Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:42 PM

Chapter 97: 97

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Tang Lu opened the door and saw a middle-aged man standing at the door.

"Dad, why are you here so late?"

Tang Hao said, "Xiaolu, didn't I let you resign? Why did you run the monster here?"

"Dad, I like the profession of a nurse. This is my dream."

"Dreams, what are you doing badly? You have to be a nurse. You saw the news. A doctor was cut off again two days ago. Now there is such a big conflict between doctors and patients. You work in the hospital. Your mother and I are in fear every day. of."

"Dad, I don't care, I won't resign."

"You can't help this matter. I have found a boyfriend for you, the son of a multinational boss. In one month, you will marry him. You don't have to go to work during this time."

"Dad, I said I don't want to marry yet."

Tang Hao snorted coldly: "You can't do this, Xiaolu's parents are all for your good."

"What am I doing, what kind of boyfriend I am looking for, I am in charge, you don't count."

Hearing Tang Lu's words, Tang Hao said coldly: "Xiao Lu can't help you with this. From today, you are not allowed to go out and concentrate on waiting for the life of a rich lady."

Tang Hao turned and closed the door.

Afterwards, Tang Lu heard Tang Hao say to the two bodyguards at the door: "You two are looking at the young lady, don't let her leave the room."

Tang Lu's pretty face flushed with anger.

Her father loves Tang Lu very much, because he always likes to impose his will on her forcibly.

No, I must find a way to get out of here.


The next day, as soon as Ye Chen woke up, the phone rang.

The call was from Dean Wang.

"Ye Chen, I can tell you the good news. After our experts have identified, your prescription can indeed treat spinal muscular atrophy and can be used clinically."

"Great!" Ye Chen let out a sigh, it seems that the pharmacy with the system configuration is very reliable.

On the same day, a message spread all over China.

The special formula of Ren Ai Hospital can treat spinal muscular atrophy.

This news is simply a life-saving straw.

Parents rushed over from all over the country.

The headquarters of a Guodarun Group.

A blond man looked gloomy.

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on? How could Hua Guo develop a special medicine?"

Hua Guo has always been a major customer of Daren Group.

Now Hua Guo has suddenly appeared a special medicine, which caused them to lose too much.

"What we understand is that Huaguo Ren'ai Hospital has developed a Chinese medicine formula, and their medicine is only more than one thousand yuan."

"What? They are stupid, why are they selling so cheaply."

"But the only good news is that they are only cost-priced for China, and for people in other countries, the price is higher than ours."

"Damn it, their behavior is malicious competition. You must investigate it carefully. I want to sue them."


Ye Chen washed, ate breakfast, and started a new day of Didi life in the car.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Chen answered the phone, and Tang Lu heard a very small voice.

"Ye Chen, I was kidnapped, come and save me."

"What? Kidnapped?"

Later, Tang Lu posted a position on Ye Chen's WeChat.

Ye Chen frowned.

He felt that things were strange. If Tang Lu was really kidnapped, the kidnappers would definitely take her mobile phone. How could she make calls.

However, since Tang Lu asked for help, Ye Chen would definitely go take a look.

Ye Chen looked at the car and drove directly to the address.

Tang Lu opened the door, and two bodyguards reached out and stopped her.

"Miss, you can't go out without the master's order."

Tang Lu closed the door angrily.

You are too naive to want to keep me here.

She glanced at the bed sheet and thought about it!

Ten minutes later, Tang Lu saw Ye Chen's car approaching.

She hurriedly tied the bed sheet to one end of the heater, and she slid down the bed sheet from the window.

Ye Chen saw Tang Lu sliding down the sheets from afar.

He quickly stepped on the accelerator to accelerate.

The bodyguards at the door were all demobilized special forces soldiers. They heard noises in the house and hurriedly opened the door.

The window was open, and the eldest lady ran along the window.

The expressions of the two special soldiers changed, and they went straight down the window and chased them.

Ye Chen saw Tang Lu desperately running in his direction, while the two men in black chased after him.

Damn, is Tang Lu really in danger?

Ye Chen quickly rushed to Tang Lu's body and pulled Tang Lu into the car.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

Tang Lu said, "These two men in black want to kidnap me and threaten my father. Fortunately, you are here."

Ye Chen asked curiously: "Your father is rich?"

Tang Lu nodded: "It's a showdown. My father is the boss of a listed company, and I'm the rich second generation."

"Well, it's so awesome." Ye Chen was taken aback.

Tang Lu glanced at Ye Chen and said, "By the way, Ye Chen, you lied to me?"

"Lied to you? When did I lied to you?" Ye Chen pretended to be innocent.

"You are the hero of "The Mermaid", I have watched the news."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, I have a showdown too, I am indeed a movie star."

Tang Lu said excitedly: "Hum, you dare to lie to me, you have to compensate me well."

"How to compensate?" Ye Chen asked.

Tang Lu thought about it and said, "I'm homeless now, you have to take me in?"

"Aren't you the rich second generation? It's so dangerous now, you should contact your family."

"Now our house must be targeted by the bad guys, so if you contact the house, the bad guys will find out."

Ye Chen stared at Tang Lu: "Honestly tell the truth, or I will send you home now."

Tang Lu knew that she couldn’t play anymore and said, "My dad will not let me be a nurse, and he said that he will marry me to a rich second generation I have never seen before, but I don’t like any rich second generation at all, so I escaped. Yes, Ye Chen, you must help me."

Seeing Tang Lu's pitiful look, Ye Chen sighed.

That's right, I have to help with this favor.

Ye Chen has always opposed this kind of arranged marriage, and Tang Lu is also a friend of hers, how could she not be saved.

"Well, then you live in our house."

Anyway, Ye Chen's house is big and live with a girl!

Tang Lu looked at the evil smile on Ye Chen's face and said with caution, "Do you have any bad thoughts?

Ye Chen said innocently: "How is it possible, I am a little brother Didi with positive energy."

Tang Lu snorted coldly: "Hmph, I learned how to solve planing in medical school, so you have to dare to have bad thoughts."

With that, Tang Lu looked between Ye Chen's legs.

Ye Chen felt chilly.

Tang Lu snorted and laughed: "Haha, what about you? I don't know how to use a scalpel when I learn nursing, and it's too much trouble to use a scalpel, so I can do it directly with a pair of scissors."

Ye Chen: "..."

"Are you going to work in the hospital?" Ye Chen asked.

"I can't go for the time being. I've asked for leave with the head nurse. By the way, I can cook and clean. Brother Ye Chen, take me in, and I will be your maid, OK?"


In Ye Chen's mind came the alluring scene of Tang Lu wearing a maid outfit.

This can be!

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