Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:53 PM

Chapter 955: 955

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The bald man originally thought that these waiters were here to greet him, and he felt flattered.

But never thought that these people would pass by his side and come to Ye Chen's face.

The bald man just felt like a guest, but now he is ignored.

The enchanting woman was also a little unwilling to receive such treatment. She just enjoyed the feeling of being embraced by everyone, but it turned out to be this kind of situation now.

"My dear, didn't you say that you can think of VIP-level treatment when you come to Lijingxuan, what is the situation now, why don't these people greet us both?"

Hearing what his girlfriend said, the bald man also got angry, and he was about to speak angrily, only to find that Rosen came over with a beautiful blond woman.

The bald man didn't expect Rosen to come out to greet him in person. He had done a lot of homework for the restaurant at Lijingxuan before, just to show off in front of his girlfriend and pretend to be coercive.

"The chef of Lijingxuan is also the owner here. It is said that he is very arrogant. Now that he actually came out to greet him personally, it must be a big man."

The bald man thought in his heart, and swallowed everything he was about to say.

In fact, don't look at the five people dressed up as bald men. In fact, there is no money at all. The reason why he brought his girlfriend is to be able to win the enchanting woman next to him.

He can be regarded as a swollen face to fill a fat man. The enchanting girl next to him has been grinding him for a long time. He wants to eat this tens of thousands of meals and enjoy the VIP treatment. The bald man bit his molars and took out 20,000 yuan to eat here. Pretending to be forced.

If he could win the enchanting girl, the money would be worth it, and he comforted himself like this in his heart.

The bald man wrinkled his brows. The four of them were present. He knew that he was not a big man at all, and when he looked at Ye Chen and Su Wanyi, he didn't think it would be.

"Since Rosen has come out to greet him, it seems that this big man is coming soon, and he just happened to see which son it is. It would be great if he was lucky enough to get acquainted with him." The bald man thought in his heart.

While he was thinking, he saw Ye Chen walking in the direction of Luo Sen with Su Wanyi.

The bald man felt that Ye Chen was pretending to be coerced with his girlfriend, which made him rashly go there and he might be thrown out of the restaurant by Rosen.

When the bald man wanted to watch a good show, an even more shocking scene happened.

Seeing that Rosen and the blonde beauty actually stopped in front of Ye Chen, they said respectfully: "Boss Ye, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Under the leadership of Rosen, the dozens of waiters also bent over in unison and said, "Boss Ye, hello."

The bald man's chin is about to fall off. What is the situation, why is such a proud Rosen calling the man in front of him the "boss"?


Hearing this name, the bald man was completely stunned.

Lijingxuan is not a place for people of his level at all. It can be said to be a high-end restaurant. Those who can come to eat here are either rich or expensive.

What kind of person Rosen has never seen as the boss, how can he treat a young man so respectfully and call him the boss.

The bald man only felt a chill in his back and looked at the man he looked down on before.

Thinking about his own stupid behavior before, he felt regretful.

He didn't put Ye Chen in his eyes just now, he just wanted to get the girl Su Wanyi next to Ye Chen, and he even mocked and ridiculed Ye Chen.

The bald man thought he was so stupid, he was a jumping clown.

He really regretted what he had done. If it wasn't for this female companion beside him, he would have liked to knelt down and apologize to Ye Chen, begging Ye Chen to forgive him for his stupid behavior.

The bald man is not a small person in the magic city at all. When he saw that Rosen treated Ye Chen so respectfully, he knew that he had offended a big person.

You must know that in the magic city, such a big figure can make the ground tremble with a stomping, let alone deal with him like a jumping clown.

The bald man was worried about his future, but he had just started a small company that had just started on the right track.

"Boss Ye, I..."

Ye Chen just nodded lightly, without speaking.

Ye Chen had seen too much of this kind of person, so naturally he wouldn't be familiar with this kind of person, otherwise he would be a bit too demeaning.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't pursue it, the bald man let out a sigh of relief.

He had already decided to quickly leave this place of right and wrong with his girlfriend, otherwise his future would not be guaranteed.

After knowing Ye Chen's identity, still obstructing his eyes and ignoring him in front of him, that is seeking death.

Maybe someone might be kicked out of the restaurant, but it would be too embarrassing if it spreads out.

Seeing that the bald man didn't mean to enter the restaurant, the enchanting woman was a little unhappy.

"Go, go in and eat."

The enchanting woman felt a little shameless, and the bald man just looked arrogant, but now that she learned the identity of the young man, she couldn't do it, and it made her a little angry.

Even the enchanting woman said in spite of the face of the bald man: "You are still not a man anymore. I really felt so embarrassed to see you."

"I'm telling you that even if you go in today, I will eat in there."

Just now she already knew that the young man who was just looked down upon was the boss of Li Jingxuan. He was a big man, how could he compare with this ugly man next to him.

Even she had already thought that she must do her best to take down this handsome, sunny, rich and golden man.

When the bald man saw his girlfriend questioning and insisting, he bit the bullet and said, "Well, let's go in together."

After speaking, he followed Ye Chen and Su Wanyi cautiously with his girlfriend, and also entered Li Jingxuan.

I have to say that the decoration style of Lijingxuan is really luxurious. Walking inside is like entering a palace.

"Ye Chen, the decoration here is really luxurious, I really like it."

Su Wanyi can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, but she was deeply attracted by the decoration style of Li Jingxuan, and even gave her a visual shock.

Under the guidance of Rosen and the blonde beauty, they came to a seat and looked at this position to see that it should be the best location for the restaurant.

"Boss Ye, please sit down." Rosen said respectfully.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi sat in positions.

The high price of Lijingxuan also lies in the fact that each table has an exclusive service staff, and of course the treatment that Ye Chen enjoys as a VIP is different from that of others.

Of course, the table of Ye Chen and Su Wanyi was personally served by Rosen and the blonde beauty.

As a result, the eyes of other guests who were dining in the restaurant were warm. The newest chapter address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: The full text of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning to read the address: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: opening selection of the president of the billionaire group mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 955 Ignored Feelings) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundred Millions Group", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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