Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:36 PM

Chapter 966: 966

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After leaving Jewelry Street, I took a look at the time it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

At this point in time, it happens to be time for dinner.

Ye Chen booked a western restaurant online and took Su Wanyi to eat there.

Maybe it was because she was so happy, Su Wanyi drank a lot of red wine today.

"Ye Chen, I feel so happy now." Su Wanyi drank too much, and her pretty face became a bit flushed because of her drunkenness.

"Silly, Wanyi, do you know? I really didn't expect you to be with me for so long." Ye Chen said what was in his heart.

After the two had finished their dinner, Ye Chen wanted to send Su Wanyi home.

But Su Wanyi insisted on going to Ye Chen's Washington villa.

Under the girl's repeated insistence, Ye Chen had to take Su Wanyi home.

After parking the car, Ye Chen helped Su Wanyi who was a little drunk and walked in toward the gate.

Seeing Su Wanyi's uncomfortable expression, Ye Chen couldn't bear it, so he hugged her in his arms and walked upstairs.

Entering the room, Ye Chen gently put Su Wanyi on the bed, about to turn around and leave.

In this case, it is definitely going to happen if an lone man and a widow live in the same room. Although Ye Chen thought about it, he couldn't bear it.

"Water, I want to drink water." Su Wanyi whispered softly.

Ye Chen wanted to turn around and leave, but was grabbed by Su Wanyi's soft little hand.

"Miss, how can I pour you water like this?" Ye Chen said helplessly.

It may be that Su Wanyi released her hand after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen turned and walked outside the door, and came to the kitchen to make a cup of honey water.

Then he ran upstairs quickly, lifted Su Wanyi up, and fed her honey water.

Feeling moisturized by the water, Su Wanyi's expression obviously eased a lot.

Seeing Su Wanyi's relief, Ye Chen decided to let her rest.

"Wanyi, if you have a good night's sleep, you will be fine tomorrow." Ye Chen stroked Su Wanyi's little head and said.

"Don't Ye Chen, will you stay with me?" Su Wanyi said softly.

This time, Ye Chen was embarrassed. If he stayed, something might happen.

"Wan Yi, you take a good rest." Ye Chen comforted.

How could Su Wanyi let Ye Chen go so easily, she suddenly got up and hugged Ye Chen from behind.

Feeling the softness behind, the evil fire in Ye Chen's heart suddenly exploded.

He couldn't control it anymore, turning around and kissing the drunk girl in front of him.

In this way, Ganchai met a raging fire.

After two people tossed all night, Ye Chen felt like he was going to fall apart.

In the morning, a ray of sunlight shot into the window lattice and hit Su Wanyi's face.

In fact, Su Wanyi woke up a long time ago, but she was a little shy and never opened her eyes.

Ye Chen got up early, and he had already made breakfast.

After returning to the room again, Ye Chen stroked Su Wanyi's hair and said, "Meng girl, hurry up. Didn't you say that the company has another meeting to open?"

Su Wanyi hurriedly got up and put on clothes when Ye Chen was reminded like this, but her pretty face became even more flushed.

"Ye Chen, you say I can beat you again." Su Wanyi's blush was like an apple.

"Well, well, I won't say anything." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He was really afraid that Su Wanyi would beat him up.

Su Wanyi walked downstairs and saw the delicious breakfast on the table, full of happiness in her heart.

After breakfast, the two went out together.

Ye Chen sent Su Wanyi back to the company, and then drove to the courier point.

Parked the car, Ye Chen put the express parcel on the electric car, and then started working for the day.

Probably because of Yueyue's influence, Ye Chen decided to open a live broadcast to deliver food.

"Wow, what a handsome courier boy!"

"If I didn't look at the uniform he was wearing, I would even think he was a movie star."

"Seeing this little brother, I now have a feeling of shock."

"Loved, this is the Prince Charming of my dreams."

"Brother Express, can you be my boyfriend? I can support you!"

In the live broadcast room, those nymphomaniac girls posted comments.

For these girls, Ye Chen has no interest at all. There are various types of beauties around him.

Ye Chen parked the electric car at the gate of the community and walked inside.

Not a few steps away, I saw a pair of handsome men and women standing there chatting.

"I saw a couple again."

"Little brother sees that they are so sweet and loving, why don't we make a couple too."

"Seeing them so sweet, I thought of my ex-girlfriend."

"For some reason, I suddenly recalled my first love."

When the netizens in the live broadcast room saw such a sweet couple, they boiled instantly.

At this time, the girl smiled and said to the boy: "My dear, to celebrate you got a job, I bought a Tiffany basketball for you."

"Thank you baby, I also have a gift for you, and that is the Kitty cat doll." The boy handed a gift bag to the girl.

"My dear, you are so good, how do you know that I like this doll? I love you so much. Let's go eat western food." The girl said with a happy expression on her face holding the beloved doll.

"Baby, I'm afraid it won't work today. I just joined the job. I have to work hard and perform well, make more money for you, and buy things you like." The boy looked a little embarrassed and refused.

"No, it's not important to make money to accompany me. I just want to go to that restaurant to eat western food."

The soft and cute girl in a princess dress said coquettishly.

"But, but, if I don't work hard to make money, how can I marry you, baby, how much does it cost me to marry you, baby?" The boy looked at the girl with doting eyes and asked.

"One million," the girl replied after thinking for a moment.

The girl's answer once again caused the live broadcast room to boil.

"Is this the lion's big mouth? The bride price should be so much."

"The girl looks soft and cute, but she didn't expect it to be a green tea, a woman who admires vanity."

"I don't think the girl is very beautiful, and she is really dare to ask for it."

"The girl's face now is really big enough, and 1 million dare to ask for it."

"I also said that I would not let my boyfriend work, eat Western food with her, and how could I earn 1 million if I didn't work hard to make money."

Netizens opened their mouths in surprise as they listened to the chats between boys and girls through Ye Chen's live broadcast.

The girl asks for 1 million beauties, making them think that this girl is a green tea girl.

Although Ye Chen was very rich, he felt that the girl asked a boy for 1 million as soon as she opened her mouth, which was too much.

He felt that the two people were together because of love, not money.

But the girl's performance made him a little angry. This girl clearly looks to the money. Choose

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