Published at 28th of April 2021 06:40:13 AM

Chapter 936: 936

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No matter how hard Chen Youfu struggled, it was of no avail. His hand was like a pair of iron tongs, which made him unable to break free.

"Boy, you let me go, less nosy here." Chen Youfu shouted grinningly.

Due to the severe pain, his body trembles, and sweat is oozing out on his forehead.

Liu Jia opened his eyes and saw the courier brother who was shot by Zhang Yi.

Only at first glance, she actually fell in love with this man.

I have to say that Ye Chen is full of charm, and any woman who has seen him will love him.

"Thank you, little brother." Liu Jia whispered.

Ye Chen smiled at Liu Jia and nodded, then he looked at Chen Youfu with cold eyes and said, "I'll take care of this nosy. Only men who have no skills will beat women."

"Boy, this girl is my wife. This is our housework." Chen Youfu said with a grin.

Ye Chen looked at the girl and asked, "Is what he said is true?"

"Yes, we are getting married soon," Liu Jia whispered, without any joy on her face.

Originally, Ye Chen thought that this middle-aged man was bullying the girl and the middle-aged woman in the public, but after hearing the girl's answer, he understood.

After all, this is a housework of others, and he is not easy to intervene. Although he saw that middle-aged men are not worthy of girls, the girls have already admitted in person, and it must be true.

Ye Chen saw reluctance on the girl's face, and he couldn't do much in this situation.

"Master, I didn't lie to you, I was just impulsive, and I will definitely not dare anymore. Please let me go. I feel that your wrist has been broken by you now." Chen Youfu pleaded bitterly.

As he said, Ye Chen's strength was great, and a sharp pain came from his wrist.

Feeling the power of that hand, Chen Youfu couldn't bear it and had to admit it.

Ye Chen is tall and thin, and he doesn't seem to be such a strong person, but in fact it is not like this.

"It's okay to let you go, you promise to treat the girl well in the future." Ye Chen said with cold eyes.

"Master, I assure you that I will treat her well in the future, love her well, and love her well, so that she will become the happiest woman in the world." Chen Youfu said vowedly.

Ye Chen let go of Chen Youfu's hand and turned to leave.

Seeing Ye Chen's back disappear, Chen Youfu stared at the girl fiercely and thought: "Smelly bitch, just now you let me be in front of others, and your face is lost. See how I clean up you at night. I will take you from you. Collect all the humiliation."

Of course he didn't dare to say these words to the girl now, mainly because he was afraid that Ye Chen would suddenly appear again.

Liu Jia looked at Ye Chen who was leaving, feeling very sad.

Scenes from the past reappeared before her eyes, and now she regretted agreeing to Chen Youfu in her heart.

Originally, Liu Jia lived in a generous family, with loving parents and a happy family.

But what happened in her junior year ruined her original happy life.

First, the mother was diagnosed with a strange disease. Whenever she was sick, her whole body felt like being gnawed by tens of thousands of bugs, and the pain was only relieved by a special medicine.

And this kind of special medicine is expensive, the family's money is spent on the mother's medicine to see a doctor, and her life is no longer as rich as before.

In order to earn more money, his father treated his mother to a doctor. He drove a long distance and drove at night and was in a car accident. The car crashed. The perpetrator escaped and Liu Jia's mother and daughter received no compensation.

This makes the already difficult family even worse.

At this moment, Chen Youfu appeared coveted Liu Jia's beauty, and threatened her if she didn't marry him, she wouldn't be able to get the special medicine.

Chen Youfu also took great pains to obtain Liu Jia and monopolized all this special medicine.

Without this medicine, Liu Jia's mother would be tortured to death by pain.

Liu Jia is a filial daughter, how can she watch her mother suffer this kind of suffering?

Under Chen Youfu's repeated threats and persecution, Liu Jia could only agree to his request and commit himself to marry the man she didn't love.

Because only in this way, the mother can get medicine to relieve the pain.

Thinking of this, Liu Jia's tears flowed involuntarily, and the grievances and helplessness in her heart all exploded at this moment.

"Little bastard, why are you crying? When you are overjoyed, you will be in trouble, right? See how I clean up you at night, don't you like to cry? I want you to cry enough." Chen Youfu threatened with a fierce look. .

Without waiting for Liu Jia to speak, he continued: "When you wait for the ceremony, you will show me well. Many of the weddings are friends who have business dealings with me. If you don't give me face, think about the consequences."

Liu Jia didn't dare to say any more, so she could only listen obediently.

She knew that if Chen Youfu was anxious, he would probably stop his mother's special medicine.

When the time comes, the mother is better than death.

No matter how much she bears, she has already reached this point, and Liu Jia feels that it is worthwhile to exchange her mother's life with her future happiness.

"You are deaf, didn't you hear Lao Tzu speaking?" Chen Youfu shouted.

Seeing that Liu Jia didn't give him any response, Chen Youfu also had a temper.

"I heard, I will do what you want me to do." Liu Jia said timidly.

After Ye Chen delivered the express, he hurried home to change clothes in an electric car.

After all, tonight is to attend the event on behalf of the company. It represents the image of the company. You should dress decently and not lose the face of the company.

Ye Chen changed into a tailored tailored suit, with the Vacheron Constantin emerald watch on his wrist, and drove Lycan to the company to pick up Su Qing.

"Su Qing, are you finished? I'm downstairs in the company now." Ye Chen dialed Su Qing's phone and said.

"Ye Chen, I will finish the meeting right away, you go upstairs and wait for me for a while." Su Qing hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Parked the car at the door, Ye Chen walked upstairs.

"Are you the courier brother who helped the company solve the crisis at noon?" Zheng Siyuan looked at Ye Chen, who was wearing a high-end suit and a luxury watch in front of him, surprised.

Ye Chen now is very different from the one before.

"Yes." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, Su Qing also walked out of the meeting room and saw Ye Chen smile and said, "I'm done with work, so we can leave."

"President Su, who is this person?" Zheng Siyuan said the question in his heart.

If just an ordinary courier brother, it is impossible to wear such a luxurious dress.

This is obviously a rich man, and he is still the richest person.

"Manager Zheng, I forgot to introduce it to you before. This is Dong Ye from the group. He likes to deliver express delivery to experience life." Su Qing said with a smile.

"Hello, Dong Ye." Zheng Siyuan hurriedly stretched out his hand in greeting.

"Manager Zheng, you have worked hard, and the development of Shadow Shield depends on you and your team." Ye Chen said, holding his hand.

"Don't worry, Dong Ye, we will definitely go all out to develop a shadow shield in the shortest time." Zheng Siyuan said quickly with determination.

He feels that Ye Chen, as the chairman of the group, really has no arrogance at all, and it is most comfortable to work with such a leader. The newest chapter address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: The full text of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning to read the address: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: opening selection of the president of the billionaire group mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 936 Express brother turned out to be Chairman) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundred Millions Group", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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