Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:35:15 PM

Chapter 944: 944

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It seems that what Xiao Kai said to him did not mean the same thing.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Young Master Xiao, you have misunderstood. I was talking about riding a bicycle, but you were talking about chess."

Seeing Xiao Kai's puzzled face, Ye Chen explained: "I'm delivering couriers, and I need to ride a bike every day, so that's why I said that."

"Send express delivery?" Xiao Kai was stunned for a moment, then a touch of mockery appeared on his face.

Originally, Xiao Kai thought Ye Chen would have a deep background, but he didn't even think that he was a courier. If that's the case, it's no wonder that he is.

Su Qing even let him be a manager of a company like him, and went to find a boyfriend who delivered a courier.

Xiao Kai felt like he had heard a ridiculous joke. If it weren't for this kind of occasion, he might have laughed out loud.

He looked up and down Ye Chen in front of him, watching his clothes, he couldn't imagine that it was a courier.

If you know that Ye Chen's clothing is high-end custom-made, the price is naturally high, and anyone who knows how to buy the watch on his wrist knows that it should be a limited edition.

Xiao Kai thought that Ye Chen was a poor boy. Su Qing must have bought all of his clothes. He couldn't help but get angry as he thought about it.

The thought that Su Qing was willing to post the courier brother upside down, and indeed refused to accept the gift from him, is simply an insult to him.

Where Xiao Kai has been so angry, he must make Ye Chen make a fool of himself in public.

"How can you afford to buy such an expensive suit as a takeaway?" Xiao Kai looked at Ye Chen with a joking expression.

Then he looked at Su Qing with a smile and said, "Qing Qing, do you think I am right?"

Although Xiao Kai didn't say it bluntly, everyone was able to understand what was going on from asking the man and the woman.

Just now Ye Chen admitted personally that he was just a courier.

Moreover, Su Qing also called him her boyfriend. It is conceivable that Ye Chen's clothing from head to toe was bought by Su Qing.

To put it bluntly, this handsome young man in front of him is just a little white face who eats soft rice.

Su Qing's pretty face turned red, staring at Xiao Kai and said, "Xiao Kai, this is a public place, please pay attention to your own speech and manners. Don't lose the face of your Xiao family."

After Xiao Kai heard this sentence, he further confirmed his guess.

It seemed that he had guessed all of them, and I felt even more that Su Qing was deluded by the appearance of this courier brother, so she was willing to spend money on him.

Originally, Xiao Kai felt that this world did not win by appearance, but used strength to speak.

But this approach of Su Qing actually subverted his thoughts and cognition.

"Qingqing, you don't have to be so angry, in fact, there is nothing wrong with Bao Xiaobai." Xiao Kai no longer cared about Su Qing's face.

Today he just wanted to humiliate Su Qing and Ye Chen.

Xiao Kai had spent a lot of energy in chasing Su Qing, but even so, he was unsuccessful.

The thought that he was actually defeated by a courier brother, he felt it was a kind of humiliation, and he had to say anything in this tone.

Since Xiao Kai had already said so ugly, Ye Chen seemed a little weak if he didn't speak.

"Young Master Xiao, I think you have misunderstood, I did buy this suit for the money I earn every month."

The money he earned in a month is incalculable. Ye Chen owns so many companies and so many industries, and the bank card always receives money from time to time. Now the money is just a number for him.

He can buy all the expensive suits, and even those high-end brand suits need him to buy because of the shareholders of his brand groups.

Therefore, when Ye Chen said this sentence, there was no problem at all.

Su Qing smiled and said, "I forgot to introduce you. This is Ye Chen, the chairman of Yida Group."

Hearing that, Xiao Kai's face became a little ugly. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate Ye Chen, but he didn't expect to be humiliated by himself.

Ye Chen?

Could it be that this man defeated Ramo, the country M hacker he hired?

Xiao Kai couldn't help being a little surprised.

After all, he was affected by his father's ears and eyes since he was a child. Xiao Kai hurriedly put a smile on his face again and said: "Ye Dong, it's really fortunate to have met here. We actually met here. I just got offended and I hope to forgive me."

Ye Chen didn't care about this kind of person at all. He knew that Xiao Kai was respectful to him on the surface, but actually he was gritted with hatred in his heart.

"Young Master Xiao, you are polite." Ye Chen said with a smile too.

Thinking that Xiao Kai wanted to shame them in public just now, Su Qing was so angry.

"Xiao Kai, don't pretend to be here. On the surface, you have a good relationship with our chairman, and you secretly do some sneaky things." Su Qing said unceremoniously.

"Qingqing, you just don't like me, and you can't slander me in public like this. I admit that I just misunderstood Ye Dong. Haven't you already said it?"

"Moreover, in the situation just now, it must be not only me, but everyone in the room would have misunderstood you." Xiao Kai looked at the people around and continued.

What he said is true. No one can imagine that a courier can wear the high-end suits of the world's top luxury brands by his own ability.

"Xiao Kai, you don't have to pretend there. If you don't know what you can do, you are so despicable to hire a hacker from country M to attack Yida Group's system." Su Qing stared at Xiao Kai and said angrily.

Su Qing's words made Xiao Kai understand why Ramo had to terminate the contract with him after spending a high amount of compensation.

At this time, he finally realized that Ramo went to the Yida Group.

Xiao Kai hired hackers to attack Yida Group's system with a high salary. Only Xiao Kai and Ramo knew about this.

He couldn't have been stupid enough to say it, so of course Rameau said it.

And he also learned from Ramo that he was defeated by this man named Ye Chen, but Ye Chen in front of him didn't look like a programmer.

"Qingqing, I just wanted to make a joke with you. Just like the person you said was hired by me, my purpose is to keep you with me."

"What's more, Ye Dong helped you solve the crisis." Xiao Kai said brazenly.

Everyone really admired this man of good looks, and he didn't even hold it in his mouth. It felt so right and arrogant when the words came out of his mouth.

"Ye Dong, you said that I have been chasing Qingqing for a long time, and in the end I could only push her to submit, but you actually helped me. It seems that I really have no drama. I did it for me. I apologize to you for the matter." Xiao Kai said sincerely.

"It's okay, things are over, I hope you don't do something stupid to chase Qingqing, otherwise I will never be merciless." Ye Chen's expression became a little cold.

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