Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:26 PM

Chapter 972: 972

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Seeing the progress bar moving slowly, everyone held their breath.

The same voice uttered in my heart: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

The office was extremely quiet, and everyone was praying.

Now it is a critical period. Failure has suffered heavy losses, and the crisis has been temporarily lifted after success.


Suddenly, everyone cheered.

Ye Chen took the laptop and went directly to the eighth floor.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is just the beginning, and there will be a good show next."

The finger tapped on the keyboard and quickly entered the eighth layer.

In the abandoned factory in Country M, a man with a sharp-mouthed monkey-gill was looking at the computer, his fingers were tapping the keyboard, and there were two computers beside him.

"Master Xiao, we have done it easily as you said. If you have this kind of thing in the future, you can just ask me to satisfy you."

The man in the suit did not speak, but smoked quietly.

"The seventh floor has been breached. Are these data going to be destroyed?" Miller asked, looking at the man in the suit opposite.

The man shook the ashes and said, "Don't worry, you can back it up for me first."

"Yes, Master Xiao, don't worry about my work."

While talking, Miller had already started data backup.

At the same time, his fingers tapped another computer, preparing to attack the ninth floor.

What surprised him was that the eighth floor was so easy to break through, and he did it with no effort.

When Ramo faced Miller's attack, he didn't even have any counterattack.

But as soon as Ye Chen shot, Miller's defeat was even faster than him.

Ye Chen once told him that he was the number one existence in the world's hacker rankings.

For someone as strong as Ye Chen, Ramo was convinced to lose.

In Ramo's heart, he admired Ye Chen, and even regarded him as an idol.

In the world of hackers, the strong are respected. Only such a strong person can be respected and admired by hackers.

Thinking of this, Ramo was excited and motivated.

He knew very well why Ye Chen wanted to transfer the data.

Because only when the data is transferred, can all the eighth layer programs be destroyed without any scruples.

Miller is a very conceited person, and he has been able to break through without hindrance. He is now full of confidence and even a little proud.

For the eighth layer to break through so easily, he will definitely relax his vigilance, thinking that the opponent's strength is too weak to compete with it.

Ye Chen took advantage of this, and when his vigilance became weak, he took the opportunity to implant the pre-arranged virus into Miller's computer remotely.

In this way, Ye Chen can remotely control Miller's computer.

The reason why Miller can break through so easily is to allow time to be fully prepared to give the opponent a powerful blow.

Ramo admired Ye Chen from his heart.

He had already thought about waiting until the crisis was resolved, he must worship Ye Chen as a teacher and learn from him.

Su Qing was also relieved when she saw the situation before her. It seemed that the crisis would be resolved soon.

She looked at Ye Chen in her eyes full of admiration, this kind of admiration was even like the endless waters of the Yangtze River.

Ye Chen lifted Su Qing's cold little hands, looked at Zheng Siyuan with a serious expression, and said, "Manager Zheng, come with us."

Although Su Qing didn't know why Ye Chen did this, she still followed Ye Chen out.

The three people walked towards the meeting room.

When they came to the conference room, Ye Chen and Su Qing sat on their seats, while Zheng Siyuan, who followed them, stood there.

"Manager Zheng, sit down too." Su Qing ordered.

Zheng Siyuan didn't sit down, but looked at Su Qing and asked, "Mr. Su, what on earth is there for me, if I'm not in a hurry, I'll go help first. There is still a shortage of manpower over there."

"Go to sabotage?" Ye Chen, who had been silent for a long time, said suddenly.

"Ye Dong, you laughed, how could it be possible? Although I am the manager of this project, I have to work with them."

"Furthermore, Ramo just came to our company. I am afraid that he will be unconvinced in his heart, and he will have different intentions," Zheng Siyuan said with a smile.

His gaze left Ye Chen's body and looked at Su Qing.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chen's mouth: "Not necessarily Manager Zheng, how do I feel that Ramo is more loyal to the company than you?"

"Ye Dong, don't look at Ramona kid's appearance on the surface, but he actually has ideas in his heart, but he's not willing to work here all the time."

Zheng Siyuan explained.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "How do I feel that what you said is wrong? If you have an idea, Manager Zheng has more ideas."

"Ye Dong, what do you mean by this?" Zheng Siyuan said with a gloomy expression.

"Let me just say it, Manager Zheng is really shrewd, how else could he have been lurking in the group for such a long time without being noticed?" Ye Chen said calmly.

Su Qing heard this, with a shocked expression on her face.

She didn't understand why Ye Chen suddenly said such words, and she also said that Manager Zheng was a lurker.

Ye Chen took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Su Qing with a smile: "I just copied the recording here."

Su Qing took the U disk and plugged it into the computer, still looking at Zheng Siyuan.

Zheng Siyuan seemed to have been wronged by the heavens, with a grieved expression and said: "President Su, you have to trust me."

"President Su, you also know that I have been working in the company for so many years, and I have always worked hard for the company, and how much effort I have put in for this project, you should be clear in your heart."

Su Qing ignored Zheng Siyuan, but said coldly: "It's true or false, and the truth will be revealed soon."

"Manager Zheng, if you are wronged, Dong Ye and I will naturally explain to you."

Su Qing glanced at Zheng Siyuan with a calm expression and said.

At this moment, nothing could be seen from Zheng Siyuan's face.

As the saying goes, knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing their hearts.

Only in the presence of evidence, is it convincing to refute.

Zheng Siyuan's eyes dodged, rubbing his hands and said, "Ye Dong, Su, those who are clear are those who are turbid and those who are turbid."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Manager Zheng, don't worry, I hope you can say something like this after you listen to the recording."

During the conversation between Ye Chen and Zheng Siyuan, Su Qing clicked on the play button, and Zheng Siyuan's voice came out.

"No, the news I got is true and there will be no problems."

"Master Xiao, this is the information you want. What about the reward you promised to give me before?"


"Master Xiao, don't worry, I have given Ramo the situation of the group, and he knows what to do."

"As long as he can overcome the security system, I can easily copy all the data to you. Even if someone notices it, I have a scapegoat and will not be implicated at all."

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