Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:35:00 PM

Chapter 951: 951

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The next day, Ye Chen received a call from Su Wanyi early in the morning.

After answering the phone, the familiar voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, I'm back, are you free at noon? Let's have dinner together."

"As long as it's with you, I have time at any time." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi is different from the women around him, she always feels like she's getting away from her.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi loved him, but between his career and him, he tended to have more careers.

But Ye Chen had long been used to it, and he was able to understand Su Wanyi's hardship as a strong woman.

Therefore, he never forced Su Wanyi to do anything.

During this period of time, Su Wanyi had been abroad in order to discuss business and rarely contacted him.

Ye Chen sends a message every day to find out about her situation abroad and whether she needs help.

"Did you eat honey today? Why is your mouth so sweet?" Su Wanyi giggled.

"Yeah, would you like to try it?" Ye Chen joked.

"I hate it, there is no text." Su Wanyi said with a flushed face.

Ye Chen hung up the phone and continued to deliver the courier.

He didn't want to waste this time, and maybe he could get some awesome rewards.

Ye Chen rode an electric car, went upstairs in a community and left after delivering the express.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a five-star praise and a system reward of one billion RMB! 】

Money is just a number to Ye Chen. He is now worth hundreds of billions, which is nothing in his eyes.

Ye Chen couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and he couldn't even lift the energy.

However, when he saw the following commentary, he was instantly energetic.

[Note: The rewarded rmb used for investment will get a mysterious reward! 】

It seems that this money is not the same as the rewards of the system at the beginning, and the rewards can be obtained when used for investment according to the system.

But Ye Chen already has so many industries, even if he has money, he can't make a loss-making business. It's not his style to invest blindly.

"Forget it, let's take a look." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

After checking the time, Ye Chen decided to go back and change his clothes. After all, the two hadn't seen each other for so long, so he always wanted to impress each other.

Ye Chen didn't care about clothes at all, but after all he went out with Su Wanyi.

Putting on a haute couture suit and that limited-edition watch, Ye Chen drove Lycan towards Su Wanyi's house.

Halfway, he came to a small convenience store and bought a bottle of water.

Coming out of the store, he walked towards the car, and a girl came up to him. He looked at him and asked, "Brother, are you a movie star? How come you look so handsome?"

The girl in front of her was wearing a Hanfu, with an egg-shaped face and a hair bun, as if she had traveled from ancient times, with a stunning feeling.

Ye Chen glanced at the girl and quickly denied: "You have admitted the wrong person, I am not."

"Oh, can I add you to WeChat?" the girl asked a little shyly.

She looked at Ye Chen expectantly in her eyes, for fear of being rejected.

Ye Chen has always been relatively weak against beautiful women, and the girl in front of him is so amazing, he will naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

It may be a new trend. Recently, there are many girls wearing ancient costumes all over the street, but this is the first time I see girls like girls.

This girl has the color of a sinking fish and a wild goose, and the face of a closed moon and a shameful flower.

After the girl added WeChat, she turned and left, even with a smile on her face.

"I know such a handsome little brother, now I see who would dare to laugh at me for not being able to find a male partner to participate in the cartoon show. If you take this little brother with you, you will definitely make the ladies drop their jaws."

Song Lanlan thought in her heart, she could not help but smile after seeing the scenes she was thinking.

Ye Chen didn't care about adding WeChat. Although he would not refuse the request of such a beauty to add WeChat, he would not take the initiative to contact the other party.

Because there is no shortage of beautiful women by his side, and Ye Chen feels that the twisted melon is not sweet.

He activated Lycan and drove towards Su Wanyi's house.

Ye Chen knew that today's Su Wanyi must be dressed up carefully, the movements will be slower, and she must have to wait for a while.

"Wanyi, I'm almost at your door, wait for me at home" Ye Chen said on the phone.

"Ye Chen, I'm already waiting for you at the door."

Ye Chen didn't expect Su Wanyi to finish packing.

Su Wanyi was draped over her head, her face was painted with delicate clothing, and she was wearing a white dress.

She stood at the door and was a scenic line, attracting the attention of pedestrians around her.

Some people even looked at Su Wanyi and almost didn't hit the telephone pole.

"Is this a fairy from all over the world? It's simply too beautiful."

"I feel like a star in a movie. Look at that look and figure."

"Looking like this, I must be waiting for someone. I don't know who is lucky enough to get such a goddess."

"It's not you anyway."

Discussions sounded around, and Su Wanyi didn't care about these.

Not only in China, but also in foreign countries, anyone who sees Su Wanyi will praise her for her beauty and figure.

Su Wanyi was even a little nervous now, she had never felt this way when she was dating Ye Chen before.

Seeing the familiar Lycan car parked on the side of the road, a handsome man got out of the car.

"Ye Chen, I miss you so much." Su Wanyi fell into Ye Chen's arms.

Ye Chen was also a little surprised when he was embraced by this suddenly.

The previous Su Wanyi was not like this. Why did she become more open after going abroad, even her personality changed.

"Stupid, I miss you too." Ye Chen hugged the girl in his arms tightly.

Ye Chen felt that her clothes were a little wet, and sure enough, when Su Wanyi left Ye Chen's embrace, there were still tears on her face.

Maybe it was because I hadn't seen each other for so long, or Su Wanyi was crying. Ye Chen always felt that Su Wanyi today is different from usual.

Su Wanyi in front of her has become more beautiful, and Li Hua's Rain is even more pitiful, and Ye Chen's heart is moved.

You know that Su Wanyi is already his woman, but Ye Chen felt shocked after seeing her.

"Wanyi, where shall we go to eat at noon?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the beauty in front of him.

"I have already thought about it. The Magic Capital recently opened a restaurant. The restaurant there is very high-end and delicious, but the location is very difficult. It only receives eight guests a day." Su Wanyi frowned and said.

"Oh, there is such a place unexpectedly." Ye Chen heard it for the first time.

"Yes, I'll try to make a call first. If it doesn't work, let's go somewhere else." Su Wanyi said with a smile, and then dialed a call: "Hello, is it Lijingxuan? I want to make an appointment at noon. position."

"Sorry, we receive ten guests every day, but I'm sorry that it's fully booked." An apologetic voice came from the other side.

In fact, Su Wanyi had expected this result before calling.

"Forget it, Ye Chen, the number of guests is full, let's go eat elsewhere."

Seeing Su Wanyi's disappointed face, Ye Chen comforted: "Wanyi, don't worry, I have a way." Choose 100 million for the start Address of the latest chapter of the President of Wan Group: Yi Wan Group for the start Reading address of the full text of the president: txt download of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning Address: the president of Yiwan Group Mobile Reading: https :// the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below Record this reading (the reward in Chapter 951 is a bit different), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choosing the President of Hundreds of Millions", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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