Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:28 PM

Chapter 971: 971

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As soon as Ye Chen broadcasted it, the phone rang.

Take a look at it turned out to be Su Qing's call.

"Xiaoqing, what happened?" Ye Chen asked.

At this point in time, Su Qing called him, and there must be something wrong with the company.

"Ye Chen, there is an accident in the company, please come quickly." Su Qing said anxiously on the phone.

Su Qing has always been a prudent person, and this situation must be something serious in the company.

Ye Chen didn't dare to delay for a moment. He rode an electric car to the express delivery point, and then drove his car towards the company.

Seeing Ye Chen coming back, the store manager Li Dafu was also a little surprised: "Ye Chen, what happened?"

"Manager Li, please send these couriers for me. I will leave if I have something to do." After Ye Chen said this, he started the sports car and left.

Lyken rushed forward like an arrow from the string, and Li Dafu could only see the rear lights.

Ye Chen said that Li Dafu was not angry, after all, Ye Chen was the boss.

He could only do so. This afternoon, Li Dafu delivered all the express delivery that Ye Chen did not deliver.

Ye Chen parked the car downstairs in the company and ran towards the building quickly.

When I came to the president's office, I saw Su Qing frowning. The opposite of her was Zheng Siyuan. There were many technicians standing beside her. Of course, this also contained the world-class hacker Ramo who was attracted by Ye Chen.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Chen asked, "Xiaoqing, what happened?"

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry, there is a problem with the system." Su Qing said a little ashamed.

Zheng Siyuan also said with a solemn expression: "Ye Dong, I don’t know where another hacker has appeared again, constantly attacking our security system. Now we are a bit unable to hold on. If we continue to do this, the system will If it is breached, the commercial secrets in it will be leaked, and our company will surely suffer heavy losses."

"How far is it now?" Ye Chen asked.

"The hacker has already breached the sixth layer of our security system. If the system continues to defend it, it will fail." Zheng Siyuan said helplessly.

Ye Chen frowned when he heard this. If he could do this, then this hacker is not ordinary, and it can be said to be a world-class hacker.

For some reason, after seeing Ye Chen's arrival, Su Qing's nervousness was relieved, and she seemed to see a savior.

Even in Su Qing's mind, as long as Ye Chen is involved in this matter, it will definitely be resolved satisfactorily.

And last time, didn't Ye Chen also defeated the hacker named Ramo?

Su Qing believed that this time was no exception, so she didn't speak any more, just watched how Ye Chen handled and resolved it quietly.

"Can you hold on?" Ye Chen asked.

Now the opponent has breached the sixth layer of security defense, and has no intention of stopping, and is attacking toward the seventh layer with great momentum.

"Mola, can you defend and fight back?" Ye Chen asked Ramo, who was sweating and trying to defend.

In fact, Ramo is his hacker name, and the person's real name is actually Mora.

Ramo had a solemn expression, gritted his back molars, and said, "I can't hold on anymore. The opponent's strength and level are obviously above me."

Upon hearing this, Su Qing's eyes widened.

Ramo has been able to rank among the best on the hacker list, but the opponent is actually stronger than him, what a terrifying existence it would be.

Ye Chen frowned and asked, "Can you trace the other party?"

Ramo sighed and shook his head: "The opponent's strength is far above me, so I can't capture his information."

"Strange! Why should a world-class hacker attack the Yida Group opponents, and Ye Chen has no enemies outside, why would anyone oppose him?" Ye Chen was a little puzzled.

"Ye Chen, I don't understand, why are world-class hackers attacking our security system, and we have no grievances with them?" Su Qing said the question in her heart.

"I think someone must have paid for it."

These hackers are all looking at money, as long as someone is willing to pay.

After all, there is such a saying that being rich can make ghosts intimidate, and it is not false at all.

Su Qing said with an angrily expression: "Then who is behind the scenes?"

"The research and development of Shadow Shield is nearing completion. Once this research and development project is successful, it will lead the country. In the future, Internet-related industries will definitely give priority to our group."

"The successful development of this project will bring huge benefits to the group."

Although Su Qing was angry, she was very calm, making Ye Chen even more sure that she didn't choose the wrong person.

The group originally belonged to Ye Chen, but for his own selfish desires, he let Su Qing work hard for him day and night.

Ye Chen felt that it was time for him to take action. If Su Qing couldn't solve the problem, he would take care of it.

"We abandon the seventh layer and start to use the eighth layer of defense." Ye Chen thought for a moment and gave orders.

Upon hearing this, Ramo and Zheng Siyuan were also surprised and said: "Ye Dong, if you give up the seventh layer, it means that a considerable part of customer information will be leaked."

Ye Chen did not hesitate, and said firmly with his expression: "Hurry up, do what I said, don't delay for a moment, any losses that occur will be borne by me."

Zheng Siyuan knew that he couldn't persuade Ye Chen, so he could only pin his hopes on Su Qing.

"President Su, this is indeed a bit improper."

Su Qing said immediately: "Just do what Ye Dong said."

Seeing Su Qing also standing on Ye Chen's side, Zheng Siyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Give up the seventh layer and activate the eighth layer of defense."

In just a moment, all the technicians withdrew from the defense work of the seventh layer, and the operation program quickly opened the eighth layer.

After seeing everyone's actions, Ye Chen issued orders again: "Hurry up and copy all the data to the twelfth floor."

"But, but the twelfth floor is not perfect, it's just a testing stage, and there are many errors in it." Zheng Siyuan was also taken aback after hearing this instruction.

You must know that the twelfth layer of security defense is not perfect. If the operation is improper, it is very likely that all data will be lost.

"Hurry up and do what I said." Ye Chen said.

Before Zheng Siyuan could react, Ramo and the other technicians all copied the data and then transmitted it to the twelfth layer that Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen looked at the speed of the opponent's attack and the copy of the technical staff, staring at the current situation intently.

Although the expression on his face was calm, he was still a little nervous, and even his heart was pounding.

This is a critical moment, which is faster than anyone else's speed.

Seeing the data bar walking slowly, everyone held their breath, and even the room was quiet. Choose

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