Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:29 PM

Chapter 970: 970

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Aisha pretended to be dizzy, but many people actually noticed it.

In fact, many girls in the live broadcast room feel that if it were them, they would definitely not want to wake up in the face of such a handsome guy.

"I don't think so, it must be because the girl didn't wake up."

"That's right, it's not necessary."

"You girls are really too much, you will guess at random, who will make fun of life."

Many boys in the live broadcast defended Aisha.

For a time.

There was a quarrel in the live broadcast room.

The boys thought that Aisha was really poisoned.

But the girls thought that Aisha was actually pretending to wake up a long time ago.

For this problem, boys and girls quarrel very hard.

The direction of the entire live broadcast is biased.

It turned out that Ye Chen should be the focus of saving the girl, but now that she has become a girl, is she really fainted?

Ye Chen was also a little confused.

He has used a lot of strength, but he hasn't even woken up yet.

This is not in line with common sense.

Ye Chen raised his head and glanced at Aisha who was still unconscious.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Aisha's sniff.

Aisha is breathing, and the rate of breathing is still very fast, very rough.

Is this a fast heartbeat?

Ye Chen found that Aisha not only had a heartbeat, but also that her heartbeat was even faster than ordinary people's.

what's going on.

According to reason, this girl should wake up with this breathing rate.

Could it be said that he has inhaled too much poisonous gas, and his head is still not awake.

In short, Ye Chen was sure that Aisha must be awake.

So he listened.

Now he just waited for 120 to come over.

After all, it is very tiring to do artificial respiration all the time.

He stood up, feeling his head really dizzy.

Aisha just enjoyed it.

Suddenly found that the feeling of enjoyment disappeared.

What's going on here?

"Little brother, why don't you do artificial respiration."

"Could it be that he is reluctant to do artificial respiration?"

"Don't stop, brother, I still want to enjoy it."

Ye Chen stopped, Aisha was very lost.

In order to better observe Ye Chen, Aisha had to open her eyes.

Seeing Ye Chen on the side, Aisha was stunned.

Oh my God, this little brother is so handsome.

This is so stylish.

Although it was uncomfortable to pretend to be dizzy just now, it was really worth it.

This handsome guy, don't blame me for pretending to be dizzy, you are so handsome.

A smile slipped over Aisha's mouth, and she was very happy.

There was a dead silence in the live broadcast room.

Because Aisha forgot that she was broadcasting.

And her little movements were clearly seen by the audience.

Really hammered, this young lady was actually pretending to be dizzy.

"Oh my god, this foreign lady just opened her eyes, she even smiled triumphantly."

"This is too much, we were all deceived by him."

"I was still defending my little sister just now, because it turned out to be a routine."

"I feel that my soul has been hit a hundred times harder."

Those innocent men in the live broadcast room just cried.

Why, why you can do whatever you want if you are handsome.

Such a good thing, why not me?

At this time, those little girls were proud of it.

"Let's say that girl just pretended, you still don't believe it."

"This face is slapped, right?"

"Let me just say it, people have been awake long ago, but you just don't believe it."

"You innocent boys are too naive, I don't know that our girls have a needle in the sea."

"This time you know why the girl is reluctant to wake up. This girl must be because that boy is so handsome and greedy for the boy's body."

"Hey, if that girl is so good, I can be kissed by this handsome guy for so long.

"Hey, why isn't it me, I'm really sour."

In the live broadcast room, the girl wailed.

They all envy that foreign girl.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, sir, you just reported 120. Our ambulance has arrived at the gate of the community. Can you tell me the location?"

Miss nurse's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, I will take this young lady with me now."

Ye Chen hung up the phone.

He stood up, picked up Asia and walked outside.

Aisha's house is decorated very special, with a glass partition opposite.

Maybe he was too anxious, Ye Chen didn't pay attention, and directly ran into the glass partition.


Aisha's head hit the glass heavily.

Originally Aisha was pretending to be dizzy, but this collision turned out to be dizzy.

Aisha was about to cry to death.

I am the body of the greedy little brother, how come I was really knocked out.

But I don't want to faint now.

Although she didn't want to faint, Aisha fainted when she felt black in front of her eyes.

Ye Chen looked embarrassed.

I was just anxious and walked too carelessly.

Only then did he realize that there was a glass door in front of him.

Sister is really sorry, I didn't want to hit you, don't blame me.

Although Ye Chen was embarrassed, he was also very fortunate.

Fortunately, this sister is dizzy.

Otherwise, it is estimated that my sister will die of depression.

Ye Chen didn't know, but Aisha was awake just now.

"Haha, I was so ridiculous, this sister really fainted."

"This is the end of a man pretending to be sick."

"This retribution is too unprepared, right? My heart just hurt suddenly feels very comfortable."

"This time, this young lady is really dizzy."

"I'm so ridiculous. It's the first time I saw this show operation."

"This turning point really makes me happy."

In the live broadcast room, those netizens almost turned over with laughter.

This scene is really funny.

The foreign girl pretended to be dizzy just now, but she didn't expect to be really dizzy this time.

There is a saying, "You won't die if you don't sit down."

The huge contrast made all netizens laugh crazy.

"Haha, this little courier brother is so cute."

"This must be rewarded."

"Haha, I found this little courier brother is really too cute."

"This must be rewarded."

The netizens in the live broadcast room began to reward Ye Chen.

Ye Chen never dreamed that such a show operation would have won so many rewards.

Ye Chen hugged Aisha and walked out of the community.

Sure enough, there was an ambulance parked at the gate of the community.

Ye Chen handed Aisha directly to the nurse.

The nurse pushed Aisha into the ambulance.

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief as he watched the ambulance leaving Wu Howling.

Hey, I am so caring.

This time, another girl was saved.

Ye Chen felt that this was what he should do to save the dying and heal the wounded.

After all, I have a system, so the greater the so-called ability, the greater the responsibility.

Ye Chen just remembered that he was still broadcasting.

He said to the audience in front of the screen: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching my live broadcast. I am going to download it."

Ye Chen smiled, and suddenly the girls in front of the screen were fascinated.

"Handsome guy, I'm on the air for a while, I haven't watched it enough yet."

"Don't play the anchor, I am willing to give you a reward."

"Let me see the handsome little brother again."

Ye Chen still has things, and of course he won't continue to broadcast.

"Dear viewers 888, we will see you next time."

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