Published at 27th of April 2021 12:22:39 PM

Chapter 935: 935

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"Dong Ye, I'm really sorry that I didn't notify you the first time about this matter, please forgive me!" Manager Zhang said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, it's not your fault." Ye Chen smiled.

He has always ignored the hotel affairs and left it all to the managers.

Moreover, he told those people before that there was nothing important and not to report to him, it was all decided by them.

It is not a big deal for the island chess saint to come to the Marriott Hotel, and it has nothing to do with him. Manager Zhang has not reported and can't blame others at all.

During Ye Chen's call, another phone kept coming in.

After a glance at the number, it is still Su Qing's.

What did this girl call him again? Is there another hacking incident?

"Manager Zhang, I'm still busy, so you are solely responsible for this matter." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking.

I thought Ye Chen was angry just now, but after hearing these words, Manager Zhang, who was nervous, was instantly as relaxed as a stone fell.

Ye Chen is really good, if he changes to someone else, he will definitely be criticized.

Ye Chen, who hung up, hurriedly connected Su Qing's call: "Xiao Qing, what's the matter?"

"Ye Chen, come to the company, I have something to do with you." Su Qing said nervously.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Ye Chen replied.

Ye Chen rode the electric bike toward Yida Group again, parked the car at the door, and ran to the president's office.

"Xiaoqing, why are you calling me here in such a hurry?" Ye Chen said as he looked at Su Qing, who was as beautiful as a fairy in front of him.

"Ye Chen, there is nothing, people just miss you." Su Qing said shyly.

"What a charming little fairy." Ye Chen scratched Su Qing's Qiong nose.

This girl really seduce him again and again, and no man can stand it.

The two lingered for a while.

Su Qing tidyed up her clothes and said, "Ye Chen, I'm going to a banquet tonight. I'll take you to buy some clothes."

"No, I have clothes to wear, it won't shame you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, I have satisfied you little fairy just now, now you can let me go."

Su Qing's pretty face flushed when she heard this, and she kept flushing to the root of her ears.

"Hate, you were so bad just now." Su Qing said shyly.

After Ye Chen left, there happened to be a courier from the Marriott Hotel, and he also happened to stop by there to have a look.


A middle-aged woman sitting in a wheelchair said: "Girlfriend, my mother is really sorry. It's my illness that drags you down, otherwise you won't be engaged to a man you don't like."

The middle-aged woman beat her feet and chest as she spoke, looking very painful.

She has a strange disease that requires a lot of money to treat and maintain her life. The most important thing is that she can't live for a few days without that kind of special medicine.

Originally, the middle-aged woman wanted to die, but when she thought of her daughter being alone and helpless, she couldn't afford this cruelty.

The daughter had seen a middle-aged woman commit suicide, and begged her to survive for her, otherwise her daughter would die with her.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman was scared.

She must live, only in this way can she accompany her daughter.

But in this way, the only way is that the daughter can only marry that person, the man she has never liked.

"Mom, don't say that. As long as you are by my side, I am willing to do anything. Even if I marry someone I don't like, I don't care, really." The pure and lovely young girl held her mother tightly. 'S hand, said.

The girl is also in her twenties. She has a sweet face, a rugged figure, and a shawl with long hair, giving a sense of innocence.

And this temperament is unique.

"Jiajia, here I am."

It was a short, fat middle-aged man with a wretched expression on his face, which was disgusting.

He licked his lips, looked at Liu Jia greedily, and even wanted to fall down on the girl at the moment, and ravage her well.

But this is a public place after all, and the things he has in mind can only be done at home.

The wretched man reached out to hold the young girl's tender little hand.

Seeing the man's behavior, Liu Jiaxiu frowned, retracted her hand, and shouted, "Take your dirty hands away and don't touch me."

"You, you little **** who doesn't know anything."

"I tell you, after we get engaged, you will be my one, let alone touch you, no one can do anything to me even if you play to death." Chen Youfu didn't expect Liu Jia to refuse to give him this way. Face, the heart is also angry.

He chased Liu Jia for a long time, but the girl didn't even let him touch her hands.

Chen Youfu also knew that Liu Jia married him because he agreed to see her mother.

But he doesn't care if the girl loves him, as long as he can get him.

"Pretend to be upright in front of me and see how Lao Tzu plays with you." Chen Youfu thought in his heart.

He wanted Liu Jia to taste all kinds of tricks and ways, to see this young girl begging for mercy under his body.

Chen Youfu felt hot in his heart when he thought of the girl's pitiful appearance.

He unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, glaring in his eyes.

"You are really despicable. If you hadn't bought all those medicines with money, how could my daughter marry you? It's not so shameful that you used such despicable means."

"You are not a human being, not even an animal."

"Aren't you just using me to threaten my daughter? If I die, you won't be able to do so."

Liu Jia's mother said that she was about to hit the opposite wall. She had already decided not to push her daughter into the fire pit.

If her Jiajia married this middle-aged man, she would not be happy for the rest of her life.

If a daughter can't be happy because of her, then what is the point of being alive?

"Mom, what are you doing? Are you really going to leave me and let me live alone in this world?" Liu Jia hurriedly stopped her mother's actions.

"You old thing, you still want to die. If it weren't for me, you could live till now. I'll tell you I won't let you die. Not only that, I want you to live well and see how I tortured you." Daughter's." Chen Yougui said arrogantly.

"Beast, devil," the middle-aged woman said, holding her daughter in her arms.

"Old stuff, do you dare to say it again?" Chen Yougui said as he approached the mother and daughter, raising his hands.

"Dare you!" Liu Jia stared at the wretched man in front of her angrily.

Chen Yougui smiled and said: "I have nothing to dare to tell you, if your mother would have to die without me, would you really bear the heart to watch her die? Are you so unfilial?"

Seeing the middle-aged man's raised palm, Liu Jia closed her eyes, knowing that men will not show mercy.

At this moment, the applause did not sound, but a young man grabbed the man's hand. Choose the latest chapter address of the president of Yiwan Group: full text reading address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the beginning, choose the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 935 Forced Marriage), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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