Seeing Ye Chen walking towards the inner hall, Teng Xiang thought in his heart, the kid should not scare you to death when he sees the price.

When he was in the outer hall just now, Ye Chen also took a look, but he didn't like it.

But as soon as he entered the inner hall, Ye Chen showed a satisfied expression on his face. For the watch, the more expensive the price, the more high-end.

Ye Chen said to the shopping guide: "This one, this one, and this one, take them out."

He ordered all the styles that seemed more in line with his own aesthetics. There were five watches in total.

The shopping guide girl also frowned. The average person would look at one or two, compare them, and then choose one.

But Ye Chen clicked five or six in one breath, obviously trying not to buy the rhythm.

She had also met such a customer before, and she tried it for a while and didn't buy one, just for the enjoyment.

She even wailed in her heart: "It's really unlucky. How to meet such a master is simply wasting her time."

But even though I thought this way, my face didn't show it. After all, is the customer God.

Tengxiang and the other shopping guide girls who walked into the inner hall together saw that Ye Chen had ordered so many watches. You must know that each watch here is worth more than one million.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Teng Xiang was also a little stunned: "Damn, what is this kid doing, let the shopping guide lady bring him so many watches."

"Doesn't he know the price of these watches? Still think that the watches here can be taken for nothing if you don't need money!"

Tengxiang is now a little suspicious that Ye Chen hasn't looked at the price of the watch at all, but just asks the shopping guide lady to show it if he sees the one he likes.

That being the case, he planned to see Ye Chen end like this.

Tengxiang walked towards Ye Chen and pretended to remind: "Ye Chen, what are you picking up here? Do you know how much the watch prices are here?"

"If it breaks, I can't afford to sell you."

Ye Chen's move also alarmed the store manager.

After all, the watches that Ye Chen ordered are tens of millions.

There are also customers like Ye Chen, but they are a minority after all, and these people are all VIPs.

"These few don't seem to meet my requirements. Could you please put them away, are there other series?" Ye Chen said while looking at the shopping guide.

Miss shopping guide had long thought of Ye Chen's behavior, and she confirmed her previous thoughts in her heart.

The shopping guide girl looked at Ye Chen sarcastically and said, "Yes, there are, but the price is a bit high, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it."

She was very tactful, and she was afraid of hurting a man's self-esteem.

"How do you know I can't accept it?" Ye Chen asked back.

Teng Xiang, who watched the joke on the side, said mockingly: "Ye Chen has done it, so don't be embarrassed by other shopping guide girls. I think you should look at the ones below one million in the outer hall. I think the ones there are more suitable for you."

"But I don't think you can afford it in the outer hall."

The shopping guide lady also felt that Tengxiang's words were very reasonable and started to discuss.

"I was almost confused by his clothes. It turned out to be a pauper."

"Just don't waste our time if you don't have money."

"Fortunately, I didn't receive him, otherwise I would cry to death."

"Hey, Xiaomei is miserable again this time, why does she always meet such guests?"

"Xiaomei, if you were to ignore this kind of guests."

The other shopping guides also persuaded the shopping guide named Xiaomei.

Although Xiaomei's heart is also very contradictory, since the customer has proposed it, how can she not implement it?

"Okay, sir, you wait." Xiaomei said with a smile on her face.

She took out something like a safe from the counter, pressed the code on it, and opened it with a snap.

Take out a beautiful box from the inside and use the key to open the box. What is displayed in front of you is a watch inlaid with emeralds. The newest chapter address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: The full text of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning to read the address: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: opening selection of the president of the billionaire group mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 917 How to End) Reading Record , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundred Millions Group", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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